Darby Sparks has lived a very sheltered life. As a homeschool graduate, a small town resident, and the only child of two over-protective parents, she’s dreamed of chasing big dreams. But big dreams take big courage. So in a moment of uncharacteristic boldness, Darby leaves the only life she’s ever known and sets off for California to test her skills in Hollywood. It works…until she runs out of money. That wasn’t part of her spur-of-the-moment plan, and she finds herself stuck in an unfamiliar city with too much pride to call home for help.
With limited options, Darby finds herself working for dangerously hot Lennon Dixon, the owner of a downtown Los Angeles tattoo parlor. Lennon needs help and finds it in Darby. What he doesn’t expect is her odd aversion to his place of business…or his attraction to her. As for Darby, to call her new job unfamiliar is the world’s biggest understatement. But to call her mutual attraction to Lennon unexpected is a very close second.
Previously published as part of the Just One Summer collection.
Necee’s take:~
“It’s the one thing about him that has me perpetually confused. His exterior shouts dangerous tough guy. His interior whispers reflective, thoughtful poet. Two appealing contradictions that slam together and smash apart everything my parents taught me.”
Talk about breaking down stereotypes, in A Painted Summer, Matayo does just that. When Darby moves from her small town filled with fear, but a longing to break through that fear, everything seems to fall apart. When she’s on her last bit of money, she takes a chance and walks into a tattoo parlor needing a job. Lennox decides to take a chance on this new employee who seems afraid of everything. As their friendship develops, they both must conquer their preconceived notions. I really loved seeing how they both peel back the layers to see what is underneath the surface. The courage it takes to overcome your fears and do something new really can bring a whole new life and adventure.
“Fear is a powerful thing, but courage is stronger.”
Of course, we know not everyone has this fairytale experience of moving to the big city, but Darby and Lennox’s romance will tug at your heart. However, this novella has a deeper message, which I believe is truly important. It speaks to being courageous, standing up for your dreams, and breaking out of the shell everyone expects of you. It touched my heart and made me wish it was a full length novel, and yet being wholly satisfied at the end of the book. Thank you Matayo for always having a deeper message in your books that speaks to our heart and dreams.
I believe the reason this book spoke so much to me, is in many ways I was that girl. Growing up in a small town with little chance of making my dreams happen. I broke through my fears, moved and even joined the military. Since then, I have completed college, traveled abroad, and met the man who holds my heart. We are complete opposites, except in all the ways that count (like loving Jesus.) He just happens to have tattoos (wink to Matayo for that) and I have thoroughly enjoyed helping him choose those tattoos with a story behind each one. So this novella spoke to my heart and my dreams. Don’t be afraid to break through those fears and reach out for your dreams. Ask God to lead the way and you may just find more than you ever imagined.

Amy Matayo is an excellent speaker, mathematician, seamstress, chef…and liar. She’s decent at writing books but not much else. Then again, the book thing makes her marginally cool and a whole lot intimidating.
Not really. Not even her kids are afraid of her.
She graduated with barely passing grades from John Brown University with a degree in Journalism. But she’s proud of that degree and all the ways she hasn’t put it to good use.
She laughs often, cries easily, feels deeply, and loves hard. She lives in Arkansas with her husband and four kids and is working on her next novel.
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Buy from Amazon: A Painted Summer
March 2, 2021 at 4:39 am
This is a new author to me. Thank you for sharing. Blessings
March 14, 2021 at 7:24 am
She has so many amazing clean read novels that will capture your heart. Thank you for stopping by Leila.