The Inside Scoop! Julianna Deering and a giveaway

    The Inside Scoop! Julianna Deering and her murder mystery Dressed for Death Bethany House ******* I grew up in… Irving, Texas. The best thing about the house we lived in was...

Terri Blackstock: The Inside Scoop!

The Inside Scoop! Terri Blackstock and her suspense novel If I Run Zondervan ********* I grew up in…I grew up in the Air Force for the first eleven or twelve years of my life. I lived in...

The Reading Habits of Dani Pettrey and a giveaway

  The Reading Habits of Dani Pettrey ********   Are you a re-reader? Why, or why not? And if you are, what are some of the books you have read over and over? I am a re-reader of my...

With This Ring? ~ Meet the Characters and a giveaway

Meet the characters from  Karen Witemeyer, Mary Connealy, Regina Jennings, & Melissa Jagears’ historical novella collection With This Ring? Bethany House ********* The Story Four top...

Lynette Eason: The Inside Scoop! and a giveaway

The Inside Scoop! Lynette Eason and her romantic suspense Always Watching Revell ********* I grew up in… Greenville, South Carolina. I was inspired to write my first published novel by…...

Jody Hedlund: The Inside Scoop! and a giveaway

  The Inside Scoop!   Jody Hedlund and her historical romance Undaunted Hope Bethany House ********   I grew up in… Iowa, Colorado, Utah, and Wisconsin (in that order!). We...