DiAnn Mills: Discover more…with a giveaway

DiAnn Mills2015Discover more about

DiAnn Mills

and her romantic suspense

Double  Cross

Tyndale House


A book character that sticks in my mind is… Why? Mickey Bolitar, created by Harlan Coben. Mickey is a high school student who doesn’t fit in with the sports crowd or the in-crowd, but with those who see the world a little differently. He picks loners as friends then dives into being true even when friendship leads him to danger. All the while, he’s struggling to find out what happened to his deceased father.

The last book that made me cry was… The Auschwitz Escape by Joel Rosenberg

The last book that made me laugh out loud was… This one has me stumped. The books I read aren’t comedies, but my fiction reading consists of suspense, adventure, romance that contains of suspense and adventure, or a woman’s fiction that contains suspense and adventure.

I’m completely immersed in their storytelling, whenever I read a book by…Harlan Coben

The first person who encouraged me to pursue my writing was… My dad. He told me if I had stories inside me, they should be written.

If I wasn’t a writer, I would be… a chef. I’d want to explore the passion of food like I now explore passion for story.

I write stories because… I want to show readers a strong character who overcomes obstacles to be more than he/she ever dreamed possible. In turn, my reader is challenged to grow.

Double CrossDouble Cross

FBI Agent Laurel Evertson’s investigation into a scam targeting the elderly takes an unexpected twist when key evidence leads her to Morton Wilmington, a felon she arrested five years ago on her first undercover assignment. That case has haunted her since, and though she’s vowed to forget Wilmington-and what she sacrificed to put him away-he is now her best lead.

Houston Police Officer Daniel Hilton fears his grandparents may be the scammer’s next targets, and he’ll do anything to protect his family-even force interagency cooperation. But he’s quickly drawn to Laurel’s empathy and zeal and agrees to follow her lead . . . even if it means teaming up with a felon.

As the unlikely trio uncovers evidence suggesting the scam is more extensive and deadly than they imagined, both Laurel and Daniel find themselves in the crosshairs of a killer. Together they must decide if they can trust Wilmington’s claims of redemption, or if he’s leading them straight into a double cross.

My latest novel can be described by these 5 adjectives… suspenseful, fast-paced, romantic, heart-wrenching, deceptive.

My main character is… Special Agent Laurel Evertson experienced a tragic childhood in which her parents were killed during a home invasion. This motivated her to enter law enforcement. Blonde and beautiful describes her looks. Private and professional characterizes her outward demeanor. Her strengths are resourcefulness and determination, and guilt and remorse hinder her from becoming all she can be. She loves her white Arabian stallion Phantom.

My main characters resemble….

Laurel Evertson – Jennifer Lawrence

Daniel Hilton – Orlando Bloom

My story’s spiritual theme is… To forgive others, we must first forgive ourselves.

DeadlockThe most recent movie or tv show I loved was… Why? The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. He was challenged by his imagination to seek life and it’s unique journey.

The story I’m currently working on is… Deadlock, the third book in the FBI: Houston series. What can go wrong in a serial murder case . . . does.

You may not know this about me, but I… used to direct a children’s day care center.

I might go all fan girl if I met… I wouldn’t do that.

If I could travel back in time, I’d go to… when my dad was living. We used to take long walks in the woods, talk about our dreams, and discover the beauty of nature.

I get lost in the music when I listen to… Hillsong, especially their song Oceans – Where Feet May Fail

A long held dream of mine is… to develop my own coffee beans. Of course the brand would be Adventure Coffee to fit with my writing brand of Expect an Adventure.

Thanks DiAnn!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Character spotlight on Bella & Carr

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15 Responses to DiAnn Mills: Discover more…with a giveaway

  1. Diann Mills is a recently discovered author for me. I’ve only read Firewall. I definitely enjoyed it and look forward to reading Double Cross soon.

    Love the author interview. Auschwitz Escape was my top read of 2014 so glad to see that stood our for Diann as well.

  2. Rel, what perfect timing of guest posts on this blog–DiAnn has just been named a Christy finalist (again), as well as nominated for ACFW Mentor of the Year. Congratulations to DiAnn, who deserves it, and thanks to you, Rel, for all you do for writers and readers alike.
    The interview? Oh, I loved it. I thought that went without saying.

  3. I would say that I like the mystery quality of a suspense and since I love romance, the two put together are great! Thanks for the interview and the giveaway!

  4. I love the heart-pounding, throat-gripping thrills each book offers. When a couple can overcome some of these situations and come out of it holding strongly to each other, that makes the book even better. DiAnn Mills is one of the best at this! I loved Firewall and look forward to Double Cross.

  5. Love all your books. Love the suspense, intrigue, with that dash of romance. They hold your attention from the first to the last page. The in depth story line makes you ponder, and remember, long after you have read books.
    Thanks for books coming in future, looking forward to reading them as well.

  6. I enjoy the unknown of what will happen next, and I love the romance. It is interesting to see how the characters respond to the different stressful situations they are in.

    Thank you,
    Stephanie C.

  7. I like a book to keep me guessing about what is going to happen. The romance part just helps keep the characters connected.

  8. I am a fan of DiAnn’s books. I love the way she weaves and story and keeps me guessing. Mystery/suspense with a little romance is my favorite genre!

  9. I love how the characters grow and change in their trials. Also proves that adventure/suspense need not be interrupted by gratuitous details.

  10. I always wish I was more adventurous but am by nature a scaredy cat and like to avoid stress and danger. So I always enjoy reading suspense that lets me experience these things all from the comfort of my nice safe couch =)

  11. They keep my interest because I just have to know what happens!

  12. I like mystery but I don’t like to read about a lot of gore, so it seems the books with romance don’t have gore 🙂

  13. I love stories with romance and intrigue/mystery.

  14. I love romantic suspense because the romance is less heavy handed. I enjoy getting my heart pounding by digging deep in the situation and getting lost in the thrill of it all.

  15. Help looking for “The Willows of Kinney Holler” by Diann Mills

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