Coming in mid 2010 from B&H Fiction
If you have hung around here for any length of time, you will know I love the fiction B&H Fiction produce. With some of my favourite authors to release in 2010, I am delighted to share their...
Leanna Ellis ~ What’s Cooking?
Leanna Ellis
I recently made these biscuits with my kids. They are yummy and fun to make. Just a quick story about them first — My great Aunt Lois made these biscuits EVERY day. But she...
Character Spotlight ~ TL Higley’s Sophia & Bellus
Today the spotlight shines on………………….Sophia & Bellus
T L (Tracy) Higley’s Seven Wonders series is brilliant! I love the combination of adventure,...
Double Cross by James David Jordan & Open Giveaway
Raised by a father who was a former Special Forces officer, Taylor is beautiful and brilliant and knows how to take care of herself. But she is haunted by her past and the sacrifice her...