It’s always a pleasure to have a visit from the delightful Denise Hunter. Denise has been a prolific contemporary romance author for many years and I’ve been a long time reader of...
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Susan May Warren has been a prolific writer of well-loved stories for decades now, across multiple genres, and it’s always an honour to have her visit the blog!
Her stories are a lot...
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Siri Mitchell is a pivotal part of my book reviewing and blogging journey. Her Chateau of Echoes was the first book I reviewed on my blog. She was a sweet encourager in my early days of...
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I love discovering the books that inspired writers, so I’m bringing back my Reading Habits interviews to the blog. What draws a writer to a novel, covers that catch their eye, and the very...
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The Reading Habits
Julianna Deering
Are you a re-reader? Why, or why not? And if you are, what are some of the books you have read over and over?
I’m definitely a re-reader. If I find a...
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Lynnette shares about her reading habits and reveals the new cover of her latest Wyldhaven novel, On Eagles’ Wings, releasing 1st December. One commenter will receive a free eBook copy of On...
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