Flight Risk by Cara Putman
Savannah Daniels has worked hard to build her law practice, to surround herself with good friends, and to be the loyal aunt her troubled niece can always count on. But since her...
Cover Art Reveal: Coming in late 2018/early 2019 from Thomas Nelson
Thomas Nelson’s late 2018/early 2019 novels are arriving closer than we think as we bear down on the middle of this year! Is it just me that is finding the months rush past at a great clip?!...
Coming in late 2017/early 2018 from TNZ Fiction
Thomas Nelson and Zondervan, known as TNZ Fiction, have released not only late 2017 covers, but a couple of 2018 ones as well! TNZ Fiction are willing to reach outside the box these days, with cover...
Cover Art Reveal: Coming in early 2017 from Thomas Nelson & Zondervan
You can always rely on the folks at TNZ Fiction to come up with some terrific covers and even better stories, so here’s a look at their early 2017 offerings. Yep, 2017! It makes me a little...
Character Spotlight: Putman, Sundin, & Goyer’s Turner Siblings
Meet the Turner siblings in
Cara Putman, Sarah Sundin, & Tricia Goyer’s
WW2 Christmas Novella Collection
Where Treetops Glisten
Waterbrook Multnomah
The Stories
The crunch...