Coming from Bethany House and Dani Pettrey




Dani Pettrey

I’ll be posting my usual cover art post regarding Bethany House mid 2014 releases soon but I’m so excited for one of my lovely DEBs, Dani Pettrey, that I couldn’t wait to post her cover for Silenced ~ the fourth book in her Alaskan Courage series.

This is a story I’ve been waiting for since Submerged released as the characters intrigued me from the beginning. In her debut novel, the interaction between these two jumped out at me and that fascination has only continued as they have appeared in Dani’s subsequent stories, Shattered and Stranded.

In our ACFW audio interview, Dani spilled the beans that Silenced was to be Kayden and Jake’s story but I’m yet to post the interview so for now enjoy the cover, delight in the anticipation of Kayden and Jake’s story, and have fun watching Dani’s Mad Minute from our time together at ACFW!

Connect with Dani






Pre-order Silenced

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14 Responses to Coming from Bethany House and Dani Pettrey

  1. So, so loving these ‘Mad Minutes’!!! I thought I’d read those first two books – I’ll have to get the 3rd one off you soon. They are fantastic. In fact, Miss Mischief would love them so maybe I just have to buy all three…’for her’!

  2. Great, GREAT cover. I’m even more thrilled to know that the story is Kayden and Jake’s!! I so agree with you, Rel – from the very beginning, there’s been an undeniable spark between these two. So excited to see how Dani unravels their story. Will listen to the Mad minute when I get home.

  3. So loving the cover! And so excited that it’s Kayden and Jake’s story. Not sure how I’m going to survive the wait 🙂

  4. So much to love about this post! First, that cover! I love the vivid bold colours and how it gets my heart racing looking at the cliff fall. This is sure to be another stellar release from Dani.

    Second, Rel’s AWESOME Aussie accent. And Dani’s fun answers of course. These “mad minutes” are going to be brilliant-great idea Rel!

  5. Beautiful cover. As I mentioned on Dani’s FB post the other day, the model reminds me a little of a younger Shania Twain.

    Rocky road is my fave ice cream flavour too. These mad minutes are a lot of fun, Rel.

  6. Hooray! This was fun. Loved watching the video and of course this cover reveal is epically awesome!

    …best news of all!? The confirmation this is Kayden’s story. Congrats, Dani – loved the post ladies. 🙂

  7. Oh, I love that we get to finally hear your lovely accent in these, Rel!

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