2013 Inspy Award Winners

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  2013 INSPY Awards Winners Announced JUNE 28, 2013—The INSPY Advisory Board announced today that the following books have been awarded INSPYs in their categories....

Coming in late 2013 from B&H Books

B & H Fiction is back with its usual range of genres and cover art!  Love the colours in A Plain Disappearance and Pamela’s is fabulous – evocative and representative of the...

Coming in late 2012 from B&H Fiction

Here’s some late 2012 releases from B&H Publishing for you to ponder!  Historical, suspense, Amish and more. Any catch your eye? A Duke’s Promise by Jamie Carie Award-winning...

Coming in late 2012 from B&H Fiction

Here’s some late 2012 releases from B&H Publishing for you to ponder!  Historical, suspense, Amish and more. Any catch your eye? A Duke’s Promise by Jamie Carie Award-winning...

Book trailers from B&H Fiction

There is no question in my mind that B&H Publishing have the best book trailers in the business!  Here are two, very different trailers, one short and one long, for 2012 releases for Maj....

Book trailers from B&H Fiction

There is no question in my mind that B&H Publishing have the best book trailers in the business!  Here are two, very different trailers, one short and one long, for 2012 releases for Maj. Jeff...