Laura Frantz: The Writer and her Book (with giveaway)


Chatting with the lovely Laura Frantz today about Kentucky, Charlie Lionheart, and why her latest character is called Tempe. Be sure to enter the giveaway of A Moonbow Night via the Rafflecopter form below.

The Writer

Please describe yourself in three words (ask your best friend or family if you are struggling!)

I just asked my 17 year old son and he replied, “Beautiful, nice, charming.” But he is my son! I would say, “Kind. Intense. Joyful.” I could name more than 3 negatives!

What’s your favourite season, and why?

Kentucky in the spring is like a watercolour with all the blooming dogwood and redbud trees. A very soft beauty I love. The warmth of the spring sun is so welcome after a long winter.

What is the best part of your day?

Early morning because a new day brings hope and I can have coffee!

What do you miss most about your childhood?

My granny’s huge summer dinners where there were always 8 to 10 vegetables on the table fresh from the garden, pork and chicken, cornbread, and lots of pie.

Which TV talk show host would you like to be interviewed by? Why?

We don’t have TV so I’m completely clueless!

You are at a fruit market – what do you reach for first?

Love berries, especially wild blackberries. No market needed 🙂

What was the first Christian Fiction novel you read?

Janette Oke, many moons ago. Can’t recall the title.

What is one author and/or book you always recommend?

Francine River’s Mark of the Lion series.

What book character has stuck in your mind from a book you have read this year?

Charlie Lionheart from The Lady and the Lionheart. Need I say more? Nope, not a thing!

The Book


After fleeing Virginia, Temperance Tucker and her family established an inn along the Shawnee River. It’s a welcome way station for settlers and frontiersmen traveling through the wild Cumberland region of Kentucke–men like Sion Morgan, a Virginia surveyor who arrives at the inn with his crew looking for an experienced guide. When his guide appears, Sion balks. He certainly didn’t expect a woman. But it is not long before he must admit that Tempe’s skill in the wilderness rivals his own. Still, the tenuous tie they are forming is put to the test as they encounter danger after danger and must rely on each other.

With her signature sweeping style and ability to bring the distant past to vivid life, Laura Frantz beckons readers to join her in a land of Indian ambushes, conflicting loyalties, and a tentative love that meanders like a cool mountain stream.

What was the working title?

A True-Hearted Woman and Moonbow Inn

Describe your book in 5 adjectives

Intense. Historical. Dark. Unvarnished. Romantic.

Which character took you by surprise?

Cornelius Lyon. I loathed him! And yet I saw so much of myself in him.

What was the latest you stayed up working on this story?


Which character’s name was the hardest to choose? Why?

Tempe, my heroine. Her name had to be unique and true to the time period, not always easy in the 18-century with so many Anns and Janes and such. Tempe rings in with a little sass and spunk, true to her frontier temperament!

What’s something that didn’t make it into the final copy?

The first 3 chapters of backstory. While I loved it, I knew readers wouldn’t!20160826_030103

Thank you, dear Laura!

One of the ABSOLUTE highlights of my trip to the US in August, 2016 was to finally meet the lovely Laura. We connected over her first release, years ago, and it has been such a joy to watch her career blossom. No question, Laura is a sweetheart and her books are just as special. She’s the real deal, my friends.


Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Frantz @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Laura’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: A Moonbow Night or Koorong

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78 Responses to Laura Frantz: The Writer and her Book (with giveaway)

  1. Laura’s book make you feel like you are right there with it happening! I love her books and have recommended them to several people!

    • Love that, Joan. You are just the dear reader I’m writing for, one who loves full story immersion:) I certainly feel that way writing them. And the added blessing of you sharing by word of mouth to others is the very best way to help me and other authors. Thank you, thank you!

  2. I like the settings as you feel like you are a part of the book.

    • Carol, I agree. The setting for me is a character all its own. I hope my love of my home state shines through in this novel. And I hope you enjoy it very much. Bless you for taking part in the giveaway!

  3. She’s a new author for me! I love this cover, though.

    • Dianna, I’d love to have you as a reader:) Glad you like the cover, too. Revell is known for their lovely cover art, bringing live models into the studio for shoots and being true to the story. I’m very happy with this KY cover, too!

    • Dianna » If you don’t win the giveaway, Dianna, I highly encourage to add any of Laura’s books to your TBR!

  4. Laura Frantz has quickly become one of my most favorite authors – a gifted writer who transports you to the time and place of her novels with the characters within becoming your friends

    • Dear Kamya, Thank you for the gift of your words! And I have to mention your lovely name – it’s novel-worthy as I say! Thank you for naming me a fav of yours. I don’t take that lightly and it helps me craft the very best books I can for you. Bless you so much.

      • Hi Laura 🙂 I’ve always thought I was born in the wrong era (but not doubting God’s perfect plan for one second!) There just might be an alter-ego on a windswept moor, unchartered range or grand manor somewhere !!! May you keep writing and share your gift with us all

  5. My favorite Laura Frantz has been The Colonel’s Lady in which I loved the history. I also adored Love’s Reckoning, especially for the tension.

    I enjoy seeing Laura’s Kentucky scenery posts on Facebook. Thank you for the chance to win!

    • Staci, Love your heart for TCL! I still miss the Colonel and those characters. Some books just grab hold of you and don’t let go. And thanks for the wonderful reminder to post more KY pics on Facebook. If you’re on Instagram I post even more there. 🙂 Thank you.

  6. Ohh that’s a hard question. What mainly stuck out to me was how unique her characters are 🙂

    • Unique, yes! THANK YOU, Olivia! That is certainly my aim in creating memorable characters. I hope you find the same of Tempe and cast. Thanks so much for entering the giveaway!

  7. Sounds like a good book. Thank you for the chance to win a copy😊

  8. Fabulous interview–just like A Moonbow Night I’m looking forward to reading! Thank you, dear Rel and Laura! Miss you both!

    • Tam, Bless you for coming by! I think we are both still in post-son stupor after sending our boys away again but on the other hand, it’s wonderful that they’re ‘missable.’ That makes no sense at all, I guess, but maybe you get the drift of it, kindred spirit:) Miss you, too!

    • Tamara Leigh » Sigh…miss you more 😉

  9. I have really enjoyed reading her books because I truly feel as if I could be a fly on the wall in every scene. And the history in her books makes my heart happy. I just soak it up!

    • Dear Terressa, I sense you are a kindred spirit:) Love that “and the history in her books makes my heart happy.’ Amen to that! Thank you for the gift of your words this wintry day.

  10. I have only read one book by Laura and it was awesome. It was The Colonel’s Lady. I felt as if I was there in Kentucky as a part of the story as it was being told. It was a great book.

    • Dana, Thrilled that you read TCL! Thanks for that. My Kentucky books have a special place in my heart. It’s good to return to KY again in MOONBOW after that long stint with the Ballantynes in Pennsylvania, both of which I love, too. I sure hope you like Tempe when you meet her!

  11. I’ve been a fan of Laura’s novels since her very first release and they are always among my favorite stories. They are so well written that I feel like I’m living history and the characters are flawed in a way that I can relate to them and gen appreciate their redemption in the end.

  12. The first book I read of Laura’s was “The Colonel’s Lady” and she had me. Hook. Line. Sinker. I’ve read everything she’s written since, and currently have “A Moonbow Night” in my grubby little hands. She writes in a way that all of your senses step back in time at the first page and stay immersed throughout the story. The only thing better than her books was meeting her in person at CFRR this summer. Such a delight, this lady. And the period dress she wore – STUNNING! Seeing you both in the picture above takes me back to that day, and I get all gitty excited again, and a litte sad since I miss you 🙁

    • Dear AMY! It’s YOU! I’m beyond delighted. CFRR was such a memorable day. I’m so thankful we shared it. I was just thinking of that gown now in my trunk, wishing I could wear it again. But alas those holiday feasts… 😉 I do love this pic with Rel, too. That was such a highlight for me. I just saw that CFRR continues strong in Cinci this year. I hope to make it! Bless you for being here and for your very gracious spirit!

    • Amy » Oh, Amy, you are the BEST! And you have a lovely way with words, too. As I’ve said, meeting you was such a wonderful highlight of my trip. Hope we can do it again sometime…here or there 😉

  13. It has been quite a while since I read a Laura Frantz novel but I remember enjoying the historical setting and descriptions. I hope to read A Moon Bow Night soon.

  14. Laura’s books are so true to the time period she writes about and you feel like you are a part of the characters lives. Love her books.

    • Hi Stella, I’m smiling as you said something so important to this writer – ‘true to the time period.’ Thank you. That’s certainly my aim as an author and so it’s a delight to know it’s true for you as a reader. I so hope you enjoy A Moonbow Night!

  15. I live the depth of her characters and the setting.

    • Dear Kathryn, Love the ‘D’ word – depth. Thrilled, in fact! And you’ll find lots of setting detail in A Moonbow Night. I think I covered every season but winter. Bless you and happy reading!

  16. Author Frantz dives into history and shares it in a fun way with the reader. The books are in-depth and fantastic. Looking forward to reading the newest one!

    • Miss Pippi, Thank you! Love that you find history fun. Me, too! I can’t imagine writing a contemporary and will leave that to other writers who do it so well. It’s only history for me:) Thanks very much for entering the giveaway!

  17. What I like most about her novels is how well developed her characters are and how I can get so emotionally attached to them. To me, this is a sign of a good book and excellent author! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  18. I love that Laura’s books are CLEAN but romantic, with good plot lines and characters that you instantly become invested in!

    • Love that, Laura! CLEAN is so much more romantic and riveting:) I couldn’t write dirty if I tried! It’s all about honoring Christ, the Author of romance. Thanks very much for wanting to read A Moonbow Night!

  19. I have the Kindle copy but would love to own the hard copy!

  20. I love that Laura’s books aren’t formulaic, over-wrought or too simple. They are vivid portrayals of a world from years past, but the characters (their loves, emotions and disappointments) still manage feel current and real!

    It is most exceptional!
    Keep up the good work.

    • Lydia, Love your enthusiasm and comments! I always aim away from the cliche and melodramatic and am so happy you find my work isn’t that. Love that those characters of old have real, relatable struggles and emotions, etc. Very thankful for your heart for my books!

  21. The interesting characters!

  22. Loved the interview – thank you, Laura and Rel!! You “hit the nail on the head”, Rel – Laura is certainly the “real deal”. One of the gifted authors at the top of my favorite authors list – I’m grateful to have everything she’s written in both paperback and e-Book, can’t wait to meet Tempe and dig into that wonderful history of my beautiful home state of Kentucke!! To me, Laura is truly the personification of her beautiful writing – warm, exuberant, mesmerizing, simplistic yet exuding eloquence unequaled. I’m blessed and inspired by her writing and her friendship!!

  23. It is very apparent that Laura does a lot of research for her books and I appreciate this historical accuracy. Thanks for this giveaway.

    • Connie, So appreciate your comments about the research. A lot of time goes into getting the details right. I’m editing a current WIP in which I’ve caught some mistakes so your words here inspire me to keep on and get them right! Thanks for taking part in the giveaway!

  24. Laura’s books are well researched and the characters well developed. They help me learn about an era of history I don’t often read about. They are well written and certainly worth the time to read.

    • Pam, I keep thinking some historical novels might work well in the classroom as far as making history more interesting or used alongside textbooks. Bless you for your kind comments about my books!

  25. They feel fully fleshed-out and real, both the characters and the setting. I always feel a little wistful when I finish, wishing there was a way to go back in time and see and feel the same things as the characters.

    • Love that you feel wistful at THE END, Rachael. I do, too! Always bittersweet ending a good book. I hope you feel the same about Moonbow. Bless you for taking the time to be here!

  26. I am interested in this book because it is about KY.

  27. I love that they are clean reading books

  28. I haven’t read any of Laura’s books yet. Loved the excerpt of “A Moonbow Night”. Would really enjoy reading. I like discovering new authors and books.

    • Hi Dianne, I’d love to have you as a reader. One of the joys of publishing is finding new readers like you. The best part is that if you like Moonbow you have my whole backlist of books waiting for you next:)

  29. Laura’s books feel so real while you are reading them! And I love that she tries to make her characters true to their time period and background. And yet, her characters are unique and memorable. I also enjoy the faith element in her stories as her characters journey through the story. Excellent author. Thank you, Laura, for sharing your writing with us all.

    • Hi Brianna, Thanks for such great comments! I was just talking to someone about remaining true to the time period I’m writing about. Trying not to just have a modern heroine in historical dress, etc. Bless you for connecting with that kind of story. I’m really honored to have you as a reader!

  30. The bit of history she adds to her books.

    • Hi Kim, Like you, I like the bit of history in each story. My next book is about a lacemaker and I sure learned quite a bit about that! Bless you for being here:) Happy reading in 2017!

  31. What I love most about Laura’s novels is the history and setting. The way she describes the scenery and landscapes are my favorite!!

  32. I love Laura’s imagery and exquisite way she tells the story.

  33. I love blackberries … and so loved Lady and the Lionheart. xoxo

  34. I love her way of writing a historical that immerses you in the time period & her character depth! You don’t want to come up for breath or food or anything…lol!

    Thank you for the giveaway chance Rel!

  35. There is a purity to Laura’s writing that gently seizes and waylays my heart ♥

  36. The historical background is very detailed and educational – paricularly interesting since there aren’t as many novels set in the frontier during the earliest years.

  37. Can my answer be everything!? If I had to say one thing, I’d say passion. From the passion of the characters to the passion of the romance- a Laura Frantz book never disappoints!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  38. Since it has been a while since I have read a Laura Frantz book, I am unable to say what I love most about her books. However, I will say that I enjoyed reading them. Thank you for offering a chance to win another.

  39. Laura, I enjoy reading your books, they send me to different historical places that make me feel as if I am there!

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