Guest Post: Camille Elliot, Winnie Griggs, & Erica Vetsch…with a giveaway

Journeys of the HeartDiscover more about

Camille Elliot, Winnie Griggs, & Erica Vetsch’s

romance collaboration

Journeys of the Heart

Redbud Press


The Story

From merry old England to the wilds of Texas, take a delightful journey into adventure and romance alongside a feisty spinster, an English lord, a trail boss, a determined widow, and an unusual train companion—a parrot.

The Gentleman’s Quest by USA Today bestselling author Camille Elliot aka Camy Tang. When a man’s body is found in the stables of Heathcliffe Manor, all evidence points to Christopher Creager as the culprit. The only one who can help him is the woman he hasn’t let himself go near: Honoria Dunbar. But when he enlists her help he discovers Honoria is facing a life-sentence of her own…

The Road Home by Winnie Griggs Anisha’s life is just beginning, and Wyatt feels like his is over. How can a displaced, exotic beauty and former surgeon help two grieving orphans find a forever home?

The Trail Boss’s Bride by New York Times bestselling author Erica Vetsch Trail boss Steve Ketchum hates river crossings, but before he can get his cattle started across he’s got to move an abandoned wagon out of the ford. He goes to haul it away–and discovers the last thing he ever expected. The wagon contains a newly-minted widow—and she’s expecting, too.

What’s the most significant journey you’ve ever taken?

Erica Vetsch – The most significant journey I have ever taken would be the journey from Kansan to Minnesotan. The drive takes about seven hours, the journey has taken more than twenty years. I’ve picked up a bit of a northern accent now, and I know what a hot dish is. When I was a new Minnesotan, I was ready for spring on March 1st, a notion that sent native Minnesotans into spates of laughter.  I’ve fallen in love with the history and the landscape and the people of Minnesota in ways I never thought possible.

Camy Tang – When I went to England as my 40th birthday present. I stayed a week in London and then traveled around Nottingham with my friend Liz Babbs, and it was amazing to see the manor houses and estates. I also fell in love with the city of Bath, and set part of my debut Regency novel there. I hope to return to England for another research trip soon.

Winnie Griggs – When I set off for college in a town 300 miles from home.  I knew no one there and was a bit nervous, but that was a journey that changed my life in more ways than I could ever imagine.  It was where I discovered my love of computer programming that evolved into a lifelong career, where I made lifelong friends and most importantly it is where I met the man who became my own prince charming – my husband of over thirty-five years and counting.

What is the setting of your story and how did you research it? Have you ever been there?

Camy – My novella is mostly set in country manor houses, but it ends in a small home in Bath. I envisioned Aunt Elizabeth’s home to be like Jane Austen’s brother’s home when he lived in Bath. The houses are small but elegant, and the streets of Bath can be very steep for horses, although it wasn’t difficult for me to walk around when I visited the city.

WinnieThe Road Home takes place in NE Texas, a beautiful part of the country that I’m quite familiar with.  I live right across the state line in NW Louisiana and have travelled all through that area.

EricaThe Trail Boss’s Bride takes place in the Texas Panhandle region, through the Oklahoma Panhandle and into Dodge City, Kansas. The research for this story wasn’t too difficult, because I have been a life-long fan of cowboys. I drew upon the knowledge I had gained reading Zane Grey stories, reading the biography of cowboy Teddy Blue, and a book called The Cowboy at Work by Fay Ward.

I have visited the settings of this story, especially Dodge City.

If you could enter the world of your characters, what one modern invention would you like to take with you?

Winnie – It would be a tough choice between indoor plumbing and air conditioning (assuming I could power it 🙂 )  I’m a girl who likes her creature comforts 🙂

Camy – A toilet. Okay, seriously, a toilet. People in the Regency still used chamber pots. A flushable toilet and more modern water system wouldn’t be in common use for another few decades.

Erica – This is a tough one, since conditions on a trail drive were so primitive. I am not much of an outdoorswoman. The modern invention I would want the most would be…a camper? I would want an air-conditioned place to sleep. And my own private bathroom. 🙂

Anything else you’d like to tell us about your story?

Erica – I enjoyed the journey of Kitty and Stephen, and I hope readers will, too. There is just something about a rough and tumble cowboy holding a newborn baby that melts my heart.

Camy – Joking aside, I absolutely love the Regency era. It was a time of elegance and fashion, but deeply affected by the echoes of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic war raging across the Channel. Being able to tell love stories set in this wonderful time period is such a treat for me! I hope you enjoy Christopher and Honoria’s story.

Winnie – Anisha and Wyatt’s story is one I’ve longed to tell for a long time.  The character of Anisha came to me over five years ago and I immediately knew her backstory and what she was searching for.   She tugged at me to tell her story but I was busy with other projects and had to put her aside for a while.  But I never for got her and in the end that delay gave me time to find just the right hero and setting for her.  I hope you’ll agree that this story was one worth waiting for.

Thanks ladies!

Camy Tang 2015


Camy Tang writes Christian contemporary romance and romantic suspense as Camy Tang and Regency romance as USA Today bestselling author Camille Elliot. She lives in San Jose, California, with her engineer husband and rambunctious dog. She works with her church youth group and leads one of the Sunday worship teams.

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Erica Vetsch 2015


Erica Vetsch is a transplanted Kansan now residing in Minnesota. She loves history and romance, and is blessed to be able to combine the two by writing historical romances. Whenever she’s not immersed in fictional worlds, she’s the company bookkeeper for the family lumber business, mother of two, wife to a man who is her total opposite and soul-mate, and avid museum patron.

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Winnie Griggs 2015


Winnie Griggs is the multi-published, award winning author of Historical (and occasionally Contemporary) romances that focus on Small Towns, Big Hearts, Amazing Grace.    She is also a list maker, a lover of dragonflies and exotic teas and holds an advanced degree in the art of procrastination.

Winnie loves to hear from readers – you can connect with her on facebook at or email her at Discover more at



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11 Responses to Guest Post: Camille Elliot, Winnie Griggs, & Erica Vetsch…with a giveaway

  1. Thank you for the chance.

  2. My husband and I love taking road trips, so there are many to choose from! I think the most significant though was when I flew twice from California to Boston to visit my father who was in the hospital there having recently undergone an autonomous stem-cell transplant for research to try to cure the disease he had- amyloidosis. The procedure was successful in that it removed from his body a previously uncurable disease, but he passed away only a few months later from an infection since his immune system had been compromised. Those months of being so far away from my parents were heartbreaking and the two visits I was able to make were precious.

  3. Deanne Patterson

    The most signifigant trip I have taken has been my journey to motherhood. My journey of the heart are my 12 children, all ours by birth. Our children are ages 22 to my sweet 4 year old. There ar 7 sons and 5 daughters. They are my heart and while there are some ups and downs, some loud noise and chaos there is also love and devotion. I wouldn’t trade this journey my husband and I are on for anything !

  4. I have enjoyed three remarkable journeys: the road to marriage and happiness; the road to motherhood and fulfillment; and the road to becoming a grandmother after years of thinking I would never experience that joy!

  5. I guess I took this question as meaning a ‘travel’ journey since I just got back from Cozumel, Grand Cayman, Belize and Honduras. From the previous answers I guess I’m still awaiting my most significant journey. Hope my shallow replay won’t exclude me from the chance to win as I’m a HUGE fan of Camy Tang.

  6. As a child my family took a cross country road trip from MI to Washington state for a cousins wedding! Got to see much of this great country…

  7. Marrying my husband was a step into the life of a dreamer and many years of stepping out and traveling to try new things. An awesome adventure!

  8. The most significant journey of my life has been to find and follow God. I am always learning, reading His word and trying to apply it to my life. We are all human and we will fail, but knowing He is there for me, I can ask for His forgiveness and continue with His strength and love to help guide me. Thank you for this giveaway and bless you all.

  9. Journeys of the Heart sounds wonderful. my journey to marriage and motherhood. I enjoy finding new to me authors to read Camille Elliot.

  10. Hello. Last important trip I had was to a family reunion in Georgia in 2009. I don’t get to travel much, and was great to see lots of family I don’t get to see hardly ever. GOD blessed everyone with a safe trip. Would love to win this book. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com ,

  11. I travel pretty often, but I always come back home. The most significant decision I have made was when I asked Jesus to save me almost 40 years ago. I left the old path, and set my sights on Heaven.

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