I’m really enjoying seeing the offerings that River North Fiction are introducing. A Moody Publishers imprint, River North are expanding their fiction as you can see from the varied books below.
I’m really keen to read Tessa’s new book ~ I adored her debut novel Pearl in the Sand and we are also currently studying Nehemiah in our church.
I love the cover of Alice’s book ~ who would have thought an Amish book and not a bonnet in sight?!
How about you?
The prophet Nehemiah’s cousin can speak numerous languages, keep complex accounts, write on rolls of parchment and tablets of clay, and solve great mysteries. There is only one slight problem: she is a woman.
In her early childhood years, Sarah experienced the death of her mother and her father’s subsequent emotional distance and she came to two conclusions: that God does not care about her, and that her accomplishments are the measure of her worth – the measure of her self. Sarah, the talented scribe, the cousin to Nehemiah, is catapulted into the center of the Persian court, working too many hours, rubbing elbows with royalty, and solving intrigues for the Queen. Ironically, it isn’t failure but success that causes Sarah to be dismissed from her post. As a result she loses her only source of external validation in exchange for a barren marriage to the nephew of the Queen.
Life becomes unbearable attached to a man she humiliated on their wedding day, a man who married her out of obligation, a man she believes cannot possibly ever want her as a wife. In the absence of her husband, Sarah discovers irregularities in the running of Darius’s estates. As a result, she finds herself and the household staff in grave danger. Through her story Sarah learns that she has something of worth to offer beyond her ability with languages and sums. Her very being proves to be a blessing to others.
May, 2012
Brooks Morgan left home 11 years earlier and is just too stubborn to return home. In 1896 he pulls into the town of Shoofly, and takes refuge from a storm where he befriends John Langston in the local cafe. One evening a high stakes poker game ends with Brooks holding the deed to Johnny’s ranch – under one condition – Brooks must promise to take care of Keri. Brooks agrees assuming Keri is his horse.
Overcome by guilt Brooks returns with the intention of returning the deed to Raven Creek Ranch but finds John on the floor dead from an apparent suicide. After graduating finishing school, Keri Langston can think of nothing better than returning to her home, pulling on a pair of overalls, and riding the range of Raven Creek Ranch. She arrives at Shoofly to discover that the ranch she expected to inherit was lost in a card game by her uncle and that he committed suicide because of it.
Brooks heads off to the ranch and is ambushed by three men. With a noose around his neck, hands tied behind his back he offers the first prayer up to God that he hasn’t spoken to in a very long time. A stunning shot breaks the rope and he is freed by a bullet delivered from the rifle of a lady on horseback. Keri can’t believe that she just saved the man she really wants to kill – the scoundrel who stole her uncle’s ranch. They exchange words. Brooks says he isn’t leaving the ranch. Keri says he can’t stay, the property was intended for her.
Can they learn to work together to save the ranch or will they pull it apart out of selfish greed?
June, 2012
This is the first book in a series based on the real life stories of women who lived and worked during the Civil War. The author has done extensive research around the lives of military women during the Civil War for a nonfiction title and became inspired to share their stories in a fictionalized depiction based on her historical research.
Charlotte Waverly is a 28 year-old upper-class woman from New York and one of only 100 women chosen for nursing training. On the battlefields, she and the other nurses find themselves up against corruption, opposition and wounded men such as they have never seen before. Charlotte’s life intersects with that of an Irish immigrant who turns to the unthinkable when faced with starvation after her husband leaves for war.
These women find hope and gain restored lives as war wages all around.
July, 2012
It’s been fourteen years since Gideon Miller ran away from his Amish community in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania as a boy of sixteen. He is haunted by memories from his childhood, particularly by the event where his father locked a young boy up for a night in a shed for stealing apples from his orchard. Desperate to bring order to his thoughts and life, Gideon incorporates structure and cleanliness into his daily life. His motto is: There is a place for everything and everything has a place. Gideon also spends his time helping other Amish boys and girls relocate to life in modern America.
A tragedy forces Gideon to return to the town of his youth and face the community he ran away from years ago. Will Gideon be able to give his anger over to God and forgive his father?
August, 2012
In the 1890 thriving coastal town of Holliston, Maine, the leading lumber baron’s son, Warren Brentwood, III, returns from his years away at college and traveling to take up his position as heir apparent to his father’s business empire.
Esperanza Estrada, daughter of a Portuguese immigrant fisherman and a local woman, Espy lives on the wrong side of the tracks, surrounded by a brood of brothers and sisters and a careworn mother. She is unable to pretend she is anything but “one of those Estradas.” When she overhears of a position to clean house at a local high school teacher’s home on Elm Street, she jumps at the opportunity-to be able to run into Warren Brentwood now and again, but also to imbibe of the culture and intellectual atmosphere of the Stocktons.
When rumors about Espy and a respected, married gentleman of the community begin to circulate, the entire church congregation and then the community pronounce judgment on her behavior. The man Espy is in love with, Warren, believes the lie and his loss of faith in her causes Espy to give up without a fight. She leaves her family and hometown for the nearest city with little money and no acquaintances and is forced to spend the night on the street. A man who heads a mission for the homeless finds Espy and offers her shelter. Espy finds the true love of God while working at the mission. Will she be able to forgive the townspeople and return home?
August, 2012
February 21, 2012 at 2:38 pm
Lots of great sounding books! Lovely covers too! I added a couple to my to be read list.
February 21, 2012 at 2:55 pm
What an awesome collection. i will be looking for them. Thanks
February 21, 2012 at 3:22 pm
Thanks, Rel, for the great coverage. Looks like a really good line-up. That story on Nehemiah's cousin intrigues me.
February 21, 2012 at 6:36 pm
Oh, I love these posts. 🙂 Can't wait to read Tessa Afshar's new one! I too loved "Pearl in the Sand." And I love this cover!
February 21, 2012 at 7:06 pm
These look great!!!! Can't wait!!!!
February 21, 2012 at 9:59 pm
love the look of the books cant wait to read the final in the Texas Trails series and Wedded to War looks like an interesting series too.
February 22, 2012 at 4:52 pm
Jocelyn Green's book WEDDED TO WAR looks good. Though I don't read many historicals, I'll be sure to read this one since I know she was essentially wedded to war herself with her reservist husband.
February 27, 2012 at 6:35 am
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