Exciting news from B&H Fiction Pure Enjoyment & Tosca Lee

I love the books Karen Ball and her team at B&H Fiction select and now they are teaming with an author I admire for her tenacity, boldness and exceptional writing skills, Tosca Lee, author of...

Exciting news from B&H Fiction Pure Enjoyment & Tosca Lee

I love the books Karen Ball and her team at B&H Fiction select and now they are teaming with an author I admire for her tenacity, boldness and exceptional writing skills, Tosca Lee, author of...

Book Club interview with Tosca Lee on Havah: The Story of Eve

Tosca Lee is the author of the ground breaking novels Demon: A Memoir and Havah: The Story of Eve. We were blessed to have Tosca answer questions posed to her by my Book Club members in time for...

Character Spotlight ~ Tosca Lee’s Clay & Lucian

Today the spotlight shines on……………………………………………….Clay and Lucian Tosca Lee is a stunning...

Character Spotlight ~ Tosca Lee’s Havah and Adam

Today the spotlight shines on……………………………………………………Havah and Adam Tosca...

Havah: The Story of Eve by Tosca Lee and Open Giveaway

Fashioned by the hand of God and the rib of man, the first woman’s story was born, one of exquisite joy and crushing heartbreak that would forever shape the destiny of all humankind. Havah and the...