Top 12 Reads, 2020 ~ Rel & Necee

I’ve gone wild in 2020 and instead of a Top 10, I’m doing a Top 12. The reason…aesthetics!! I love groups of 3 covers and only choosing 10 would have left me with an odd one...

Top Ten Reads, 2019

Happy New Year! Have you been wondering if I’d packed my bags and headed off into the sunset? It’s been an incredibly busy festive season for my family, before and after Christmas and my...

Top 10 Reads, 2018

My Top 10 is coming a day late for my Southern Hemisphere readers and on time for my Northern Hemisphere friends! It’s always so challenging putting a list like this together and every year...

Top 10 Reads, 2017…plus a few more!

  In previous years I have posted my Top 10 on NYE, but I decided to get in a bit early this year…just because! Sadly, 2017 was another year where my reading time was significantly...

Top 10…ahem…13, 2016

Each year choosing a top 10 makes for a challenging way to end the year, especially a year that did a bit of a number on our family…and many others, as we know! My reading time was greatly...

Relz Reviewz Top 10 Reads of 2015

Thank you, my wonderful readers, for taking time to visit my blog and share your thoughts. Your comments are always such an encouragement and I love the interactions we can have over our mutual love...