Character Spotlight ~ T L Higley’s Cassia & Julian

Cassia & Julian T L Higley’s books are always at the top of my list with her terrific blend of ancient history, adventure, suspense and a touch of romance. Enjoy this insight into...

Coming in 2011 from B&H Fiction

B&H Fiction publish premier fiction and they are yet to publish a book I haven’t enjoyed! I know you will love checking out these 2011 releases from one of the best publishers in the...

Coming in 2011 from B&H Fiction

B&H Fiction publish premier fiction and they are yet to publish a book I haven’t enjoyed! I know you will love checking out these 2011 releases from one of the best publishers in the...

Petra: City of Stone by T L Higley with giveaways

Synopsis:~ Petra, the wondrous ancient city carved from the mountains of modern Jordan, is at the height of its glory in this gripping historical novel by T. L. Higley. A young widow, Cassia, and...

Book Trailer for T L Higley’s Petra

I adore TL Higley’s books, especially her Seven Wonders series. She is taking a break from that series to start a new one, still with the focus on Ancient times and looking at famous or...

Coming in late 2010 from B&H Publishing

B&H Publishing Group continue to impress me with the quality and diversity of the books they are publishing, not only through B&H Fiction but also their Fidelis line, headed by Oliver North. ...