Character Spotlight ~ Colleen Coble’s Lucy & Nate

Colleen Coble launches her second historical series with Blue Moon Promise, the first in her Under Texas Stars series, available now from Thomas Nelson. Synopsis Lucy Marsh’s worldly...

Coming soon from River North Fiction

I’m really enjoying seeing the offerings that River North Fiction are introducing.  A Moody Publishers imprint, River North are expanding their fiction as you can see from the varied books...

Character Spotlight ~ Murray Pura’s Jude & Lyyndaya

Canadian author and pastor, Murray Pura, releases his first Amish novel, The Wings of Morning, available from Harvest House. Synopsis Jude Whetstone and Lyyndaya Kurtz, whose families are...

Character Spotlight ~ Mary Ellis’ Eli & Phoebe

Prolific author of Amish stories, Mary Ellis, is back with An Amish Family Reunion, available now from Harvest House. Synopsis During a rumschpringe visit to Niagara Falls, Phoebe Miller meets...

Saving Hope by Margaret Daley

Synopsis:~ When a teenager goes missing from the Beacon of Hope School, Texas Ranger Wyatt Sheridan and school director Kate Winslow are forced into a dangerous struggle against a human trafficking...

Character Spotlight ~ Ginny Yttrup’s Jenna and Andee

Ginny Yttrup’s second novel, Lost and Found, is garnering rave reviews and is available now from B&H Publishing Synopsis It appears Jenna Bouvier is losing everything: beauty, family,...