Broken Wings by Carla Stewart with North American giveaway

Synopsis:~ Onstage, the singing duo of Gabe and Mitzi Steiner captured America’s heart for more than two decades. Offstage, their own hearts have throbbed as one for sixty years. Only now,...

Book trailer for Lisa T. Bergren’s Cascade

Can’t wait for Cascade by Lisa T Bergren to release in a few days from David C Cook. Neither can my daughter. Neither can my...

Character Spotlight ~ Julie Carobini’s Suz Mitchell & Seth Russo

Suz & Seth Julie Carobini returns readers to Otter Bay with her latest story, Fade to Blue, and gives them a sneak peek into Hearst Castle. Enjoy meeting her new characters:~ Brief physical...

Character Spotlight ~ Linda Lee Chaikin’s Eden Derrington & Rafe Easton

Eden & Rafe Linda Chaikin returns with her second Dawn of Hawaii historical series, Hawaiian Crosswinds and shares again about her lead characters, Rafe and Eden. Enjoy!Rafe Easton Physical...

Character Spotlight ~ Rosslyn Elliott’s Ann Miller & Will Hanby

Ann & Will Rosslyn Elliott’s debut novel, Fairer than Morning is the first story in her Saddler’s Legacy series. Enjoy meeting her two main characters, who are based on real...

Character Spotlight ~ Ginger Garrett’s Mia & Father Stefan

Mia & Father Stefan Ginger Garrett is back with another in depth historical novel, this time set in Germany in the 1500s. Enjoy this insight into her medieval characters. Over to you,...