Courtney Walsh: Discover more…and a giveaway

Courtney WalshDiscover more about

Courtney Walsh

and her contemporary romance

Paper Hearts

Tyndale House


A book character that sticks in my mind is… Why?

Anne Shirley. I read Anne of Green Gables in sixth grade—such a pivotal year for a girl. I think Anne taught me to see the world differently. And that every day is fresh with no mistakes in it.

The last book that made me cry was…

Gosh, I think I must be cold-hearted because I can’t think of one! I tend to avoid sad books, movies and television shows completely. I really hate crying!! I can tell you the movie Dead Poets Society makes me cry the ugly cry but it’s still a favorite!

The last book that made me laugh out loud was…

Meant to be Mine by Becky Wade

I’m completely immersed in their storytelling, whenever I read a book by…

Carla Stewart. I feel like I’ve been transported when I read her books—and she paints the loveliest word pictures.

The first person who encouraged me to pursue my writing was…

My parents, specifically, my dad. When I was heading off to college intent on studying theatre, he asked me what I was going to do (when I grew up.) I said I wanted to be an actor. He said, “I think you need to do something with your writing.” I said, “What writing?”

Funny how parents see things in us we don’t. At that point, writing had never crossed my mind!

If I wasn’t a writer, I would be…

I suppose what I already am…the co-owner of a performing and visual arts studio and theatre director who gets to work with the most amazing kids in the world. J

I write stories because…

To sort through the lessons God’s teaching me…because I learn better with a visual and feel like I may not be the only one… because my characters show up in my head and won’t be quiet until I give them a voice…so many reasons!

rp_Paper-Hearts-682x1024.jpgPaper Hearts

Abigail Pressman would never have guessed that love notes penned on paper hearts by an anonymous couple could restore her belief in love. As a business owner in a quaint town at the base of the Rockies, she’s poured everything into her dreams of expansion… and resisting the matchmaking efforts of the Valentine Volunteers, who gather in her store to continue Loves Park’s tradition of stamping mail with the city’s romantic postmark.

When Abigail is unwillingly drafted into the Volunteers, she encounters the paper hearts, a distraction that couldn’t come at a worse time. A hard-to-read doctor has become Abigail’s new landlord, and he’s threatening to end her lease to expand his practice.

As she fights a growing attraction to this handsome man who seems intent on crushing her dreams, Abigail is inspired to string the hearts in her store, sparking a citywide infatuation with the artsy trend. But when a new batch of hearts reaches the Volunteers, it appears something tragic has happened to the couple. Will uncovering their story confirm Abigail’s doubts about love, or could it rescue her dreams… and her heart?

My latest novel can be described by these 5 adjectives…

Romantic, Heart-warming, Small town, Charming & Poignant

My main character is… 

Beautiful but clumsy. A bit unsure of herself. Trying to figure things out. Abigail is in the process of choosing faith over fear…always a bit of a terrifying place to be!

My main character/s resemble….

Emmy Rossum & Ryan Reynolds. I did a post on this! 🙂

My story’s spiritual theme is…

God can take your broken dreams and turn them in to something beautiful…

The most recent movie or tv show I loved was… Why?

I recently got caught up on Veronica Mars. I have no idea why but I LOVED it! I am also re-watching Felicity, which I watched in college and still love to this day. I like television a little more than I should. J

The story I’m currently working on is…

The next one in this series! I’m about to dive in to my edits in the next few weeks!

I might go all fan girl (or fan boy), if I met…

Robert Downey Jr. Hands down.

If I could travel back in time, I’d go to…

Anywhere I could potentially meet Nora Ephron. I think her characters are some of the most memorable, and I’m sad I never had the opportunity to shake her hand.

I get lost in the music when I listen to…

Instrumental movie soundtracks, specifically The Piano, Jurassic Park and Harry Potter music.

A long held dream of mine is…

To go to Italy. But first, I have to conquer my fear of flying over the water!! 🙂

Thanks Courtney!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Visit Courtney’s website and blog
Buy from Amazon: Paper Hearts or Koorong

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29 Responses to Courtney Walsh: Discover more…and a giveaway

  1. Since I’m single, I don’t have a Valentine’s tradition.

  2. This looks like a great book! I would love to win ❤️

  3. Thank you so much for hosting me, Rel!! 🙂 Such fun questions!

  4. I always buy my husband his favorite chocolates- See’s Candy milk bordeaux 🙂

  5. I always bake a sugary treat.

  6. We don’t have any Valentine’s traditions but I have to say I think this book trailer is the cutest one I’ve ever seen. Love the song!

  7. Our Valentine’s Day traditions are pretty simple. Valentine’s cards for my husband and children, little box of chocolates (or other candy for my son who doesn’t care for chocolate) for each of them, and a coffee date with my husband. I am looking forward to reading Paper Hearts. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

  8. I loved this book! But then, I’ve loved all of Courtney’s books. You don’t need to enter me in the drawing, since I have the book, but I wanted to stop by and give a shout out to the others.If you don’t win, go buy it!!

  9. I don’t have a V-Day tradition–being single I haven’t really needed any. but while I’m in this season, I like to help other couples escape for a little while to enjoy their evening, so I am babysitting. I get to enjoy the kiddos, which will be much fun. 🙂

  10. Oh, I have a debilitating fear of flying… over land, over water, it doesn’t matter where. It’s kept me from doing a lot of things I really want to do. But I FINALLY went to Europe last year, I went with a friend who understood my anxiety and made a joke out of it. It was AMAZING! This is a major understatement, but if I can do it… so can you! I dragged three books around with me (two fiction), with very limited space, but I knew I’d need them on the plane. My friends didn’t say anything, but I think they thought I was a little bit nuts. Anyway, Europe = total amazingness. I can’t wait to read your book!

  11. I usually buy cards for my husband & adult kids, but that is about the extent of our Valentine’s Day traditions. Paper Hearts sounds like a great book & I would love to read it.

  12. Being single, I usually end up working on Valentine’s Day so others can have the day off to spend with their significant others.

  13. My only valentine’s “tradition” is sending my sisters valentine’s every year. Now that we’ve all moved out of our childhood home, we rarely get to see each other on the actual day, but I love sending them notes to let them know how much I love them 🙂
    The book sounds great!

  14. i can’t wait to read this one!

    Thank you,
    Stephanie C.

  15. Usually we share a special meal with our whole family. (We have 5 kids)

  16. Our tradition is to go out to dinner AFTER Valentine’s Day to avoid the crowds.

  17. I do not have a Valentine’s Day tradition, though I do try to do something special for my husband. Now that our oldest child is a part of a homeschooling community, it was fun to watch the children exchange cards.

  18. I really don’t have a valentine’s day tradition. When I was a little girl I loved giving out valentine’s day cards.

  19. Hello Rel, thanks for hosting Courtney here. My valentine sweetheart has been with GOD for 17 years now. So I have many Valentines to remember each year and my grown grandchildren are my valentines and I receive beautiful cards(I really love and save cards). And, of course, Chocolate candy. Thanks for the give-away. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  20. Our Valentine’s Day usually involves flowers, cards and dinner… not fancy just heart felt!

  21. Card, chocolates, and date night with my hubby.

  22. When I lived at home, we would have a family dinner that included a lace tablecloth, candles, and conversation hearts everywhere. Then we’d just enjoy using the convo hearts obnoxiously. Now that I live with my sister we just had a girls night, chick flick, chinese food, cherry cheesecake jubilee, starbucks, Friends, and Selfie!

  23. We do not really have any specific Valentine’s Day tradition. Of course, chocolate is usually involved in some way and dinner out. I would love to read Paper Hearts. I have been seeing it everywhere on the web.

  24. I usually go out to dinner with friends on Valentine’s Day.

  25. No we do something different every year! 🙂

  26. Valentines Day prompts me to think deeper on those closest to me. Sometimes it brings red roses, other times I write ‘the good stuff’ about him and our girls…and often small chocolate hearts appear magically next to their pillows. 🙂

  27. A card for me and Chocolates for him 🙂

  28. No Valentine’s Day traditions here!
    Unless you include counting down until the Valentine’s Day candy goes on sale….

  29. We have always made valentines night a night to stay in and cook together. Looking forward to paper hearts!

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