17-year-old Luka Williams has a secret. He sees things nobody else can see, feels things nobody else can feel, and dreams about the same girl every night. A girl in danger. A girl he must save. A girl who doesn’t exist.
Until one day, she does. Her family moves in next door—upending his world. Calling into question everything he thought he knew. Maybe he’s not crazy after all. Maybe the things he sees are as real as the girl from his dreams.
Necee’s take:~
“Searching. Every story. Every commercial. I study every face, willing her into existence—that deep, hungry ache stretching like sharp talons inside. And while it’s all a particular brand of torture, I wish none of it away. As maddening as the dreams are, I don’t want them to stop.”
“If they do, the girl will be gone.
And that—I am certain—would be worse than death.”
My heart is so happy right now! If you enjoy dystopian fiction with supernatural elements, you have to read The Gifting series and this new addition is pure awesomeness. I loved LUKA…his viewpoint, his intensity and seeing his personality shine made for an intense read. So many answers come to light in seeing Tessa through his eyes that you just won’t want to stop reading. It kept me up way too late. Then, I had to dive right in first thing when I awakened!
“Her eyes meet mine, and the world drops out from underneath me. It’s her. The girl from my dreams. The girl I’ve spent years searching for.”
“The girl who doesn’t exist.”
Ganshert listened to her fans and pulls us right back into the trilogy of The Gifting with this companion novel. The dynamic couple of Luka and Tessa will stay with you for a long time and now Luka shines even better through his own story. I’m looking forward to more from him and what happens next.
“The world is trying to make something clearly wrong into something conveniently right. And sadly, everyone’s falling for it. Everyone but me.”
Seriously, Luka and Tessa need their own movie! This series is even better than The Hunger Games and Divergent. Luka will have you hoping for your own hero, too. There are some deeper morality issues that really come to light, that are heartbreaking. Yet, the hope of this story really shines through. I loved it!
I wonder who should play Tessa and Luka if it hits Hollywood?

Award-winning author, Katie (K.E.) Ganshert, graduated from the University of Wisconsin in Madison with a degree in education, and worked as a fifth grade teacher for several years before staying home to write. Now she’s a full-time author torn between two genres: young adult fiction of the fantastical variety and contemporary fiction of the inspirational variety. She was born and raised in the Midwest, where she lives with her family. When she’s not penning novels, she volunteers as project manager for a non-profit that serves vulnerable women and children in her daughter’s birth country. You can learn more about Katie and her books by visiting her website (www.katieganshert.com). You can learn more about her heart for vulnerable women and children by Googling Reeds of Hope, The Lokumu Project.
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