Coming in 2011 from Thomas Nelson

Can you see me jumping up and down? Loving the look of these books from Thomas Nelson and some of my favourite authors 🙂 Denise Hunter’s A Convenient Groom and Surrender Bay are being...

RBC Book Club with Jenny B Jones

After reading Jenny B Jones’ debut adult contemporary novel last year, Just Between You and Me, I decided immediately to select it for my book club in 2010. Reading Jenny’s tweets always...

Character spotlight ~ Jenny B Jones’ Maggie Montgomery

Today the spotlight shines on…………..Maggie Montgomery Jenny B Jones has been delighting YA readers with her fresh and funny novels from her Charmed Life and Katie Parker...

Just Between You and Me by Jenny B Jones

Synopsis:~ Maggie lives life on the edge, seemingly unafraid of anything. But the image she so carefully constructed is coming undone. Maggie’s job as a videographer takes her around the world....

On the Loose by Jenny B. Jones ~ Chloe-Anne’s take

Katie Parker is actually getting used to life as a normal teenager. She loves the new life her foster parents James and Millie have given her and everything that comes with it. But will it stay like...