Book trailer for Tricia Goyer’s Beside Still Waters

Prolific author, Tricia Goyer, forges a new partnership with B&H Fiction with her first Amish novel, Beside Still Waters which releases in the new...

Facelift by Leanna Ellis ~ Tracy’s Take with giveaways

Publisher’s Synopsis: Kaye Redmond, a “can do” kind of woman, has the magical touch when it comes to staging houses to attract buyers. Her ability to make things...

Book trailer for Ginny Yttrup’s Words

Ginny Yttrup’s novel Words releases in February, 2011 from B&H Fiction. If this trailer doesn’t peak your interest nothing...

Character Spotlight ~ Leanna Ellis’ Cousin It

Cousin It Leanna Ellis brings a first to Relz Reviewz ~ a character spotlight of the animal kind! You will love this look at a mischievous Labradoodle based on Leanna’s canine friend. Enjoy...

A Shore Thing by Julie Carobini with giveaways

Synopsis:~ Callie Duflay just isn’t like the rest of her family. While they’ve built white collar lives, she prefers getting her hands dirty by working with children and local California...

Brandilyn Collins shares……….

If you love heart pounding suspense, Brandilyn Collins is the go to girl! Watch this video and see what she is up to ~ enjoy...