Dead Reckoning by Ronie Kendig with giveaways


Underwater archeologist Shiloh Blake is consumed with passion for the water and inflamed at the injustices of life, blaming her secret agent father for her mother’s death. When her first large-scale dig traps her in the middle of an international nuclear arms clash, she flees for her life and is followed by an unknown man. Who is he? How is he always one step ahead?

Reece Jaxon is a former Navy SEAL, who now serves his country as a spy. His mission is threatened by the beguiling Shiloh Blake as he hunts down the sources to a nuclear dead drop in the Arabian Sea. The only way to end this nightmare and prevent a nuclear meltdown is for Shiloh to join forces with Reece. ‘

Will Shiloh violate her vow to never become a spy like her father? Will she reconcile with her father? Will her trust issues destroy her chance for love? And will she allow God to help her through this ordeal?

My take:~

Remind me never to end up as a character in a Ronie Kendig novel! Danger and intrigue lurk around every corner and just when you think safety is in sight, the hammer of heartache drops again, hurtling Shiloh Blake deeper into jeopardy. Then there is Reece Jaxon…okay, on second thoughts maybe I do want to be in her books, after all 😉

Brilliantly executed in every way, Ronie Kendig has a winner on her hands with her debut novel, Dead Reckoning. The non stop action, fuelled by Shiloh’s spirited personality and the indefatigable CIA agent Reece Jaxon’s dedication to his mission, is breathtaking and enthralling. While the attraction between Shiloh and Reece is palpable, Ronie doesn’t settle for a predictable romance, as Shiloh struggles with feelings for her dearest friend. Complex characters and relationships are plentiful. The setting of Mumbai, India increases the exotic appeal of this story but it is the relentless turmoil and the compelling writing that set this novel apart.

Readers who have been bemoaning the loss of Dee Henderson’s writing, need complain no more! Ronie Kendig ups the stakes in Dead Reckoning, reminiscent of Jennifer Garner and Alias in novel form. Ronie’s new military suspense series can’t come soon enough – be looking for the first of her Discarded Heroes series, Nightshade, in July, 2010 from Barbour.

With thanks to Abingdon Press for my review copy

Relz Reviewz Extras

Visit Ronie’s website and blog

Enter Ronie’s launch contest @ Novel Journey

Buy Ronie’s books at Amazon or Christianbook

Check back later this week for an exclusive interview with Ronie and character spotlight on Reece & Shiloh


Thanks to Ronie, I have two copies to give away as follows:~

One copy (personalised and signed by Ronie) for my US readers

One copy for my Aussie readers

To enter, post a comment before Sunday 7th letting me know your favourite leading man in a suspense movie or novel! Be sure to add a USA or AUS to your comment to be eligible for wither draw.

As for me, Matt Damon as Jason Bourne ~ you?

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25 Responses to Dead Reckoning by Ronie Kendig with giveaways

  1. Juju at Tales of

    Oh please please enter me.

    Favorite leading man in a suspense?
    I recently read a book called "Through the Triangle" by CP Stewart and I loved the character named Juan.
    (Here's my review if your interested in checking it out:

    Oh and I'm in Florida, US 🙂


  2. Whoa, Juju – that's the fastest entry I've ever had 🙂 Good review on Through the Triangle 🙂

  3. This book is AMAZING! I literally devoured the pages, calling Ronie & threatening her if she didn't send more soon. (NOTE TO RONIE: If I don't get more of Digitalis soon, the threats will return)…let's see…fav hero…I like Jason Bourne, too, Rel. He's one of my favs. But I also like Stu and Nick in The Stand. And Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) in Dan Brown's series.

  4. Special Agent Daniel Clark in Adam by Ted Dekker. He stayed the course and then some to find 'Eve' and get the help needed. Fantastic read!

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
    Linda USA

  5. Oooh I'd love to win.

  6. Scrappy Quilter ~ then I need your fav suspense hero and a USA on your post 🙂 Do that and you are in the draw!

  7. jenniferinjupiter

    That would have to be Harrison Ford in The Fugitive!

  8. I don't really have a favorite leading hero. I like Terri Blackstock. Does that count- she has good heros. 🙂

    I live in the U.S.


  9. What fun! My fave hero right now is anything Matt Damon plays. ::grins:: Or Gerard Butler in 300. And there are historicals (hush, Robin)- Colin Firth as Darcy. 😀

    Oh, don't enter me to win. LOL

  10. Suspense movie hero? Let me dig back in the depths of my memory bank …

    Maybe Nicholas Cage in Con Air and then in National Treasure? I'm sure if someone prompted me, I'd have something better, but that's the one that comes to mind first.

    Course you know I'm in AUS!

  11. Hmm … for movies it would have to be Cary Grant in Charade and North by Northwest.
    Books is a little harder, but I think it would have to be Zack Brewer in Don Brown's Treason.

    And I do miss Dee Henderson's writing. I want to know if they caught the guy in Before I Wake.

    AUS for me!

    Thanks, Rel, for letting me/us know about great books.

  12. Ronie – Oh, Colin 🙂 Yes, the divine Mr Darcy although not sure P & P qualifies as a suspense 😉

    Okay, Trac just need to get this off my chest…Nicholas Cage?? What were you thinking?!?!

    Beth – Zack is a good one 🙂

    And how could I forget, the fabulous Richard Armitage in Spooks and Denzel Washington in well, just about everything he has been in!

    Alright, I'm stopping now!!

  13. Mmm, I love Special Agent Tony Lucano in The Reluctant Thief and the other books in the To Catch a Thief series by Jill Elizabeth Nelson.



  14. I don't know if this counts for a suspense movie, but I loved Viggo Mortensen in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
    As for books, I really like Evan Cooper from Irene Hannon's Against All Odds.
    I'm from the USA.

  15. I would love a chance to win this book! Thanks! 🙂

    As for the question, I've been watching Masterpiece movies on PBS with my roommate and other girls in my hall here at college. I loved Henry Tilney (Northanger Abbey is kind of suspenseful…) and Richard Hannay from "The 39 Steps." These movies have been so much fun to watch! We loved "The 39 Steps" a lot, and it was pretty suspenseful, with lots of twists and turns in the plot (and a rather dashing male lead…). 🙂


  16. Oh, just to clarify Henry Tilney was the male lead in "Northanger Abbey" (the way I wrote that was kind of confusing). 🙂 And I'm from the USA.


  17. Definitely Matt Damon.


    kolists a\t gmail d/t com

  18. I would love to win this book.

    I am going with Dr. Nick Polchack from Tim Down's Bug Man NOvels.


  19. This is such an easy choice – Matt Damon as Jason Bourne. I have not had a character suck me into a story so much as he did in the series.

    John E

  20. I don't have a hero either except Jesus Christ so I guess he would be the leading hero in the Bible, it is full of mystery, love, suspence etc.
    Please enter me into the contest as I live in SC in the good ole USA.


  21. Matt Damon as Jason Bourne was fantastic!! He did such a good job! Totally sucked me in 🙂
    joyfuljewelz (at)

  22. please enter me!

    lowurtz at gmail dot com


  23. So glad I found your website a few weeks ago. LOVE and MISS Dee Henderson, so looking forward to reading this book by Ronie.

    As to your question–I have to go with Matt Damon as Jason Bourne–I am sitting here watching Bourne Ultimatum right now (the fight scene in the bathroom). I also like Viggo Mortenson from Lord of the Rings, or Keanu Reeves as well.

    USA for me.

  24. SCORE!! Rel, ya have got some brilliant people here. Matt Damon is truly awesome as Bourne. Sigh. I think I know most of the lines to the movies. Hehe. Can't wait to see Green Zone!

    And ya know…there's suspense…sort of…kinda … maybe…okay, not so much in P&P! 😛

  25. I'm going for Matt as Jason Bourne but I also understand what Tracy says about Nicolas Cage in National Treasure! Thanks Rel and Ronie. I so miss Dee Henderson's writing so look forward to reading this. Love Jen


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