I’ve decided you can tell a lot about people by the way they write, both within in the pages of a book and via email across oceans! Sharon Hinck’s compassion, deep faith and joyful heart spill over in to her novels, emails and newsletters.
Interviewing Sharon was loads of fun so read below to discover more about her career aspirations as a child, her favourite ice cream flavour and the bravest thing she has ever done!
Sharon also shares about her latest books, Symphony of Secrets from Bethany House and The Restorer’s Journey from NavPress. Both books are available now!
Here’s Sharon:~
If you could have chosen your own name , what would it be?
I’ve been enjoying your Aussie nickname for me – Shazza. J
Charlie the parakeet.
Did you have a special toy that went everywhere with you when you were young? Please describe.
When I was young, I was a bookworm, and usually had a book with me everywhere I went.
Rel: A woman after my own heart!!!
If you could be an animal for one day, what would you be and why?
A tropical fish. I’ve had a few opportunities to snorkel, and one pathetic attempt at scuba diving (I was terrible at it). But I loved swimming through coral reefs and would love to do it without needing to breathe.

If you could meet a famous person, who would it be?
Maybe Joan of Arc
My hubby and I visited this statue of Joan when we were overseas – does that count?!
If you were stranded on a desert island what one object would you want with you? (Besides your Bible of course)
My husband. Wait. Can he count as an object? If not, I’d want a nice cozy bed. I’ve watched Survivor. I don’t think I’d like sleeping in caves or on bug-infested bamboo platform.
If you could only have one favourite food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Mashed potatoes and gravy
What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
Cinnamon ice cream is great with apple pie, but Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia (with wonderful dark chocolate chunks) is another favorite. Rel, you’re making me hungry. I’ll need to stop answering questions and go get a snack.
You Americans sure have some interesting flavours!
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A secret agent, a ballerina, an actor, and a writer. I’ve done all but one. You’ll have to guess which.
If you could tra
vel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Why, to visit you in Australia, of course! Although I also loved the island of Kauai when I was able to visit Hawaii once. And I’d love to see the beautiful mountains of New Zealand.
My folks just returned from a holiday in New Zealand, pictured here! It is a beautiful country 🙂
Besides God, who has influenced you the most?
My husband. His example of selfless love, depth of faith, and quiet steadfastness inspires me daily.
What’s your favourite book?
Perelandra by C.S. Lewis. He did a beautiful job of helping me understand an old story by presenting it in a new setting. And there is a scene of worship that lifted my heart in worship while I read it and gave me a glimpse of heaven.
What part of your daily routine do you enjoy most?
My early morning cup of tea. Chatting with my husband at the end of the day. Taking walks, especially when I can talk one of the kids into coming with me. Family dinner – when we all manage to be there at the same time. My quiet time. My writing time. Did you mean I had to pi
ck only ONE part of my daily routine that I enjoy most? LOL!
What’s your favourite movie?
American in Paris. I love musicals, and Gene Kelly is a favorite.
Where’s the most interesting place you have been?
The Wanchai district on Hong Kong island.
What’s your most fervent prayer?
That I would learn how to love the way Christ loves.
What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
Natural childbirth – four times.
What gift have you received that you will always treasure?
The hand-sequined Christmas stocking that my Granny made for me, with a backwards “N” (which always makes me smile because it reminds me of her Russian background).
What is your favourite Bible verse (or “one” of your favourites) and what does it mean to you?
2 Cor. 4:7 –7 “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” I love that God is able to use flawed, ordinary people as a way to pour out His grace to the world.
How did your husband propose to you?
After talking to my father, he took me to a bridge in a little Japanese tea-garden and formally asked me there. J
What was the best advice you received on marriage before you were married?
Marriage is a three-fold union. As the man and woman each draw closer to God, they draw closer to each other.
Great advice. We had Ecclesiates 4:12 embossed on our wedding invitations 🙂

Symphony of Secrets
Your love of music shines through in this story – was it fun to write?
A blast! I enjoy people who are intense about their calling – and a bit outside the parameters of “normal.” And I am fascinated by the drive that causes musicians to commit so many hours to practice in a desire for rare moments of artistic transcendence.
Do we see a bit of you in the compassionate but slightly neurotic flautist, Amy Johnson?!
I hope I’m not quite as prickly with others as Amy…and I don’t try to solve imaginary mysteries (anymore), but I fear I’m often self-absorbed like she is, and I definitely understand the deep drive to express something through the arts and the way it can consume a person if they aren’t careful.
What do you hope readers take away from this story?
In addition to some fun, light entertainment, I hope people absorb the truth that God loves us enough to come meet with us in the ways we understand – and loves us enough to pursue us.
Loved this story, Shazza!
The Restorer’s Journey
Please share the inspiration for this amazing series
There were several elements that meshed together for me… my love for the fantasy genre, my desire to give a contemporary woman’s perspective to the story, my love for sword fights, my fascination with the Biblical character of Deborah (and the other Judges – and the way God worked in that time of history). I also wanted to explore my questions about how to endure when the Christian life, or the roles God calls us to, are much harder than expected. What does deeper surrender look like?
In Restorer’s Journey, Susan is captured and she plunges into overwhelming despair. How did you write such emotionally draining scenes?
I’ll confess, it was difficult to write. I drew from some lengthy and painful challenges in my own life – and for the sake of friends who understand suffering, wanted to make sure I didn’t gloss over what that experience can be like. It did help that I got to keep switching to the more adventurous and swashbuckling storyline of Jake.
You wrote from the point of view of a mum and a teenage boy – was one more difficult than the other?
Jake’s point of view was fun – because I could tap into all the idealism, confidence, and occasional stupidity and disillusionment that I experienced at that age. However, I did need to keep an eye on how I portrayed the voice of his age and gender—which was much easier with Susan, since I’m a mom (or “mum” as you say – LOL!) and her voice comes more naturally to me).
What do you hope readers take away from this story?
No matter how confusing, painful, and difficult the journey, it is still a good idea to follow the God who loves us. He has purposes He may not reveal to us in full detail, but we can trust He is with us in every dark place, and isn’t done with our story.
Yep…you did achieve that and more 🙂 Amazing and powerful reading!
Will you return to Lyric any time in the future?
I have more stories in my heart and mind for the various characters, and would love it if God would open the door for more one day.
Hoping and praying…… 🙂
Thanks so much for letting me come visit!
May 5, 2008 at 6:25 am
Thanks Sharon and Rel for a great interview and they do seem to have interesting icecreams dont they.
May 5, 2008 at 8:36 pm
Great set of questions, Rel, and wonderful answers, Sharon! I love musicals too and Gene Kelly was one of my favorite dancers/leading men. I loved both The Restorer and The Restorer’s Son. Can’t wait to get my hands on Restorer’s Journey and Symphony of Secrets.Blessings,Becca Dowlingbecca.dowling[at]yahoo[dot]com
May 6, 2008 at 12:42 am
OOO my, wow, how enthralling is The Restorer’s Journey turning out to be. I’m not getting anything done in my household since beginning the book. Thanks for the interview, it’s great to find out a bit about an author, especially one who can write great fantasy stories with so much depth to them.