Kristin Billerbeck: The Writer & her Book (with giveaway)

The Writer & her Book (40)

I’ve long adored Kristin’s writing and am pleased to say I have nearly all her backlist on my bookshelves, from her early novella collections, to the acclaimed What A Girl Wants and now her fabulous new release, The Theory of Happily Ever After. Kristin’s stories always make me laugh, and occasionally snort, as well as leaving me pondering the underlying life message.  I even had the pleasure of meeting and talking with her in 2013 which was fantastic. When I heard she was releasing a new novel, I may have jumped up and down!  Having just finished reading it, I can reassure you it does not disappoint (review coming soon!). Thanks to Revell, I’m giving away a copy of The Theory of Happily Ever After so be sure to enter via the Rafflecopter form below!

Over to you, Kristin…


The Writer

Why do you tell stories?

I was alone a lot as a child as my brother was very sickly and high-maintenance. (He still is!) I would retreat to my own world and my imagination while I spent hours waiting..

Your favourite place to read

The bathtub

Best meal of the day

Dinner because it’s shared

Most beloved childhood book

Charlotte’s Web

If your life was a TV show, what would it be?

The Real Housewives of Silicon Valley

Kristin Billerbeck pic

Whose music inspires you?

David Crowder’s, Matt Nathanson’s

What ice-cream flavour would you be?

Strawberry.  Pink & fruity.

The most recent novel you read

The Fashion Designer” by Nancy Moser

What’s your current book recommendation?

While We Were Yours” by Lisa Wingate

Name a book character you can’t forget

Fitzwilliam Darcy, Meggie Cleary

Dream travel destination

Italy.  I’m going in June finally.

The Book

The Theory of Happily Ever After

According to Dr. Maggie Maguire, happiness is serious science, as serious as Maggie takes herself. But science can’t always account for life’s anomalies–for instance, why her fiancé dumped her for a silk-scarf acrobat and how the breakup sent Maggie spiraling into an extended ice cream-fueled chick flick binge.

Concerned that she might never pull herself out of this nosedive, Maggie’s friends book her as a speaker on a “New Year, New You” cruise in the Gulf of Mexico. Maggie wonders if she’s qualified to teach others about happiness when she can’t muster up any for herself. But when a handsome stranger on board insists that smart women can’t ever be happy, Maggie sets out to prove him wrong. Along the way she may discover that happiness has far less to do with the head than with the heart.

Filled with memorable characters, snappy dialogue, and touching romance, Kristin Billerbeck’s The Theory of Happily Ever After shows that the search for happiness may be futile–because sometimes happiness is already out there searching for you.

What was the working title?

Confessions of a Hallmark Movie Addict

Describe your book in 5 adjectives

Quirky. Fun. Light-hearted. Romantic. Resilient.

Which character did you enjoy writing most?

The heroine, Maggie. I love how she got stuck in her own head and couldn’t see the world realistically because I think we all do this to an extent. It’s always good to check our “facts” against other people’s version of reality.

Which character gave you the most grief?

Her best friend Kathleen because she is tough and athletic. I don’t usually get those people.

Theory Banner

What emotions do you think your story will generate in readers?

I hope that it will generate joy. I wanted to juxtapose Maggie’s worn-out reality with the way her friends see her. We could all use that once in a while.

What emotions did you experience while writing this story?

I felt deep sadness for Maggie because life was unfair to her and life is really unfair to us all. The rain falls on the just and the unjust and all we want on earth is a little justice, but the truth is life is a journey. Hard times refine us.

How do you choose your characters names?

For Maggie, her working name is Dr. Margaret K. Maguire. I thought Maggie really was her true character and Dr. Margaret the persona she puts on for the world.

Her best friend Haley, I selected because of wedding designer Haley Paige (my daughter is obsessed). She has a very ethereal, girly, feminine style and that’s how I saw Haley – as that friend who everything seems to go right for, while you’re struggling.

Thank so much, Kristin ~ lovely to have you at Relz Reviewz!Kristin Billerbeck (1)

Kristin Billerbeck is a bestselling, award-winning author of over forty-five novels. Her work has been featured in The New York Times and on “The Today Show.” Kristin is a proud mother of four and a lifelong resident of Silicon Valley, California.  When not writing, she enjoys good handbags, bad reality television and annoying her children on social media.

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Billerbeck @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Kristin’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: The Theory of Happily Ever After or Koorong

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31 Responses to Kristin Billerbeck: The Writer & her Book (with giveaway)

  1. I have to say that I love the working title of this book. Anything on the Hallmark channel would do for a little escape. Can’t wait to read this book.

  2. My favorite “chick flick” is You’ve Got Mail. But I realized I have a few other movies I like too. Sleepless in Seattle, and City of Angels. The last one really is a tear-jerker!
    Then there’s also, The Lakehouse, and Notting Hill.
    But if I’m stuck and can’t find one of those I’ll just go to the Hallmark Channel and get sucked into the black void of sugary sweet sap.
    Rel, Thanks for sharing about this book. I’ve been seeing it around on different posts. It looks really fun and interesting.
    Have a great Mom’s day weekend!

  3. Favorite chick flicks (who can pick just one!?!):
    –Return to Me
    –PS I Love You
    –The Lakehouse
    –Fav Hallmark: The Perfect Catch

  4. While You Were Sleeping is my favorite movie. I don’t watch a lot of movies or TV, but I’ve seen While You Were Sleeping several times.

    Thanks for the fun author spotlight, Rel, and Kristin. This book sounds wonderful. I’m putting it on my wish list.

  5. I love The Holiday, Chocolat, North & South, and Serendipity.

  6. I steer away from chick flicks as a rule but when I need to relax I tend to watch period drama, such as Call the Midwife or Emma!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win what sounds like a delightful read.

    • Lydia » LOVE Call the Midwife, Lydia. Have watched it three times now – once on my own, and then another two times with my older two daughters as they became interested/old enough.

  7. Not a big watcher of chick flicks, but I love Anne of Green Gables.

  8. I watch Hallmark movies when I want to escape reality.

  9. I am so excited that you get to go to Italy next month! Have you been before? We went last October and would love to go back. There is so much to see and do. I think I live on the wrong continent!

    Would love to win a copy of this book. I have read every one of Kirstin’s books and love them. I know this will be a great read.

  10. Danielle Hammelef

    My favorite escape movie is While You Were Sleeping. I don’t know how many times I’ve watched it, but it always makes me feel happy.

  11. My favorite is Sweet Home Alabama, I can watch it again and again.

  12. Definitely a Hallmark movie, even though there is not a lot of depth, I enjoy the stories and the fact that I can watch it with my teen daughter!

  13. I don’t watch much television. My favorite chick flicks are My Best Friend’s Wedding, Sweet Home Alabama, Notting Hill & Legally Blonde.

  14. My favorite is Pretty Woman! Thanks!

  15. My favorite movie to escape reality is Gone With the Wind. It takes me back to a different era and place.

  16. Pbs show Victoria.

  17. I dont watch much tv so I don’t have a favorite chick flick.

  18. Legally Blonde 1&2, You’ve Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, and pretty much any Hallmark Movies.

  19. I like to watch old, classic Disney movies!

  20. Kirsten Rinehart

    My favorite movie to watch when I need to escape reality is My Best Friend’s Wedding.

  21. Oooh… “P.S. I Love You.”
    I want to say that it’s so much more than a “chick flick.” I think that it’s beautiful, poignant film …that just happens to make me cry on and off throughout, every single time.

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