Indie Spotlight ~ Matayo, Tagg, Harrel, & Warren

No question some of the highest quality books I read these days are published independently by their authors. I love that authors have the freedom to use another way to quickly and easily get...

Cover Art & Book News: Bethany House, late 2021 releases

These beauties from Bethany House Fiction have been out and about for a while, but I love seeing them all together in one place and I hope you do too! I adore Amy Lynn Green’s cover...

Cover Art & Book News: Revell, late 2021

It’s been a while, my book loving friends, since I’ve posted a Cover art post, so there will be more to come in the days ahead! First up we have Revell’s late 2021 releases and...

Cover Art & Book News: Bethany House

There’s nothing quite like seeing a new batch of covers and stories to boost my book-loving heart, and don’t we need a boost these days. Bethany House’s early 2021 covers...

Cover Reveal: Ronie Kendig’s Dawn of Vengeance

I cannot tell you how over the moon I am about this cover, story, series, and author! Ronie Kendig’s talent is well known and her ability to weave epic stories is second to none, but she...

Cover Art & Book News: Indie & Small Press Victorian and Regency Romance

As you know, I discovered the joys of Mimi Matthew’s Victorian and Regency romances late last year and have indulged in all of her books since. They are beautifully penned with gorgeous...