Character Spotlight ~ Pamela Griffin’s Alison Stripling & Rafe Munroe

Alison & Rafe Multi published author Pamela Griffin is back with a novel for the ever popular Love Finds You series. This time readers can head to Hope, Kansas and meet a devoted father and a...

Rachel Hauck introduces Dining for Joy

Rachel Hauck writes books I love and no doubt Dining for Joy will join her other books in my TBRA (to be read again!) pile. In this trailer Rachel shares about her book and cooks a mean recipe, too...

Character Spotlight ~ Lori Copeland’s Jules Matias

Jules Lori Copeland’s latest contemporary romance is great and I will have a review up shortly. In the meantime, enjoy this look behind the character, Jules Matias, a complex woman with...

A Suitor for Jenny by Margaret Brownley

Synopsis:~ After their parents died, Jenny felt responsible for seeing that her two younger sisters were well taken-care of. Tipped off by an article naming Rocky Creek the town with the highest...

Character Spotlight ~ Melanie Dobson’s Katie Lehmann & Rollin Wells

Katie & Rollin Melanie Dobson’s second Summerside novel is a romantic suspense set in 1920s Amish country. Enjoy this insight into her characters. Over to you, Melanie:~ Brief physical...

Stars in the Night Giveaway
