Tracy Higley’s newest novel, Shadow of Colossus, is the first in her Seven Wonders series. If you love ancient history it is a must read, if you don’t then pick up the book and you soon will! It is available now from B&H Publishing.
Tracy is delightful and I’m sure you will all enjoy getting to know a little about her. Enjoy 🙂
Here’s Tracy:~
Katherine. Like the Kate the Great, Ms. Hepburn. I love her!
Your first pet’s name?
My childhood dog, Prince Enchanter. (I have creative parents, too.)
If you were stranded on a desert island what one object would you want with you? (Besides your Bible of course)
What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
No question, peanut butter & chocolate.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
The earliest thing I can remember wanting to be was a writer. I started my first novel at the age of eight. For awhile I wanted to be a Bible translator in a foreign country somewhere. In college I got a degree in English – Secondary Ed, but I’ve never taught in high school yet.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Besides God, who has influenced you the most?
Many people! My parents, definitely, who encouraged me to read and question and think. Teachers who push

As an adult, I’d have to say The Paradise War by Stephen Lawhead. As a child, it was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Both of these books transported me so completely to a different world that I returned anxious to create that same experience for someone else someday.
Checking my email. Seriously. It’s addictive. I’ve recently set Outlook to only check when I click the button, so I’m not constantly popping over there to see if anyone is getting in touch.
From Acts 20:24: I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. My most fervent prayer would be that I run the race well and complete the task.
What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
Ok, I’m starting to sound repetitive, but it was climbing up in that pyramid! I’m claustrophobic, and it took months of mental preparation and then quite awhile there on the Giza Plateau to get me up through that tiny shaft. But I was so happy when I got to the top, that I’d conquered that fear and actually done it! I cried like a baby.
What is your favourite Bible verse (or one of your favourites) and what does it mean to you?
[see my most fervent prayer J]
What was your most embarrassing moment in High School?
Why would I want to share it now?! I think I’ll say a really bad perm in 9th grade that left me looking very much like a poodle and very unhappy.
Shadow of Colossus
I’ve always loved history, and I thought it would be great fun to take a “tour of the ancient world” by setting a book

How did you decide names for your characters? It obviously required more research than for a contemporary novel!
It’s tough, actually. You want to choose names that are pronounceable for your readers, yet still true to the time period. I use those baby-names websites frequently, because you can find them by ethnicity and gender. Then I look for names that aren’t too many syllables. It was much harder for City of the Dead, the second book set in Egypt.
This is a strange answer. When I first conceived of Shadow of Colossus, I had in mind for it to be a sequel to my third book, Fallen from Babel. In Fallen, a Religious Philosophy professor travels back in time to Bablyon, and switches places with a sorcerer in Nebuchadnezzar’s court. As I was brainstorming Shadow of Colossus, I wanted a fascinating character for my contemporary protagonist to switch places with, and I thought a hetaera would be just that. Later, when the story evolved into a straight historical and not a time travel, I stuck with the character and started to explore what life would have been like for a woman such as her.
Have you taken a research trip to Egypt for the sequel, City of the Dead like you did to Rhodes?
Well, I think I’ve covered that to death, so I’ll just say, YES!
Ah, I am having great fun right now, finishing Book 3 of the Seven Wonders Novels (no title yet). It’s set in Alexandria, Egypt in 48 BC and features a cast of characters that includes Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, plus a host of Greeks, Jews, Egyptians and Romans all fighting for control, a Lighthouse Keeper who wants to be left alone, and a Roman soldier who has other plans for her.
Rel: Thanks Tracy ~ it has been a lot of fun. I am so looking forward to the rest of this unique series.
Relz Reviewz Extras
Review of Shadow of Colossus
Visit Tracy’s fascinating website
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August 19, 2008 at 1:02 pm
You know I cant even imagine peanut butter Ice cream it just doesn’t seem edible to me (Really must check out the ice cream flavours on my trip to Canada/usa) Great interview and very informative thanks Rel and Tracy. One of mums favourite actresses was Katherine Hepburn.
August 20, 2008 at 7:05 am
Yeah I agree…if peanut butter and chocolate is an icecream flavour I’m feeling a little dubious. If it’s anything like peanut butter cups then ick. I just can’t get my Aussie tastebuds to come at that!Being a Tracy, myself, I always wanted to change my name. Don’t ask me why, I couldn’t tell you. I just did!Great interview ~ thanks to you both!