Character Spotlight ~ Lori Copeland’s Jules Matias

Jules Lori Copeland’s latest contemporary romance is great and I will have a review up shortly. In the meantime, enjoy this look behind the character, Jules Matias, a complex woman with...

Coming in late 2010 from Zondervan

Zondervan has some interesting books releasing towards the end of this year from a number of their most prolific authors and more. I thought you might like a peek 🙂 Naomi and her Daughters by...

Harvest House 2010 Releases

Whether you like apocalyptic thrillers, buggies and bonnets or historical romance, Harvest House Publishers have got you covered in 2010! Here’s a look at some of the stories they are releasing...

Three Times Blessed by Lori Copeland

Audrey Pride takes Thunder Ridge, Texas by storm as her wagon topples the town’s water supply tower and she makes a very wet but memorable entrance. Returning to take on the teaching position...

Unwrapping Christmas by Lori Copeland ~ Tracy’s Take

Rel here:~ If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!! I’m not sure about you but stores here have broken out the Christmas decorations for purchase, way too early if you ask me! So...