Connilyn Cossette: The Writer & her Book (with giveaway)

The Writer & her Book (44)

The Writer

The delightful Connilyn Cossette has quickly made a name for herself in the world of Biblical Fiction. Her latest novel begins her second series in this genre, called the Cities of Refuge series. Conni is a talented writer and great fun. My book club is looking forward to connecting with her for a second time soon as we discuss A Light on the Hill next month. Don’t miss your chance to win a copy of A Light on the Hill, thanks to Bethany House Publishers.

Enjoy getting to know Conni a little more as she shares again at Relz Reviewz!


Why do you tell stories?

I’ve just always been such a voracious reader and a lover of words so writing was a natural outpouring of those affinities. I wanted to write books from a very young age but didn’t find my voice until I was 35, however once I got started I couldn’t stop! And I just love depicting God’s grace on the canvas of fiction.

Your favourite place to read

Anywhere. Everywhere. 😀 But mostly tucked in a comfy chair with a mug of coffee and a cozy blanket.

Best meal of the day


Most beloved childhood book

Anne of Green Gables, A Wrinkle in Time, and also Beauty by Robin McKinley were favorites but really about five thousand others—I always had my nose in a book when I was kid (usually during math class….)

If your life was a TV show, what would it be?

Is there a TV about a mom who sits around in her pajamas homeschooling, reading, and writing books? Well, then that one 😉 I haven’t watched TV (other than a few Netflix binges) in so long I have no clue, although things have been in such upheaval in my life as we packed up our lives and moved across the country to a strange new place that I kinda feel like I’m in the Upside Down…

Whose music inspires you?

I’ve been very inspired by Lauren Daigle in the past couple of years and also recent Hillsong United albums, especially Of Dirt and Grace, which was recorded in Israel at holy sites.



What ice-cream flavour would you be?

Coffee, with a few nuts thrown in.

The most recent novel you read

The Awakening by Tamara Leigh. Wonderful as usual!

What’s your current book recommendation?

My writing partner Tammy L. Gray has a new series! Until I Knew Myself and is the first in her Bentwood Series. It’s a unique and clean romance with a subtle inspirational message all built around a circle of friends that you will come to love. The second, The Truth Between Us, releases this July.

Name a book character you can’t forget

Samwise Gamgee, because he is the heart and soul of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Dream travel destination

Well, I just got to fulfill my dream of traveling to Israel (it was SO awesome!) so next on my list is Scotland and Ireland and then most likely Norway.

The Book

A Light on the Hill

Seven years ago, Moriyah was taken captive in Jericho and branded with the mark of the Canaanite gods. Now the Israelites are experiencing peace in their new land, but Moriyah has yet to find her own peace. Because of the shameful mark on her face, she hides behind her veil at all times and the disdain of the townspeople keeps her from socializing. And marriage prospects were out of the question . . . until now.

Her father has found someone to marry her, and she hopes to use her love of cooking to impress the man and his motherless sons. But when things go horribly wrong, Moriyah is forced to flee. Seeking safety at one of the newly-established Levitical cities of refuge, she is wildly unprepared for the dangers she will face, and the enemies–and unexpected allies–she will encounter on her way.

What was the working title?

It was always A Light on the Hill because the message of Matthew 5:14-16 has always been the theme from the moment I conceived the idea.

Describe your book in 5 adjectives

Adventurous, romantic, inspirational, twisty-turny, descriptive

Which character did you enjoy writing most?

I really fell in love with little Eitan, a young friend of Moriyah, my heroine—which is why he just happens to be the hero in Shelter of the Most High!

Which character gave you the most grief?

Probably Yuval, the steward of Moriyah’s father’s vineyard, mostly because it took a while to determine his motives. His arc changed drastically, as did his ultimate fate (it didn’t end so well for him in the first drafts…)

What emotions do you think your story will generate in readers?

Hopefully a lot of dramatic tension to drive those pages to turn, inspiration as they walk the journey with Moriyah, and satisfaction in the outcome. I’ve been told a few tears have been shed already, which makes me wickedly gleeful, in the very best way of course!

What emotions did you experience while writing this story?

Pretty much every single one you can imagine. Each book is a roller-coaster of joy, fear, doubt, excitement, grief, exasperation, annoyance, and hopefully satisfaction.

How do you choose your characters names?

I use Jewish/Messianic translations of the Bible to find some names, search the internet for others, and if all else fails I make them up 😉 It’s tough to find ancient names that fit the culture but that also aren’t too crazy to pronounce for English speakers, so sometimes it takes a lot of work to come up with just one name. And then even after that sometimes I change names halfway through writing the book and confuse my writing partners to no end…

Thanks Conni!Connilyn Cossette

Connilyn Cossette is the CBA Best-Selling author of the Out from Egypt Series with Bethany House Publishing. Her debut novel, Counted with the Stars, was a finalist for a Christy Award,  an INSPY Award, and a Christian Retailing’s Best Award. There’s not much she enjoys more than digging into the rich ancient world of the Bible, uncovering buried gems of grace that point toward Jesus, and weaving them into an immersive fiction experience. She lives near Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband of twenty years and two awesome kids who fill her days with laughter, joy, and inspiration. Connect with her at

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Cossette @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Connilyn’s website
Buy at Amazon: A Light on the Hill or Koorong

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20 Responses to Connilyn Cossette: The Writer & her Book (with giveaway)

  1. As a reader, I have cried at some books (or teared up, at least!). As an author, I’ve also cried at scenes I wrote. 😉

  2. Yup, I can ugly cry with the best of them.

    Once again, Rel, I’m eternally grateful to you for recommending Connilyn’s books. I had never read biblical fiction and was skeptical if I’d like them or not. But per the use…you were right and was riveted from page 1. I recommended Connilyn’s “Out from Egypt” to all my friends, and her “Cities of Refuge” shows she’s no one-hit-wonder. Anxiously awaiting “Shelter of the Most High”.

  3. Perrianne Askew

    This book sounds like just the right amount of emotions on the spectrum. The bonus is the Biblical historical content plus it’s based on a Bible verse itself. Sounds like a winner to me!

  4. You better believe it I cry when I read emotional books! :/ 🙂 I love Connilyn Cossette’s books!!

  5. This book looks and sounds amazing. I haven’t read Biblical fiction in awhile and this looks great!

  6. I absolutely loved this book! I’m hooked on Connilyn’s books! I’m anxiously awaiting the next one. I already have a copy, so no need to enter me in the contest.

    Thanks, Rel and Connilyn for the fun spotlight!

  7. Oh yes, I cry when reading books! I also laugh out loud or sigh. I love listening to Lauren Daigle and Hillsong United! Sounds like a great book!

  8. Oh, my, yes. I rate my books on how many kleenex I go through. I love me a moving book.

  9. Yes, I cry. A lot. I read Until I Knew Myself by Tammy Gray and cried buckets. Just finished Where Hope Begins by Catherine West and cried a ton.

  10. Cry, no. But get a lump in my throat, yep, sure do.

  11. Yes, I do cry when I read when I read books.

  12. Danielle Hammelef

    Yes, I am one of those readers who cries. Hopefully this isn’t a spoiler for anyone, but A Taste of Blackberries and Old Yeller were the first books as a child that made me cry.

  13. Lauralee Lindholm

    This book is amazing – as are all of hers. We lived in the remote highlands of Ethiopia in a land forgotten by time for many years. My husband taught weaving there. Her descriptions of simple life so many years ago are right on target. She makes it all come to life with lots of action, drama and romance. I loved A Light on a Hill and cannot wait to read the next one in the series.

  14. Yes I do.

  15. I would love to read Connilyn’s new book! Very good interview!

  16. My career as a chef taught me to read a recipe, and then make it my own by tweaking ingredients, adding a new twist of taste and make my version a new experience for my customers. This is what Connilyn Cossette does with words. I was vaguely aware of the Cities of Refuge in the bible – but never really thought about what would drive a person to go there, what happened when they arrived, the consequences of making that choice and the ramifications of living in a city of this nature. Connilyn answers all those questions and more in “A Light on a Hill”. Her characters are well written, the land comes to life, and there is room for you to question “What would I do?” Most importantly – all of us invest our time when we read books – and I truly dislike it when I read a book that leaves me feeling like I wasted my time. Time is too precious. I have read all of Connilyn Cossette’s books and have always walked away feeling full, satisfied and content – and eventually wanting more – – this is the way I want my customers to feel – so “kudos” Connilyn – job well done!

  17. I don’t usually cry over books, but I will become tearful during an especially moving scene. I have read a couple of Connilyn’s books and absolutely love them! I can’t wait to read more!! 🙂

  18. I tear up at emotionally moving scenes. Thank you for hosting Connilyn and the giveaway.

  19. So far, of Connilyn’s books, I have only read “Counted With the Stars”, but I absolutely loved it and look forward to reading more by her!
    I don’t think a novel has ever made me cry, but the last book that did was a biography of Pope John Paul II (“Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves” by Jason Evert) – it was so hard to read about his last days and how much he suffered before his death, but beautiful because despite being weak and in so much pain, he still showed so much love and care and even good humor to those around him. <3

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