Heidi Chiavaroli: The Writer & Her Book (with giveaway)


I’m delighted to be chatting with debut author, Heidi Chaivaroli, about her time-slip novel, why she loves mornings, and Autumn Manning, a character that has stuck in her mind this year. Be sure to enter the giveaway below for the chance to get your hands on a copy of Freedom’s Ring!


The Writer

Please describe yourself in three words (ask your best friend or family if you are struggling!)

Oh, this is a struggle. I asked my hubby. He said I was friendly (I talk to strangers everywhere I go) and sometimes stubborn (I prefer determined!). I would also say I’m often reflective.

What’s your favourite season, and why?

Summer, because of the long days and the beach!

What is the best part of your day?

Morning. I love the promise of a new day. If I can, I go for a run or a walk—it’s such a peaceful time for me to pray or brainstorm my next book.

What do you miss most about your childhood?

Visits with my grandparents. They all live far away now, and one of my grandfathers has passed. Visiting with them was a precious time, and I don’t think I fully appreciated it back then.

Which TV talk show host would you like to be interviewed by? Why?

Oprah, mostly because I think that would make my mom’s year. 🙂

You are at a fruit market – what do you reach for first?

Blueberries. No real reason, I just love them!

What was the first Christian Fiction novel you read?

When the Last Leaf Falls by Bill Myers. I just picked it up at the library one day, not even knowing it was “Christian.” I wasn’t a Christian at that time, but I had a strong interest in God and who He was.

What is one author and/or book you always recommend?

Francine Rivers’s A Voice in the Wind. This book, and this series, totally changed how I viewed fiction. After reading it, I knew story had the power to change lives because it changed mine. So, so cool.

What book character has stuck in your mind from a book you have read this year?

Autumn Manning from Katie Ganshert’s Life After. She was so real to me—her struggles, her flaws, and her victory. I loved her, and that book.

The Book


Boston, 2015
Two years after nearly losing her life in the Boston Marathon bombing, Annie David is still far from “Boston strong.” Instead she remains isolated and defeated—plagued by guilt over her niece, crippled in the blast, and by an antique ring alongside a hazy hero’s face. But when she learns the identity of her rescuer, will he be the hero she’s imagined? And can the long-past history of the woman behind the ring set her free from the guilt and fears of the present?

Boston, 1770
As a woman alone in a rebellious town, Liberty Caldwell finds herself in a dangerous predicament. When a British lieutenant, Alexander Smythe, comes to her rescue and offers her employment, Liberty accepts. As months go by, Alexander not only begins to share his love of poetry with her, but protects Liberty from the advances of a lecherous captain living in the officers’ house where she works.

Mounting tensions explode in the Boston Massacre, and Liberty’s world is shattered as her brother, with whom she has just reunited, is killed in the fray. Desperate and alone, she returns home, only to be assaulted by the captain. Afraid and furious toward redcoats, Liberty leaves the officers’ home, taking with her a ring that belonged to Alexander.

Two women, separated by centuries, must learn to face their fears. And when they feel they must be strong, they learn that sometimes true strength is found in surrender.

What was the working title?

Freedom’s Ring. I knew the message of this book before I even began writing, and this title seemed to fit from the beginning, on so many levels.

Describe your book in 5 adjectives

Real, surprising, symbolic, romantic, entertaining (at least those are all things I was going for!)

Which character took you by surprise?

My historical heroine, Liberty. There is a certain major plot twist in the story that I didn’t see coming, and she surprised me with how she handled it.

What was the latest you stayed up working on this story?

I have to laugh at this question because my brain generally doesn’t function past 8 p.m.—very unimpressive, I know. When I was finishing up this story, however, I did regularly get up at 4 a.m. to write.

Which character’s name was the hardest to choose? Why?

My contemporary heroine was a bit of a challenge. I knew I wanted both my contemporary and historical heroines to have names meaning freedom. Liberty was easy, but I had to search a bit for Annie’s. Finally I came upon Anaya, which I learned means “completely free.” Because of Anaya’s history in the Boston Marathon bombing and the journey she goes through alongside Liberty, the meaning of her name is particularly important.

What’s something that didn’t make it into the final copy?

Liberty originally had a friend who was engaged to her late brother (who dies in the Boston Massacre). In the end, we decided to cut her. She wasn’t adding much to the story and was actually a hindrance toward the end.

Thanks Heidi!

Heidi Chiavaroli is a writer, runner, and grace-clinger who could spend hours exploring Boston’s Freedom Trail. She writes women’s fiction and won the 2014 ACFW Genesis contest in the historical category. Her debut novel, Freedom’s Ring, releases from Tyndale House Publishers in August 2017. Heidi makes her home in Massachusetts with her husband, two sons, and Howie, her standard poodle. Visit her online at HeidiChiavaroli.com.

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42 Responses to Heidi Chiavaroli: The Writer & Her Book (with giveaway)

  1. I enjoy comparing the different eras. I enjoyed Lynne Gentry’s Carthage Chronicles.

  2. Time slip novels are wonderful. I love that the storyline is practically seamless through two different time periods. I’ve enjoyed The Writing Desk (just finished!) and The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck.

  3. I enjoy how the authors pull both stories together.

    • I enjoy that also, Amy. After I read Susan Meissner’s “A Fall of Marigolds,” I was totally in awe of how an author could pull stories together like that. It really inspired me. 🙂

  4. I am always amazed how an author can use two different time periods and create stories that paraell each other! I’ve read some fantastic reviews of Freedom’s Ring and I appreciate this giveaway.

  5. I am always amazed how an author can use two different time periods and create stories that paraell each other! I’ve read some fantastic reviews of Freedom’s Ring and I appreciate this giveaway.

  6. I just enjoy reading them. No favorites.

  7. I have only read a couple time slip novels. What I enjoyed about both was that the lady in the past (through diaries read in the present) helped the lady in the present in some fashion.
    Great interview. I used to love going to grandmas every summer. And Blueberries and Cherries are always what we go for when we pass a fruit stand or farmers market. I love to freeze them and use them later.

    • So yummy, Lori!

      Yes, that is one of my favorite parts of a time-slip to. In actual life, we don’t get to see how our actions or legacy will affect the future, but in a time-slip you get to see that played out a bit. So fun!

      Thank you for stopping by!

  8. I am amazed at the ability of the author to bring two time periods together and create a great story. Heidi is a new author to me, and I would love to win a copy of her book. Thanks for the chance. 😊

    • Thanks for commenting, Evangeline! Bringing everything together with both stories can definitely be a challenge, but when it comes together it is so worth it! 🙂

  9. I find time slip stories so fascinating. I like delving into the past, and seeing the mystery unfold of how the author weaves the present time period together with the past to create a captivating story. A couple of my favorites are: 1.) The Heirs of Anton series by Susan May Warren. 2.) Cindy McCormick Martinusen has a 3 book series with dual time-lines between WWII and the present: Book #1: Winter Passing Book #2: Blue Night Book #3: North of Tomorrow. Both series are amazing!

    I can’t wait to read your new book, Freedom’s Ring, Heidi! I am so intrigued to find out about the antique ring and the long-past history of the women behind the ring! Thanks so much for the opportunity of this giveaway!!!

  10. I really enjoy reading time travel books. I like the comparison of the current time vs the earlier era. It’s fun to see how the author develops two different stories and ties them together.

  11. I think what I enjoy most about time slip novels is that I can indulge my love of both contemporary and historical all in one book.

    • Ahhh! That is another one of my favorite aspects too, Pam. It’s what first drew me to write them. 🙂

      I LOVE historicals, but I also LOVE contemporaries. We can get both with a time-slip!

  12. I love that they give you a glimpse into life in a different time. They use characters to illustrate the way people used to live and think and how they interacted. It’s amazing to be able to imagine yourself in another time:)

  13. I don’t believe I have read any time-slip novels. This would be a first for me 🙂

    Thank you for the giveaway chance!

  14. danielle hammelef

    The term “timeslip” is new to me, but I so enjoy novels where the past and present somehow collide. I loved Holes by Louis Sacher.

    • I think they are often called different things, Danielle. I will have to check out that book. Was the movie recently out by that name based on the book, I wonder…?

      Thank you for commenting!

  15. I definitely enjoy time slip novels! My favorite so far has been Secrets She Kept by Cathy Gohlke.

  16. I havent read a timeslip novel but I’ve been curious to read one.

  17. I love how authors use the historical thread to teach lessons to the contemporary characters. My favorite series recently has been the Cousins of the Dove series by Mindy Starns Clark & Leslie Gould. My Brother’s Crown, My Sister’s Prayer, My Daughter’s Legacy. I learned so much about the Huguenot sect. In many ways, their treatment was similar to that experienced by my Anabaptist forbears. Thank you for the opportunity to win your book!

  18. I love time slip novels and the back story for what is happening now and how the two time period collide. One I really enjoyed is Stolen Time
    by Chloé Duval.

  19. I like time slip novels because I like comparing different eras. I always tend to prefer the old ones, though!

    Is this giveaway international? Because I don’t live in the US.

  20. It’s always interesting to me to see how the times are interconnected.

    BTW, your answer about spending time with your grandparents was so touching. As someone who has lost all of hers, I have to say cherish the time you have left so much. I miss mine (especially my maternal grandfather) daily.

  21. It’s interesting to see how the different time periods are intertwined in time slip books. This one sounds fascinating!

  22. I love how time slip novels combine the best of both worlds; contemporary and historical fiction.

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