City of the Dead by T L Higley and Giveaway

By the shores of the river Nile, the Great Pyramid rises by the blood, sweat and tears of thousands of men and guided by the brilliance of Pharoah’s Grand Vizier, Hemiunu, a man determined his pyramids will stand for an eternity.

Neferet is the whimsical daughter of an artisan and a follower of the One True God, unafraid and devoted to her father and the small fellowship of believers who meet in secret.

When a murderer seems intent upon revealing a past tragedy that plagues Hemiunu’s dreams, the city is thrown into turmoil as fears that the Scourge of Anubis, the god of the dead, is upon them. As Hemi investigates the murders, he soon learns that friends can become enemies and his power and integrity can be lost in a heartbeat.

In her second Seven Wonders novel, T L Higley transports the reader to Ancient Egypt and the wonder of the Great Pyramids that stand to this day. Tracy’s research is impeccable and I was completely immersed in the culture of the day and the political posturings of Pharoah Khufu, a of man who believed he was god on earth. Tracy’s characterisation is second to none, her pacing perfect and the suspense and intrigue had me engrossed from the start. Neferet’s faith beckons to Hemi’s deep longing for forgiveness and the heartache of hidden guilt and broken relationships is explored in depth. Weaving fascinating historical facts into a fast paced mystery and a touch of romance, City of the Dead is an exceptional read. I can’t wait for Guardian of the Flame, the story of the Lighthouse of Alexandria coming in October, 2009.


I have another fabulous giveaway thanks to the good people at B&H Fiction. I have two copies to give away to my North American readers and two copies for my Aussie readers. To enter:~

1. Post a comment before midnight on Sunday 15th March telling me which Ancient culture you are most fascinated by.

2. Leave contact details and a USA or AUS at the end of your post so I know which draw to put you in.

Relz Reviewz Extras

Review of Shadow of Colossus

Interview with Tracy

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25 Responses to City of the Dead by T L Higley and Giveaway

  1. I would have to say i am most interested in Greek culture
    rebornbutterfly (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

  2. whoops… i knew i would forget!

  3. I really like many ancient cultures but I’d say my favorite one would be ancient Egyptian culture.

  4. Hmm…I’m interested in many ancient cultures. One of my recent favorites is the Nabatean culture. My email address is: sarah.nasal at gmail dot com.


  5. I’ve never really thought about what ancient culture interests me. Perhaps ancient Jewish culture? Although Shadow of Colossus was really interesting too!


  6. I think the Incas of South America were amazing. How they managed to build their towns way up in the mountains is just incredible Aus

  7. Being from Scandinavia I have to say the vikings,


  8. I really am interested in the Mayan and Incan cultures.

  9. I would be most interested in the Roman culture.
    Carol M
    mittens0831 AT

  10. I am interested in many. But I would have to say mainly by the Chinese. This book sounds great.


  11. Sorry I forgot to put this in.

  12. I was going to say Greek culture, but then I saw the mention of Vikings and that sounds interesting, too.

    sbsalzer at gmail dot com


  13. I would have to say vikings or greek cultures. Although I am most interested in the early European cultures too.
    mkshriver (at) gmail . com

  14. I’m not sure which ancient culture I’m most interested in…I definitely am intrigued by the descriptions in the Bible of the Jews, though, and his everlasting and unconditional love for them. I have to say, I’m mostly interested in the 1800s (AD) and the stories of the Wild West and life at that time. This book sounds exciting, and I’d appreciate a chance to win!


  15. Hard question, Rel! Rounding it down to one was not easy so because the book is on Ancient Egypt, I will go with that. But the Germans, Incas, Persians and Celts would be right up there also.


  16. I would have to say that the Romans fascinate me the most. Then i would say the the Germans. Please enter me. Thanks heaps. =D


  17. There seems to be a bit of a trend happening. Having studied ancient Greece at school, I was tempted to say that – especially since I enjoyed Shadow of Colossus so much (one sitting!). However, I find the vikings really interesting and LOVE Hagar the Horrible comics. I went to a few viking museums when I was an exchange student in Germany which were fascinating. Can’t wait to read this one! Heather (AUS)

  18. I am interested in the history of the Romans but love Egyptian as well.I really enjoyed Shadow of Collosse and would love to read this one.

  19. Sorry Rel,Iam the previous anonymous ad from aus .

  20. Ambrosia Jefferson

    My Ancient love falls into the roman history, however because of the praticular era I chose its very wrapped up with egypt as well. I am a avid study of Julius Caesar & Marc Antony and all that goes with them. 🙂

  21. Ambrosia Jefferson

    sorry forgot my contact info.


    Ambrosia @

  22. Hi Rel, I have just finished reading The Mark of the Lion Series and must admit I found the Ancient Romans to be fascinating!

  23. My interests in ancient cultures tends to lean in the direction of the
    Mayan Culture. Please enter my name in your fabulous book giveaway drawing.
    Many thanks!
    Cindi USA

  24. The ancient Romans I think!

  25. Sounds like a great series…
    cmrobin at bellsouth net
    USA (if that’s okay)

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