Kendra Sinclair is a successful artist whose ebullient personality hides a woman tormented by her childhood, the memories of her birth mother and the men she brought home.
Wooed by Darrin, a musician who hopes to create a new life with her, Kendra finds herself pursuing an emotional entanglement with another man – a man she has no right to be with. Driven by her desperate need for love and acceptance but feeling unworthy of such love from a “good” man, Kendra follows a path certain to crush her spirit, lose the respect of her sisters and destroy a man already scarred by his wife’s betrayal.
Don’t let the cute cover deceive you! Hidden in the pages and intertwined with humour, fun characters and sisterly love, is the very timely issue of a woman looking for love in all the wrong places for all the wrong reasons. Rebeca Seitz tackles the dangers of an emotional affair and the very ugly fallout with authenticity and painful clarity. Rebeca brings a uniqueness to her story with a woman as the betrayer rather than the betrayed and her characters’ responses, ranging from anger and bitterness to forgiveness, have a genuineness that is refreshing. Kendra’s vacillation between the two men despite being aware of her wrong behaviour is excruciatingly real as are the terrible emotional scars she bears from her childhood. I did get impatient halfway through the book waiting for the other shoe to drop for Kendra and for Tandy to stop being Bridezilla, but Rebeca’s writing talent and stellar ending were worth the wait. Readers of Tandy’s story in Sisters, Ink will be delighted with her ongoing tale and the hints at the stories of Joy and Meg still to come.
Relz Reviewz ExtrasReviews of Sisters, Ink and Prints CharmingInterview with Rebeca
Giveaway GaloreThanks to the wonderful people at B&H I have four copies of Coming Unglued to give away to my Aussie readers and two copies for my North American readers!Here’s the drill:~1. Post a comment by Thursday 14th August, 2008 telling me your favourite craft activity (or if you are like me and aren’t that way inclined, a craft you would like to be good at!)2. Add a USA or AUS at the end of your post so I know your location