Special Character Spotlight ~ Robert Liparulo’s Xander King & signed giveaway

Today the spotlight shines on………………………Xander King Xander is the eldest King sibling and is trying to work out his place in the world! Bob has...

Special Character Spotlight ~ Robert Liparulo’s Toria King

Today the spotlight shines on………………………….Toria King When the third book in the Dreamhouse Kings series, Gatekeepers, released in January,...

Special Character Spotlight ~ Robert Liparulo’s John "Hutch" Hutchinson & Aussie Giveaway

Today the spotlight shines on….. John “Hutch” Hutchinson I promised you Hutch would return to the spotlight! His creator, Robert Liparulo, has gone to great effort in this...

Deadlock by Robert Liparulo

Hutch is back and he has Brendan Page in his sights! Journalist John Hutchinson can’t shake the tragic events that he stumbled into when Declan Page tried to destroy the wilderness town of...

Sit tight everyone!

Bob Liparulo’s bad guy Brendan Page has got Hutch in a headlock……..so Hutch’s spotlight will be slightly delayed! Bob and I will do our best to free Hutch and have some...

Character Spotlight ~ Robert Liparulo’s David King & Monster Giveaway!

Today the spotlight shines on…………………………………………………………David...