Character Spotlight: Janet W. Ferguson’s Josh Bergeron (with giveaway)

Magnolia StormsMeet a ship pilot in

Janet W. Ferguson’s

contemporary romance

Magnolia Storms

Southern Sun Press


The Story

Magnolia Storms
A Coastal Hearts Novel
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you….

Maggie Marovich couldn’t save her father or her home from Hurricane Katrina, but she’s dedicated her life to meteorology so she can warn others when the monster storms approach. Except…she works three hours inland and rarely risks returning to her childhood hometown of Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Both her single-parent sister and the ship pilot Maggie once loved refused to leave the Coast, despite Maggie’s requests. Now a hurricane’s headed toward Mississippi, and Maggie’s sister is seriously injured, leaving Maggie little choice but to head south—into the storm.

The water and tides flow through Josh Bergeron’s veins, and he can’t imagine giving up piloting—even for the love of his life, the infuriating Magnolia Marovich. He tried to move on without her, marrying and having a child. But after his wife abandons him and his little boy, his career choice is threatened by the weight of his parental responsibilities. Moving next door to Maggie’s sister and sharing their child care seems like the perfect set-up. Until Maggie blows back into town.

Being forced to lean on Josh for help washes up the wreckage in Maggie’s faith. Where was God during the destruction of Katrina? Why do some prayers seem to go unanswered? Between the hurricane looming in the Gulf and another gale raging in her heart, can Maggie overcome her past and find the trust to truly live?

Introducing Josh Bergeron

Brief physical description

The blue-eyed ship pilot has hair the colour of sand.


I can’t find exactly what I imagine, but if I could combine these two guys (Bradley & Josh) 😉

Strengths and weaknesses

Josh’s career is both his strength and his weakness. He is a ship pilot. He was unwilling to give up piloting after Hurricane Katrina, even for Maggie, the love of his life. Piloting is where he finds his worth, and he wants to honour Maggie’s deceased father and follow in his footsteps.  He bravely delivers all kinds of enormous vessels safely up the mouth of the Mississippi River. He loves being on the Gulf of Mexico, and he can’t imagine any other life. The only things he cares about more than his career are God and his little boy. Josh’s other strength is being a good father.

Your inspiration for the character

I have a friend who is a ship pilot, and I researched the career. I became fascinated. Here’s a video. (Warning: You’ll probably want to mute the music.)

Background to the story

The first reason I wanted to write this story was that Hurricane Katrina had a devastating effect on my state of Mississippi. The storm absolutely destroyed so much of our Coast and more. Many friends lost everything. I wanted to honour Mississippians who went through this tragedy.

The spiritual element came from my own prayer life. Sometimes I have pounded on the doors of heaven for an answer that just didn’t come out like I wanted. I needed to wrestle through that. This verse kept coming to mind: Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him- Job 13:15. Even if God doesn’t answer like I want, I will believe… That is faith. Faith comes in the hard things.

Thanks Janet!

Janet W FergusonJanet W. Ferguson grew up in Mississippi and received a degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Mississippi. She has served as a children’s minister and a church youth volunteer. An avid reader, she worked as a librarian at a large public high school. She writes humorous inspirational fiction for people with real lives and real problems. Janet and her husband have two grown children, one really smart dog, and a few cats that allow them to share the space. 

Janet loves to hear from readers! You can connect with her on FacebookTwitter, GoodReadsPinterestBookbub or Use the contact page, or subscribe to my newsletter on the Under the Southern Sun page for exclusive book news and giveaways. 

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31 Responses to Character Spotlight: Janet W. Ferguson’s Josh Bergeron (with giveaway)

  1. Oh wow! I’m giddy because I’m so excited to be featured at Relz Reviewz for the first time! Thank you so much for spotlighting the hero of Magnolia Storms. I hope your readers enjoy Josh as much as I enjoyed writing him!

  2. Fun spotlight, Rel and Janet! I’m looking forward to reading this and meeting Josh soon! Must. Read. Faster!

  3. Tragedy can draw us closer to God and He can mature us through it if we let Him.

  4. Hardships have certainly made me to depend on God that much more. He’s the only One that can take fear away and give us peace in our hearts when our world around us is crumbling.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    • It’s the same for me, Brenda. He often has to hold me up.
      You’re welcome for the giveaway and good luck!

  5. I have been strengthened by the assurance that God is faithful and He will never leave me.

  6. danielle hammelef

    Hardship opened my eyes and heart to seek the true source of love. I now trust in God more and continue reminding myself that God id all-knowing and I can not see His entire plan for me. My worries have diminished and I am grateful to God and his gifts.

    • Danielle, Hardship does have a way of turning our heads and hearts to what is real. I often have to remind myself of exactly what you are talking about. His ways are higher.
      Blessings 🙂

  7. I’m currently going through a season of acknowledging and dealing with my anger towards God. I’m finding that it is drawing out hidden flaws in my own character and deceptions I have believed for a long time.

    • Brittaney, That’s a hard season. I understand. He’s big enough to deal with your struggles. Don’t give up 🙂 It sounds like you’re are growing which is hurts, but is good.
      Prayers and hugs

  8. I loved this book! Josh is a such a good guy and his little boy is adorable!

  9. I am thankful, mostly I’ve not had so many hard hardships in my life, other than what feels like normal life.
    One difficult time that we faced was eight years ago when our youngest daughter, who was only a year old at the time, succumbed to a bad case of croup and a viral infection, and had to spend a week in PICU at Children’s Hospital. During those difficult days, Jesus was nearer to me than ever!

  10. Would love to win! Love Christian fiction! This book sounds so good! Will add to my reading list! God bless for this opportunity

  11. Didn’t realize I was to post a hardship
    Or trial! Our daughter is mental handicapped due to spinal meningitis st age 7 weeks! That placed many challenges in our home! After living with us for 17 years she was admitted to a loving & caring home! She’s been there 26 years! Now the home is closing & we’re faced with the struggle of finding a suitable & safe home for her! This is very hard for us as well as her to leave staff that have worked with her these 26 years! Please pray for her! Would love to read this book! Thanks

    • Linda, I’m so sorry you’ve been through all that. Praying for you all right now to find the best place that is safe and gives you peace.
      Hugs and prayers,

  12. The tragedies I’ve faced in life allowed me to trust in God and know that He keeps me (He never leaves me alone). And knowing that He is right beside me in the midst of my pain and heartbreak was comforting truth to learn. And even more so, God redeems and He heals.

  13. When I am struggling I often try to figure things out on my own before asking for help, but I have learned that going to God first is the only true way to find comfort. It is an incredible feeling of relief filled with love:) Someone recently put things in this perspective for me: When I am trapped in a cave of darkness, surrounded by screaming voices, God is the whisper that leads back to the light.

    • Hi Brooklyn! I think most women try to be fixers. I get caught in that. I am learning, too! I love that God is that whisper! So beautiful!

  14. Hardships growing up made me a better parent to my kids. I feel like I am closer to them because of my upbringing. I give them and my grandchildren as much love and attention as I can. God has been very good to us.

    • Hi Lisa! It’s wonderful that you are finding the silver lining to your hardships. And it is great when we can grow and mature in through our sufferings. So happy your grandchildren have you!

  15. I love discovering new authors! I found this on my Christian Fiction FB Page! Looks like an awesome book and website to check out!

    • Hi Mary! So happy you found me and Relz Reviewz! I hope you enjoy my story and Rel has wonderful information on Christian fiction every day!

  16. Hardships have shown me that I am stronger than I realized and they also helped me realize that God truly works for the good of those who love Him.
    Thanks for this giveaway.

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