Cover Art & Book News: Revell, late 2021

It’s been a while, my book loving friends, since I’ve posted a Cover art post, so there will be more to come in the days ahead! First up we have Revell’s late 2021 releases and...

Reading Habits with Rachelle Decker (giveaway)

I love discovering the books that inspired writers, so I’m bringing back my Reading Habits interviews to the blog. What draws a writer to a novel, covers that catch their eye, and the very...


Running late and running busy today, so this one will be short and sweet – pun intended 😉 This weeks Top Ten Tuesday post, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl is all about covers that...

Top Ten Tuesday: Books that should be adapted into Netflix shows or movies

It’s another Top Ten Tuesday with Necee, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s theme fit right into my current reading. I had just finished a book that screamed “this...

Don’t Keep Silent by Elizabeth Goddard (with giveaway)

Synopsis:~ Investigative reporter Rae Burke will do anything to find her missing sister-in-law, even if it means facing Liam McKade, a man who almost lost his life saving hers. A former DEA...

State of Lies by Siri Mitchell

Synopsis:~ Someone wants Georgie Brennan dead. And the more she digs for the truth, the fewer people she can trust. Months after her husband, Sean, is killed by a hit-and-run driver, physicist...