10 Year Anniversary, Celebration Day 2 ~ Character Spotlights


Well, it’s day two of celebrations here and my foray into vlogging. Your kind words have been so lovely – thank you. Today I’m chatting about my character spotlight features, how they began, and who inspired them. There is another wonderful giveaway at the bottom of the page, thanks to Tyndale House. Be sure to enter for your chance to win this 7 book bundle of exceptional reads. Each giveaway lasts a week, so winners will be announced then. I can talk on and on about books but if there is anything you would like me to chat about in my vlogs this week, pop it in a comment below.

Hope you are having a wonderful day, dear reader friends!

Rachel Hauck

10 years ago…

I was writing….

Diva Nashvegas now Nashville Sweetheart! Wow… time flies.

And here’s my review from June, 2007!

My favourite thing to wear was…

As always, shorts and flip flops.

My most beloved book to read was…

Oh no! That’s too hard. Anything chicklit.

I was dreaming about…

Writing more books!


Rach & I – ACFW 2016


I am writing…

My 24th book, The Writing Desk

My favourite thing to wear is…

Same! Shorts and flip flops.

My most beloved book to read is…

Still not fair, but I’ll say Beatriz Williams A Hundred Summers.

My new dream is…

To write more books.

As you look back over the past decade, how has God inspired/transformed/challenged you? 

He’s proven to me over and over He’s “got this.” He loves me and is in control, having my best in mind. That my biggest blunder is not beyond Him. I don’t have to be perfect because He already is!

What would you like to say to your readers?

From the bottom of my heart, thank you!!! I know there are so many good books to choose from, written by talented, talented authors. So picking one my stories to spend time with is a huge honor. Cyber hugs to all of you.

Rach – thanks so much for brainstorming with me on the character spotlights! You have been a wonderful encourager over the years and I’ve loved featuring you in some way on the blog…thirty-one times, in fact!

Here’s the spotlight that started them all… Rachel’s Elle Garvey from Love Starts with Elle!

Connect with Rachel

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Giveaway #2 contains one copy of each of the following novels:

The Undoing of Saint Silvanus, Beth Moore

The Occupied, Craig Parshall

Catching Heat, Janice Cantore

Land of Silence, Tessa Afshar

Lead Me Home, Amy Sorrells

The Promise of Jesse Woods, Chris Fabry

The Alliance, Jolina Petersheim

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114 Responses to 10 Year Anniversary, Celebration Day 2 ~ Character Spotlights

  1. I love bio pics, so I will say Luther and Katherina by Jody Hedlund. Maybe a young Mel Gibson as Martin Luther.

  2. Land of Silence. Played by an unknown actress, so we don’t identify with a big star. TY for the chance. God bless!

  3. Embers & Ashes series by T.K. Chapin as it would be four movies about firefighters, faith-based. Who would play the parts…oh my, I’m a reader not a tv watcher so I’m not sure I know actors enough to say who I’d like to play the parts :/
    Love the opportunities for the giveaways…so many, such fun!
    Happy Reading all!

  4. There is no way to narrow down the books I would love to see made in to movies!

    • Completely agree!

    • Completely agree! Too many books to choose. Have gotten out of the habit of reading lots so I’m not good at this. Sigh.
      Love the suggestion of the O’Malley series. And Mr. Knights.
      I also am pretty clueless as to many current actors and actresses so I will pass on the suggestions.
      Oh, Vanetta Chapman’s murder mysteries.

  5. Another wonderful vlog entry, Rel! You’re fabYOUlous!

  6. Rachel, we are twinning. Shorts and flip flops are my favorite attire too! 🙂

    Rel, I didn’t realize you had a link to character spotlights. I got a little distracted looking through those for a bit. 🙂 I love the photos in the character spotlights. While I don’t read the descriptions until I’ve read a book, I do enjoy the photos before reading the novel.

    Such a tough question as there are so many worthy choices!! I’m going to go with a romantic comedy and say In Good Company by Jen Turano. I would cast Reese Witherspoon as Millie and Owen Wilson as Everett.

  7. I would love to see The Alliance made into a movie with Sandra Bullock and Brad Pitt.

  8. Would love to see Dani Pettrey’s book Silenced 🙂
    Jake – Timothy Olyphant
    Kayden – Cote de Pablo

  9. Rel,

    It’s been so fun to be on this journey with you. Glad the character spotlight worked out so well.

    Staci, ha! Gotta keep it comfy.

    Blessings to you Rel!!


  10. What I love about the “one take” thing is that it’s just exactly like sitting in your lounge room with you. I love that your blogs are exactly true to who you are.

    What I’d love to hear about is what ingredients make a good review? And what, in a review, makes you cringe?

  11. Congratulations on making 10 years. The first review I wrote was when I was young, for the church newsletter. I had read a biography of Fanny Crosby. I’m sure it was more of a summary than a review.

  12. Movie? God, there have been so many books I’d like to see made into movies. Hmm, Mark of the Lion by Francine Rivers, Discarded Heroes by Ronie Kendig & The Ballantyne Legacy by Laura Frantz. Well, I couldn’t pick one, so those three are my top series at the moment 😉

    I already know no movie would do the books justice, but how how fun it wouldn’t it be if they were made into awesome movies. I have zero idea who could play them, haven’t thought that far out.

  13. REL, thank you for another fabulous video! Books are better than movies! 😉

  14. The “Mark of the Lion” series by Francine Rivers has always been a powerful set of novels and could be a great set of movies. I don’t know that a big named actor or actress would be necessary just so that the focus is on the story, not a pretty face.

  15. Congrats on 10 years. Can’t think of one off the top of my head.

  16. I have read so many books that I would love to be seen made into a movie! One of them would be Kissing Adrian by Siri Mitchell! Maybe Jennifer Garner would be in it and an unknown younger actress to play the lead. Would love to see more faith based movies from inspirational books!

  17. Congratulations on 10 years! I’d like to see Almost Heaven by Chris Fabry made into a movie. I too would like to see unknown actors cast so that the focus could be on the story not the stars.

  18. Oh Rel! I can’t pick just one but I will say that I always find myself looking up youtube clips for unfamiliar accents and languages that are in the books I read. I want to experience the book as authentically as possible 😉 I don’t like the way movies are always so much different than the books, much shorter and often the story line is changed.

    • Beth Erin » Wow – what a fun idea, Beth Erin. So what’s been your favourite accent/character so far?!

      • Some of my favorites are Irish, Scots, Brits, and Aussies but I also appreciate a good southern drawl, the many accents of new England (especially Maine and Boston), and really anytime a bilingual character lapses into another language (or dialect) in a moment of passion (rage or romantic).
        I’m not so good at the whole picking one favorite of anything, lol! I love listening to the sound of your voice, Rel! So sweet and soothing 😀

  19. I’d like to see Dear Mr. Knightley as a movie.

  20. The vlogs are awesome!! It’s like sitting and chatting with you in your library.

  21. That’s too hard of a question to answer. I generally don’t like books made in to movies because it spoils the way i see things in my mind and doesn’t do the book justice

  22. Just because it’s fresh in my mind since I finished the most recent book – I would say the Walker family series by Melissa Tagg. They are so endearing and realistic to me.

  23. For awhile now I have wanted Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers to be made into a movie. I had heard they were doing some research, but nothing has come into play yet. I’m terrible with actors/actresses so I have no idea in that regard.

  24. How can you just pick one book??? Ok, I would actually like to this made into a TV series so I could watch frequently.

    Dee Henderson’s O’Malley series
    Kate–Evangeline Lilly
    Marcus–Aaron Eckhart
    Lisa–Jaime King
    Jack–Ryan Gosling
    Rachel–Keri Russell
    Stephen–Ryan Eggold
    Jennifer–Hilary Duff

  25. Congratulations on ten years! Hmm, a book made into a movie? I absolutely loved The Girl From The Train by Irma Joubert. It’s a beautiful ww2 story. As far as actors go, I really don’t know. It would have to be a little petite blonde. I’m at a loss for the hero. Lol!

  26. Thank you for this great opportunity. Love these books.

  27. Right now, I think I’d really enjoy seeing one (or all?) of Melissa Tagg’s or Dani Pettrey’s books made into a movie. I’m terribly indecisive when it comes to picking out actors/actresses for the roles, though, so I’m not even going to try! haha! ;P

  28. So hard to narrow it down to one book 🙂
    I’d love to see Ronie Kendig’s Quiet Professionals series made into movies. No idea on the actors sorry…

  29. Congrats, Rel!

    I would love to see Julie Lessman´s A Passion Redeemed! Emily Blunt could make a great Charity and Chris Pine might be nice Mitch! 🙂

  30. There are many great books that could be made into a movie, but my favorite one would be Harvest of Rubies by Tessa Afshar.
    Actors is a really hard choice, I can’t think of anyone to right now.

  31. Oh geez! Too hard to pick! Lately I’ve been loving regency romances, so I’d love to see one of those as a movie. Although they’re probably too ‘clean’ for anyone to want to do that. And I’d choose Theo James as the main guy and me as the lady. Lol!

  32. Since I just finished reading Ronie Kendig’s “Operation Zulu Redemption” I would LOVE to see it in movie form, and the people she has already picked as models for each character would be perfect. Another great vlog, Rel, and your one takes are spot-on. They make it much more authentic and intimate and your book enthusiasm is contagious.

    • Amy » You make me smile – thank you for your encouragement. I have been tempted a time or two to edit something out, but we don’t do that when we are talking face to face so I’m leaving it as the one take 🙂 And yay for Zulu! Did you love it? Who was your favourite character?!

      • I did LOVE it! So much that I’ve read it twice back-to-back. I sent Mrs. Kendig an embarrassingly gushy e-mail about how much I enjoyed it and BEGGED her to write more in this series. As to my favorite character… I’ll have to divide it up by male (Sam) and female (Teya). The way Sam did everything in his power to find Annie had me begging for a Navy SEAL pursuer of my own. And Teya…she went from an Amish wannabe (and you know perfectly well how I feel about that!) to a lethal weapon to be reckoned with. My heart rate elevated enough that I could’ve skipped the gym while reading it.

  33. Joshilyn Jacksion’s The Opposite of Everyone with Ruth Negga (Agents of Shield) as Paula…

  34. All of them! Haha! Thanks for the giveaway opportunities. 🙂

  35. I would like to see the series of books Song of Acadia by Janette Oke and Davis Bunn made into a movie. The books were soo good.
    I would not know who to choose for actors.

  36. Books are always better than the movie, but Redeeming Love would be a great choice for a movie. Congrats on 10 years!

  37. I would love to see any of Jenny B. Jones’ books made into movies! Particularly “In Between” or “There you will find me.” Either Lily James or Emilia Clarke would be fun to see in these types of roles!

  38. That’s a really hard question to answer. Maybe The Wedding series by Rachel Hauck. I have no idea who I would cast to be in the movie.

  39. I think most of Charles Martin’s books would make good movies, I hear that ‘The Mountain Between Us’ is in the works!

  40. Such great books!

  41. Rel,
    Thanks for putting this together. I LOVE hearing about all these wonderful authors!

  42. I’d love to see any of Julie Lessman’s books made into a movie – I’d have to give thought to actors/actresses to play the part of her characters, one that immediately comes to mind is Julianne Hough. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway opportunity, Rel!!

  43. I would love to see Dee Henderson the O’Malley Series into a movie 🎥 or her True Valor series! Talk about yummy heroes!😉

  44. I just finished the Lady and the Lionheart and would love to see that on screen! Off the top of my head, I’m thinking Emma Watson and Chris Hemsworth for the main roles 🙂

  45. OK.. This is way too hard. I took a few days to think this over. There are way too many. Currently, Home on the Range by Ruth Logan Herne and Sarah’s Orphans by Vannetta Chapman have really stayed in my mind even on a visual basis. However, I really can’t decide who I want to play the main roles. I switch around a lot! Since they’re more contemporary, I’ll choose a historical which I can really see playing on the big screen. Rachel McMillan’s A Lesson in Love and Murder, wait that’s the sequel. I would start with A Bachelor Girl’s Guide to Murder. It’ll be fun!

  46. I would love Lisa T. Bergren’s River of Time series to become a film series. Not sure on cast though

  47. I loved Land of Silence and The Alliance ! I have not read the others yet but want to.
    As for who I would pick to play the character parts, i really don’t know as I don’t really watch much tv or watch many movies.

  48. Beverly Duell-Moore

    Great books! I don’t really know who Id pick to play the roles. I’d choose “The Auschwitz Escape” for a movie.

  49. This is a wonderful grouping of good reads, Rachel Hauck is a talented author!

  50. Thanks for all the years of great blogs Rez. I have enjoyed following you and learning about all the great authors I enjoy reading. Congratulations on 10 years.

  51. Really, I’d love to see a trend where the new, best Christian fiction are made into movies, one right after another! That would be great. There are so many to choose from, but I really do like Dani Pettrey’s books, and I’d love to see her S series made into movies.

  52. Movies are never as good as the books, they leave too much out

  53. I think most of the suspense novels by Terri Blackstock, Diann Mills, or Irene Hannon would make great movies!

  54. There are so many books that I would like to see as movies, actually more like mini-series.

  55. There are so many truly good Christian authors I write incredibly great books. How do you choose? I would love to see movies, mini-series, Hallmark Channel, or any channel for that matter. DiAnn Mills, Janice Cantore, Tessa Ashfar, Ronie Kendig, Sarah Sundin, Vannetta Chapman, Kathy Herman, Irene Hannon, Beth Wiseman, just so many and I don’t want to leave anyone out.

  56. I’d like to see Ronie Kendig’s Discarded Heroes Series made into movies…..

  57. I would love to see Rachel Hauck’s Royal Wedding series made into a movie. For main characters I do not know who I would want to play the main characters

  58. I think the Mark of the Lion series would make a great movie series. I would cast Emmy Rossum as Hadassah. I’m not sure who’d I’d cast as Marcus.

  59. I would love to see the “River of Time” Series by Lisa T. Bergren in movie format. As for leading roles, I’m open. 🙂

  60. This is a hard one for me bc filmmakers usually ruin books (the movie reel I have in my head is so much better). I’m going to say The Flight of Gemma Hardy by Margot Livesey for the scenery – Iceland!

  61. I just finished my first book by Tessa Afshar and would love to read another.

  62. Melissa Tagg’s books would be great as movies I think. Especially her Walker family series. They would be fun to see!

  63. Ohh I’d love to see the Grand Tour series by Lisa T. Bergren in film. Not sure who I’d like to star in it though…hmmm. I really hope that she’ll be able to get the River of Time series made into film!! I know that she’s working at that right now.

  64. Kara Isaac’s books – CLose to You and Can’t Help Falling. Jen Turano’s A Class of Their Own Series, Jody Hedlund’s books. I am not good at picking actors to play the characters lol

  65. The Alliance by Jolina Petersheim ~ Moses played by Geoffrey Blake and Leora by Helen Hunt!
    Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

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