The Duchess and the Dragon by Jamie Carie

Imperious and commanding Drake Weston, the Earl of Warwick, is betrayed by his father from the grave. Shattered and infuriated, Drake finds himself running from the law after a fit of aggression...

Interview with Leanna Ellis

After achieving success in the ABA, Leanna Ellis is now finding her niche in the CBA with her flair for Southern storytelling of contemporary women’s fiction. Elvis Takes a Back Seat is a...

Shade ~ Coming soon from John B. Olson

John Olson’s upcoming release, Shade, is another book I can’t wait to read! I love John’s work ~ just imagine a guy who can write great action scenes and include just the right...

Elvis Takes a Back Seat by Leanna Ellis and Aussie Giveaway!

Dear Claudia, I’m waiting for the end. Can’t stop thinking. Elvis is in the basement. And he belongs in Memphis. He haunts me…. Stu Still grieving from her...