Today the spotlight shines on……………………………………….Venus Chau
Taller than typical Asians, she uses her height to advantage over male coworkers and also utilizes stilettos to give her more inches. She used to be overweight, but dramatic weight loss in her twenties signaled a new era for her–whereas she used to slouch, now her back is ramrod straight, she exercises religiously, and eats very uninspiringly. However, when she’s upset, she will resort to comfort food like greasy black bean sauce beef chow fun (beef and noodles pan fried–I mean, anything fried is good, right?) and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.
Rel here:~ you like your chocolate way too sweet for Aussie tastes! Check out Violet Crumble – yum!
She’s not beautiful, but she carries herself confidently and most people sort of assume she’s beautiful when she’s actually a bit plain. She’s always neat and professional in dress–never flamboyant. Or maybe I should say, rarely flamboyant.
I always pictured Venus to look a bit like Michelle Yeoh, but a few years younger. She has that ruthless competence that Michelle has when she’s in a kung fu movie that makes you cringe a bit because you know she’s going to kick somebody’s butt in another second.
Strengths and weaknesses
Strengths: Aggressive personality, extreme organizational skills, professional, intelligent, successful in her chosen field.
Weaknesses: Anal retentive, a bit OCD about germs, anal retentive, competitive, and did I mention anal retentive?
Quirk (if any)
She has a few vices that usually surprise people–like her addiction to tabloids (she usually has Star and People magazines on her coffee table) and her secret stash of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.
Your inspiration for the character.
Venus’s career was inspired by my friend Stephanie Quilao, who runs the popular Back in Skinny Jeans blog. Steph used to work in the video game industry and gave me some insight into the kind of competition there for women. While Steph is a very strong personality, I went a step further and created a woman who wouldn’t just work in video game development, but who would be aggressive enough to rise to the top of the field. I also gave Venus an intense distrust of men because of her early experiences with them after her weight loss, the feelings of betrayal when they treated her differently, when she realized they’d never really respected her.
Thanks for having me here, Rel!
Rel:~ A pleasure as always, Camy
Camy Tang writes romance with a kick of wasabi. She used to be a biologist, but now she is a staff worker for her church youth group and leads a worship team for Sunday service. She also runs the Story Sensei fiction critique service. On her blog, she gives away Christian novels every Monday and Thursday, and she ponders frivolous things like dumb dogs (namely, hers), coffee-geek husbands (no resemblance to her own…), the writing journey, Asiana, and anything else that comes to mind. Visit her website at for a huge website contest going on right now, giving away ten boxes of books and 30 copies of her latest release, SINGLE SASHIMI.
Stay tuned in the weeks to come for spotlights on Camy’s other women in her Sushi series ~ Lex and Trish. Next Monday I’ll be spotlighting the lovely Sharon Hinck’s latest character, Penny Sullivan from her novel, Stepping Into Sunlight.
If you can, please take a moment to comment. Camy and I would love to hear from you 🙂
Relz Reviewz Extras
Review of Single Sashimi
Interview with Camy
Visit Camy’s website and blog
Buy Single Sashimi at Amazon or Koorong
October 12, 2008 at 10:13 pm
Rel and Camy,Brilliant as always:-) Two of my favorite women talking about one of my favorite characters.Stroke of genius, Rel!!
October 12, 2008 at 10:34 pm
LOL Thanks Deena!This was such a fun blog “interview”–thanks so much, Rel!Camy
October 12, 2008 at 11:22 pm
i’m really liking how you’re spotlighting characters…especially since, so far, they’ve always been ones that i “know”!
October 13, 2008 at 12:01 am
An American friend introduced me to Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. All I can say is: YUUUUUUUM.
October 13, 2008 at 2:44 am
I’m loving these character spotlights!Peanut Butter cups….wwaaayyyy too sweet for this Aussie gal. They’ll always be quite safe around me!
October 13, 2008 at 5:29 am
Rel I agree about the to rich stuff.just back from Canada and there caramilk (think thats the name) is like our caramello but much less rich and I love it but some of the fudge etc is way to rich for this aussie.Love the new feature. Have missed not checking the blogs while i was gone.I have this book to read and will do so very soon.
October 13, 2008 at 6:29 am
Rel, I really like your blog. So much interesting info. I found out about some new books by my favorite authors, which will mean I spend money in the future, but the anticipation of them coming out is worth it.I hope you keep going with it for a long time.Blessings,Beth
October 13, 2008 at 7:00 am
Loving the comments, girls! Thank you 🙂Beth – nice to meet another Aussie! Be sure to enter some of my giveaways, they may help you save some money 😉
October 15, 2008 at 2:38 pm
Venus Chau was one tough cookie! This was my favorite in the Sushi series so far. Camy Tang really knows how to create some terrific tension in a scene! But no worries, Venus Chau can handle anything…with God’s help!Great spotlight!Kim
October 18, 2008 at 4:40 am
Rel, I really enjoyed that. I read Sushi for One. I liked it alot. Is this book out in Australia? Thanks
October 18, 2008 at 12:14 pm
Hey Misty – you did it!Only Uni is available now at Koorong but Single Sashimi is yet to arrive!