Pop Quiz ~ Siri Mitchell

  Military spouse, mum to one, francophile, and sushi maker Historical writer The Messenger, Love’s Pursuit, A Heart Most Worthy, & more ~~~~~~~~ What did you do on/for your 13th...

Getting to know Ian Acheson

Get to know speculative fiction author Ian Acheson and his debut novel Angelguard Kregel ~~~~~~~~ If you could have chosen your own name, what would it be? I grew up not being too fond of Ian. I...

Pop Quiz ~ Lisa T. Bergren

Wife, mum, dreamer, editor, traveller Historical romance author Glamorous Illusions, Grave Consequences, Glittering Promises & much more… ~~~~~~~~ What did you do on/for your 13th...

Pop Quiz ~ Mary Connealy

Wife of a cowboy, mum to four daughters, educator, & Grandma Historical romantic comedy author ~ Swept Away, In Too Deep, Over the Edge & more… ~~~~~~~~ Rel:~ What did you do on/for...

Lisa Wingate ~ Pop Quiz

Wife, mother, journalist, columnist and inspirational speaker Contemporary romance author:~ Firefly Island, Blue Moon Bay, Larkspur Cove and more…   What did you do on/for your 13th...

Pop Quiz ~ Dani Pettrey

 Wife, homeschooling mum, adventurer, & dark chocolate devotee   Romantic suspense author  Alaskan Courage series   Rel:~ What did you do on/for your 13th birthday? Dani:~What a...