Christine Johnson: Discover more…and a giveaway

Christine JohnsonDiscover more about

Christine Johnson

and her historical romance

Love’s Rescue



A book character that sticks in my mind is… Why?

Mr. Darcy. Okay, maybe I’m thinking Colin Firth from the BBC/A&E miniseries, but he fit my mental image from the book so closely that I fell in love. I adore those strong, silent men trying their best to act honorably.

The last book that made me cry was…

The last book I read. Yes, pretty much anything brings a tear to my eye, but the last to make me grab a tissue was Christine Lindsay’s Veiled at Midnight.

The last book that made me laugh out loud was…

The last book I read. Oh, you want me to be serious. Well, the last burst out loud laughter came while reading Cynthia Ruchti’s All My Belongings. Yes, tears on that one too.

I’m completely immersed in their storytelling, whenever I read a book by…

Beth Wiseman. I totally forget the words. What a joy.

The first person who encouraged me to pursue my writing was…

My first-year college English prof, who told me that writing was a rough road to walk but I just might succeed. I wish he had lived long enough to see me published.

If I wasn’t a writer, I would be…

A librarian. That’s what I did before writing full-time. Now I just have the thrill of using libraries.

I write stories because…

I never understood this question. Because I’m crazy? Because I have to? Because if I don’t I’m the crabbiest person on the face of the earth and drive my husband nuts? Yeah. That must be it. I can hear him agreeing from the other room.

Love’s RescueLove's Rescue

When her mother dies, Elizabeth Benjamin heads home to Key West, determined to transform herself into the perfect Southern belle her parents always wished her to be. But nothing goes according to plan. Her crippled brother resents her, the servants do not obey her, and Rourke O’Malley, the dashing man she vowed to forget, refuses to relinquish his hold on her heart. Worst of all, it becomes painfully obvious that her father is not the upright man he appears to be.

As family secrets come to light, Elizabeth is faced with a difficult choice: to do her duty and abandon her dreams, or to leave her life of privilege behind to chase the man her father sees as little better than a pirate.

From the first emotional page, author Christine Johnson throws readers into a world of impossible choices, hidden desires, and heart-melting romance in the steamy south. Readers will cheer for Elizabeth and Rourke as they battle the odds and the elements to secure their future.

My latest novel can be described by these 5 adjectives…

Exciting, adventurous, tense, desperate, emotional.

My main character is…

To all appearances, Elizabeth Benjamin is the perfect Southern belle. She looks the part with her curled blonde hair and fashionable gowns, but she’d rather kick off those shoes and walk along the seashore with the breeze blowing in her hair. As a girl, she ran free all over the island. As a woman, she feels constricted. If only she could sail ships like Captain Rourke O’Malley.

Bahamian-born Rourke O’Malley captains his own wrecking vessel. Tall and dark-haired, he strides the deck barefoot, wanting to feel the heave and fall of his vessel. After his father’s death, Rourke has lost his fervor for wrecking and wants to settle down ashore, preferably with Elizabeth Benjamin. But first he must convince her father that he is worthy to court the attorney’s only daughter.

My main characters resemble….

Here’s the thing. I can never find a photo of anyone famous to match a character because I don’t base characters on real-life people. Rourke? Sort of a taller, darker Russell Crowe. No. That doesn’t work. Or mix him with Clark Gable. Argh. See the problem?

The cover of the book does a good job with Elizabeth.

My story’s spiritual theme is…

Forgiveness under difficult circumstances. And then there’s reliance on the Lord. Trusting God when everything is falling apart. You didn’t really want me to stop at one, did you?

The most recent movie or tv show I loved was… Why?

Oh dear, now you’re going to catch me. I haven’t seen a new movie in a long time. I am intrigued by the television series A.D.

The story I’m currently working on is…

The second book in the Keys of Promise series. And I’m starting a new mail-order brides series for Love Inspired Historical.

You may not know this about me, but I…

Am hopelessly addicted to dark chocolate. It’s good for you, right?

I might go all fan girl if I met…

I am such a small town girl that I would get stupid in front of pretty much any celebrity. Even at writers’ conferences I get all tongue-tied around authors whose work I admire. Soooo embarrassing.

If I could travel back in time, I’d go to…

Only one place and time? Really? Sigh. If I must choose just one, I would love to hear Jesus preach. To actually see Him and hear His words would be amazing.

I get lost in the music when I listen to…

Worship music. Lifting praises to Him is such joy.

A long held dream of mine is…

I am living the dream! Other than that, my husband and I dream of touring the western United States. I adore the National Parks and love to hike and explore.

Thanks Christine!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Visit Christine’s website
Buy at Amazon: Love’s Rescue or Koorong

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29 Responses to Christine Johnson: Discover more…and a giveaway

  1. Colin!

  2. I’d go with Matthew,

  3. Matthew

    Look forward to reading Christine’s novel!

  4. I’d have to go with Colin. Thanks for the interview and giveaway! I’m looking forward to reading this one.

  5. I think I would pick Colin!

  6. Definitely Colin! I think Colin was a much better fit to the written character. I have watched the A&E version countless times, but was not impressed with the shortened version.

  7. I choose Colin. The other guy just doesn’t fit my mental picture of Mr. Darcy.

  8. Wow–I already love this author because of her responses 🙂 they made me want to read her book even more! It’s definitely on my list now! And though I haven’t actually watched the original Pride & Prejudiceand {I’m in love with the 2005 version!}, I’m a Matthew fan all the way. He portrays his character so well!! Dark, brooding, shy, awkward, the biggest softie ever…he’s great!

  9. Has to be Matthew ! Loved the way he played the character

  10. Matthew was my first Mr. Darcy and he’s always the one I picture when thinking about the character.

  11. You’ve made so excited to read Love’s Rescue now. Thanks for the book recommendations, too. I put Cynthia Ruchti’s book on my tbr, as well.

    • I forgot to answer the question. Since Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book of all time, I have a hard time answering this. I know I am in the minority here, but I loved Matthew’s portrayal. Even though, the movie veered away from the original story, I was able to separate the movie from the book and enjoy it for what it was.

  12. I could go with Colin or Matthew, depending on what day it is. I married a strong and silent and 31 years later,,, I kinda wish he was a strong and talky. He says he married a strong and talky and kinda wishes I was now strong and silent!

  13. Swoon worthy Colin Firth! I am looking forward to reading LOVES’ RESCUE! Thank you for the chance to do so.

  14. Definitely Colin!! Thanks for a great review and giveaway!

  15. I’m a Matthew fan all the way!!! The emotion he portrayed was palatable. Fun question.

  16. Christine Johnson

    Hello everyone! I just had to tell you how much I’m enjoying your comments. I’m totally biased toward Colin, but I appreciate those who enjoyed Matthew’s performance. You’re not going to sway me, though. Not a chance!

  17. Colin…he’s just the perfect Mr. Darcy. I can’t wait to read Love’s Rescue. It sounds so good!

  18. I must say Colin because (gasp) I haven’t seen the one with Matthew!

  19. Oh, dear. It’s been a few years since I have read that, and I don’t remember who is who anymore…and apparently it has been made into a movie…and it has been years since I have had a working TV at my house, so no help there either! Just so you know that I am not entirely backward, I do get a glimpse of random Food Network shows at work.

    • Christine Johnson

      Lisa, I love the Food Network. It’s amazing what people make, and as long as I just watch there aren’t any calories involved!

  20. I love Matthew.

  21. Brittany Keating

    I actually love both versions. I guess if I had to pick, I would probably go with Colin Firth’s version. They both did so well, though, in different ways.

  22. Deanne Patterson

    Colin for sure. I am looking forward to reading Love’s Rescue. This is a gorgeous cover and the story sounds so exciting. Thank you for the opportunity !

  23. Christine Johnson

    I appreciate all the comments on the cover. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one who thinks it’s a striking cover.

    Thus far, Colin has edged ahead, but Matthew is nipping at his heels. What will the final count be, I wonder??

  24. Do I have to choose? Why, can’t I have both? If it has to be, I’ll choose Rourke. Tall, dark, handsome, what else is there?

  25. Collin 🙂

  26. Sorry I can’t really pick one. Been too long sine I saw the show and never read the book. Sounds like both have their good points. Love your cover picture and would love to be your winner.
    Thanks Rel for having Christine here. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  27. Christine Johnson

    Thank you all for stopping by this week. It was fun meeting you!

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