Interview with Griffin Riddell ~ Nightshade’s MARSOC

Formerly of the US Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command, Griffin is not a man to be trifled with. Trying to get into his head could lead to much pain and suffering! But Ronie seems to have some kind of special power over these guys and she managed to get him to pony up and talk to me.

Be patient and you discover what makes Griffin special (and not just grumpy!) when his story is told in Firethorn, set to release in January, 2012.

Griffin “Legend” Riddell
from Firethorn

Griffin is the kind of man you want watching your back ~ loyal, tough, stronger than the proverbial ox and totally intimidating, he won’t die wondering if he did enough. I have a sneaking feeling though that the muscle that is his heart, quite matches the generous size of the ones you can see! Not that he will admit it, more’s the shame.

Over to you, Griffin:~

Rel: So what made you run off and join the Marine Corps?

Griffin: You see those crisp uniforms, the brass buttons, the red piping–it’s slick. Know what I’m saying? A
nd the pride, the honor–well, most of them have it. And the swords, ya know, I wanted that for the day I got married, so they could line up and slap my bride’s back-side. ::laugh: Nah, I’m just pulling your leg.

“Conquering all obstacles, both large and small, I shall never quit. To quit, to surrender, to give up is to fail. To be a Recon Marine is to surpass failure; To overcome, to adapt and to do whatever it takes to complete the mission.” That’s the Reconnaissance Creed. That’s why I joined the Corps. Failure is the easy man’s out. I wanted to be better than that, to make my grandparents–they raised me–proud. So they’d know this Riddell is going to make it.

Your call sign is Legend – how did that come about?

It’s because of my kill ratio. If I see it, I can kill it. I’m lethal, a legend. They don’t mess with me. Know what I’m saying? ::laughs:: No, hold up, I’m just messing with you. The name came because some little smart mouth found out I like Jazz music and can play a horn, so he thought he’d make fun of me, call me Legend Lover. I just shrugged. It’s an honor, know what I’m saying, to be associated with them. My call sign is just proof that I have class. See, that came from my refined taste in exquisite music–Jazz music.

You were tasked with inviting the guys to the Nightshade team by The Old Man ~ who was the hardest to convince?

Colton. He’d gotten himself in deep with God and wasn’t sure he wanted to return to fighting. But I believe God afforded him an opportunity to do things with justice and integrity, with a choice–and a chance to work through those memories that have been eating him up. I am already seeing a difference in the man, ya know?

What is most important to you?

Loyalty but it has a bedmate that I don’t think really be separated from–honor. Those two are intricately entwined.

What do the other guys do that annoys you the most?

Two things bug me the most, but it’s nothing we can’t handle as a team, know what I’m saying? Oh, I see how you’re going to be–you actually want me to snitch on my boys, huh? Well, it’s not happening. We stick together. Even if Max’s fists move more than his mouth. Even if the Kid’s mouth pops off more than his gun. We are a team.

The guys tell me you are the big man on the team, the guy that w
ant standing between them and the bad guys. What’s something they would be surprised to know about you? Surely, you have a sensitive side?

Aw now, see? There you go again, getting up in my business. I don’t play these games. I’m what they call a vault. See? I keep these things locked up. That’s why they want me on their side. That’s why I’m the man to come to.

You get a bit grumpy when faced with newbies ~ what’s the big issue?

Now, there you’ve hit on something I can address. Nightshade–the boys and me–we’re a team. We do things. We do it right. We get it done. Know what I’m saying? So when that gets shaken up, when a new ingredient is added to the mix, it disturbs things. Mistakes happen. People get hurt or killed.

We know you have tatts! Care to share what kind?

Baby, I’ve got tatts–what? Oh…hold up. Hold up. Ronie says I can’t show them to you. So I’ll just tell you. On my left bicep, I have the MARSOC symbol–loyalty to the Corps. On my left pec, I have my nephew’s name–Dante, he’s a good boy. I’m proud of that boy. He’s good people. Got a good head on him, know what I’m saying?

Grif ~ see, that wasn’t so bad, was it? You are quite the man, now aren’t you? And your talent with the horn ~ impressive, my friend. Just remember, change is not all bad no matter how much The Kid tries to mess with your head!

Relz Reviewz Extras

Review of Nightshade

Interviews with Max, Colton & Canyon

Visit the Discarded Heroes website

Visit Ronie’s website and blog

Buy Ronie’s books at Amazon or Koorong

Last days to enter for a chance to win a signed and personalised copy of Nightshade from Ronie. Draw closes this Sunday 25th July, 2010

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4 Responses to Interview with Griffin Riddell ~ Nightshade’s MARSOC

  1. Renee (SteelerGirl83)

    Whoa you don't want to mess with that guy! Look at those muscles, I'll bet Griffin is a real softie though. 😉

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Ohhh, these are SO much fun!! Thanks, Rel and Ronie!

  3. What do you want to bet he's a big old teddy bear under that gruff exterior? 😉 Thanks for letting us get to know these guys…I'm really enjoying it.

  4. hehe. this is a lot of fun for me! THANKS to everyone for reading and learning about the guys.

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