Character Spotlight: Andrew Huff’s John Cross & Christine Lewis (with giveaway)

Andrew Huff brings a unique character to life in his Shepherd Suspense novels. John Cross is former CIA agent, now a pastor, but danger keeps calling. The first two books in the series, A Cross to Kill and Cross Shadow are available now, with Right Cross, the epic final story in the trilogy, releasing imminently, on March 16.

Be sure to get your hands on the first two books now so you can be ready to read Right Cross in two weeks time!

Thanks to Kregel Publications, we are giving away a complete set of the trilogy to one of our readers, so be sure to enter via the Rafflecopter form below.

Heart-pounding action meets spiritual choices in this thrilling finale to John Cross’s saga

First he left the CIA. Then he left pastoral ministry. Now John Cross has been imprisoned in one of Great Britain’s most infamous prisons. Has he reached the end of his rope? Or is this another move in a dangerous spy game?

Christine Lewis, United News Network’s rising star television anchor, is determined to find out. But in her pursuit of answers, Christine finds herself at the center of a cyberterrorist plot to alter the balance of power in the world. From the English coastline to the Rocky Mountains, John must partner with the CIA and MI6 in a race against the clock to stop the threat of nuclear war and save the lives of everyone he holds dear.

The concluding story in the Shepherd Suspense trilogy is a globe-trotting, action-packed adventure with threads of biblical truth woven in. Fans of high-octane thrillers will be on the edge of their seats with Right Cross.

Meet John & Christine


Physical Stats

Height: 6’0”

Hair colour & style: Black, crew cut

Eye colour: Hazel

Favorite accessory or clothing style: John likes to keep it simple, but fashionable: a gray suit and white shirt (no tie) when ministering to his congregation, a dark shirt and fitted jeans when hunting down terrorists in the nation’s capital.


Sebastian Stan

Can’t live without…

Funny enough, this is exactly what John struggles with in his heart (for good or bad): can he live without the things that he has for so long sought pleasure in? For this reason, he eschews extravagance in all forms and only subsists on the bare minimum of his basic necessities. At his core, though, he fights against the realization that the one thing he can’t live without is taking action when innocent lives are threatened.


John relies heavily on the skills he developed while performing “wet work” (a diplomatic way of referring to targeted killings) with the CIA. Skills such as critical thinking, information analysis, and remaining calm under pressure are second nature to him and serve him well in his job as a Baptist minister. He’s also fiercely loyal to his friends and will stop at nothing to protect them if he perceives them to be in any type of danger.


Obviously, one of John’s biggest vulnerabilities is his tendency to commit fully to an idea despite the unintentional harm it may cause. His insistence on denying himself what he defines as luxury is taken to an extreme that isn’t ultimately healthy. He is also judgmental, though less on others and primarily on himself.


John’s chief passion is serving the people of God. Committing himself to doing so in a misguided attempt to right his past wrongs is what ultimately led him to the pastorate of the small country church he attends. While he may not always choose the right way to express this passion, it is rooted in the noble intent to faithfully serve the Lord. Another of John’s passions is protecting the innocent, and due to his secret past in the intelligence community this passion often runs in conflict with his more recent commitment of refusing to take another human life.

What book and/or movie would they recommend?

While in his early days as a Christian, John would not have recommended any book other than the Bible (all of his positions started in such extreme poles). As he has matured in his faith, he might recommend a C.S. Lewis classic, or perhaps a commentary on a book of the Bible by John F. Walvoord. Given his rejection of everyday pleasures and conveniences, John would not recommend books for leisure or movies.

What has shaped their character and resilience?

Without a doubt, John’s career through the military and covert intelligence has shaped him into the man he is, a fact that he is acutely and disdainfully aware of. Prior to coming to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, John was the perfect “company man.” His life was turned upside down by his encounter with Jesus, and now he struggles with reconciling how he was shaped by his past with who God is calling him to be in the present.

Your inspiration for the character

My inspiration for the character was the great spy characters of novels and movies such as James Bond, Jason Bourne, and Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise’s character from the Mission: Impossible films). I was drawn to wondering what such a person might be like if they were to have a religious awaking. As such, I knew John Cross needed to embody the same character and temperament as these classic characters (cool under pressure, skilled in combat, unwavering in pursuit of their mission, etc.).

Background to the story

Each book in the Shepherd Suspense series finds inspiration in real life events. The first book in the series, A Cross to Kill, was inspired by the tragic real-life kidnapping and execution of journalists on video by jihadists in the Middle East. I imagined a scenario where such a journalist was rescued by a mysterious operative before the execution could occur. In my mind, the journalist would want to thank the mystery man for saving her life, and would be as relentless in finding him as he was in rescuing her. Thus John Cross and Christine Lewis were born!


Physical Stats

Height: 5’8”

Hair colour & style: Layered and wavy blond hair

Eye colour: Blue

Favorite accessory or clothing style: Even when dressing casually, Christine has a strong sense of style and is usually sporting minimal but chic looks.


Melissa Benoist

Can’t live without…

Following her captivity at the hands of terrorists in Jordan, Christine is infused with a drive to uncover the truth in a story regardless of her prior beliefs, so in some sense she can’t live without satisfying her own curiosity. But also, she can’t live without a flat white coffee and her phone (both essential tools in her quest for the truth!).


Christine was tenacious before her captivity, and even more so following her rescue at the hands of John Cross. That tenacity is both a strength but also a potential weakness as she will stop at nothing to get the bottom of a story. She’s also developed a good humor about life and finds it easy to empathize with others who are facing difficult circumstances.


In addition to her tendency to find trouble in pursuit of the truth, Christine finds it difficult to offer forgiveness when she feels like she’s been wronged. She’s also very quick to expect the worst, and this sometimes results in her building walls in relationships when she feels she’s been wronged.


Christine is not only passionate about the truth, but she’s also passionate about testing her own limits. Whether its unravelling a mystery or picking up a new survival skill, she wants to be able to hold her own in the most difficult of circumstances. She’s fiercely dedicated to her Bible study group as well as her relationship with beloved church lady Lori Johnson, a member of John’s congregation and spiritual mother to Christine.

What book and/or movie would they recommend?

Though she doesn’t get to spend much time consuming them, Christine loves movies, preferring action comedies of the 1990s. She’d immediately recommend I Love Trouble with Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte as a favorite.

What has shaped their character and resilience?

Without a doubt, Christine’s captivity in Jordan reshaped who she was as a person. Considering her rescue to be a second chance at life, Christine decides not to waste it on playing the same games as everyone else in her business but instead chases after the truth even if it means challenging her own worldview. Her experiences with John also shape who she is not only when it comes to fending for herself but spiritually as well.

Your inspiration for the character

My inspiration for Christine is many of the high-profile female journalists and news anchors in the United States, Megyn Kelly being one of the key points of inspiration at the time I was forming the characters and story for the first book in the series. I wanted Christine to evoke the same qualities of Kelly beyond just her appearance, such as the fierce courage and determination to challenge the status quo.

Background to the story

In addition to the real-life kidnapping and execution of journalists around the world that inspired the first book in the series, I was also inspired by other real-life events that were often, as the saying goes, stranger than fiction. One particularly interesting story that inspired my second John Cross novel, Cross Shadow, involved a con man, some of America’s largest banks, and, believe it or not, salad oil! You can read about it by looking up the “Salad Oil Scandal,” then check out Cross Shadow and see what you think about how I was inspired by that true life crime in the writing of the novel.

Thanks for sharing some insights into John and Christine, Andrew. And friends, don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Andrew Huff is the author of the action-packed Shepherd Suspense Series from Kregel Publications. The first book in the series, A Cross to Kill, was a finalist in the Mystery/Thriller categories of both the 2020 Foreword INDIE awards as well as the 2020 ACFW Carol Awards. Huff is an accomplished novelist as well as screenwriter and has worked in the church media and entertainment industry after spending 10 years as a leader in local church ministry. He currently calls North Texas home where he and his beautiful wife Jae raise their two boys and rescue dog.

Relz Reviewz Extras
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Buy at Amazon: Right Cross or Koorong

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12 Responses to Character Spotlight: Andrew Huff’s John Cross & Christine Lewis (with giveaway)

  1. My husband loves Bond, Bourne, and Hunt (probably the only “grown up” movies we’ve watched together…) but having Cross on my side would be awesome! I’ll have to introduce my hubby to Cross.

  2. Kelly Bridgewater

    I love thrillers and actions. More conflicts and body count the better. I think I would want Bourne in my corner. I have not read this series, but I have been wanting to for a while.

  3. I keep hearing about this series 🙂 Guess I know what to ask for on my birthday 🙂

  4. Forget those guys….I’ll take Sebastian Stan all day EVERY day!!

  5. Jason Bourne all the way! I haven’t read this series though so you never know–I might change my mind 😉

  6. Ethan Hunt please! Although, I’d be perfectly content with Jason Bourne as well.

  7. I would want Jason Bourne in my corner. I can’t wait to read this book.

  8. Jason Bourne of course!

  9. That’s a tough one! I’d probably want Bourne and Cross in my corner. I think between those two they could take out any bad guys no matter what they came up against.

  10. I am looking forward to this one!

  11. I’m definitely a Bourne fan, but really love reading about this series. I’m looking forward to it!

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