Lynette Eason: Fast Favourites (with giveaway)

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Lynette Eason is well known for her fast-paced romantic suspense novels and it’s always exciting when she launches a new series. Readers are already comparing the first book in her Blue Justice series with the TV show Blue Bloods and it’s garnering some great reviews. Aside from writing, Lynette is passionate about her family and her faith. Have fun getting to know her a bit more through her favourite things! Be sure to enter the giveaway below for the chance to add Oath of Honor to your bookshelf.


Animal: Dog – I love my Mini Eskimo Spitz!

Artist: I’m not really into art so I can’t say that I have a favourite.

Board Game: It’s a card game, but Phase 10. It’s a family favourite.


Book: I honestly don’t have a favourite book. LOL. I love so many, I simply can’t choose.

Colour: Red

Flower: I don’t like flowers, so no faves.

Ice-cream: Chocolate

Movie: I love the movie Cellular. I thought it was intensely suspenseful. 🙂


Non-writing activity: Research. Does that count? No? Okay, then how about traveling and seeing new places.

Reading genre: Romantic Suspense, of course. I do enjoy a good, fast-paced historical, though.

Season: Winter!

Snack: Chocolate. Or a fruit salad that I make.

Sport (watch or play): Not really into sports, but I enjoy a good game of American football. 🙂

TV show: Blue Bloods or S.W.A.T.


Lynette’s Latest

Oath of Honor

Police officer Isabelle St. John loves her crazy, loud, law-enforcement family. With three brothers and two sisters, she’s never without someone to hang out with–or fight with. And she knows they’ll be there for her when things get tough. Like when her partner is murdered and she barely escapes with her own life.

Determined to discover exactly what happened, Izzy’s investigation sends her headfirst into a criminal organization, possibly with cops on the payroll–including someone from her own family. With her dead partner’s handsome homicide detective brother Ryan shadowing her every move, Izzy’s head is spinning. How can she secure justice for her partner when doing so could mean sending someone she loves to prison? And how will she guard her heart when the man she’s had a secret crush on for years won’t leave her side?

With her signature fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat action, Lynette Eason invites readers into a captivating new series where justice is a family affair.

Lynette’s first Blue Justice novel, OATH OF HONOR, has just released but she’s sharing a sneak peek with us of the THIRD book in the series!

Here’s a snippet from the third Blue Justice book that has yet to be named—or edited so have a little grace.

The window behind her shattered. She dove out of the chair to the floor. Brady’s body covered hers. He had a weapon in his hand before she could blink. Flames spurted from the hallway and the smell of gasoline burned her nose. “What’s going on?” she cried.

He yanked her to her feet and grabbed his pack. “We’ve got to get out of here and we can’t go out the front door.”

Smoke curled around her. “Then how?”

“The back door. Through the kitchen. We need to grab your shoes from the dryer.”

Another explosion shook the little cabin as Brady led her to the kitchen’s laundry room. The heat intensified. Moving fast, he grabbed her shoes and stuffed them into his pack. A quick look into the kitchen said they weren’t going out that way.

He pulled her back into the laundry room. “What are we going to do?” she cried.

He grabbed the string connected to the attic stairs and yanked. Once he had the steps down, he pulled her in front of him. “Climb!”

Thanks Lynette!

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Eason @ Relz Reviewz
Buy at Amazon: Oath of Honor or Koorong

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31 Responses to Lynette Eason: Fast Favourites (with giveaway)

  1. Though I don’t watch TV anymore, I used to watch Law & Order, which was fascinating. As for books, most of my favorite romantic suspense authors (Lynette Eason, Terri Blackstock, Dee Henderson, Irene Hannon, Dani Pettrey, DiAnn Mills, Ronie Kendig and the list continues) have a series or two (or more…) about law enforcement families so I definitely enjoy those!

  2. I don’t often watch tv but I read contantly in my free time and I have enjoyed many books about law enforcement by Lynette Eason and various other Love Inspired Suspense authors.

  3. Lynette’s books are always so exciting and well written. Out favorite family game is Bananagrams.

  4. Not a big tv or movie watcher, but I love all of Lynette’s Eason’s Elite Guardians series! Especially ‘Always Watching’! My friend has a b’day today and was told she could pick any book she wanted and I sent her the link to Oath of Honor. I just had a b’day and would love to receive it for mine as well! 😛

  5. My husband and I enjoy watching NCIS: New Orleans because we love Scott Bakula. My favorite law enforcement books tend to be Lynette’s and DiAnn Mills but there are so many good ones out there. I’m looking forward to reading this new series. Thanks for the interview and the giveaway. 🙂

  6. I really don’t watch law enforcement shows on t.v., but I love Lynette Eason’s books, as well as those by Dee Henderson & Irene Hannon.

  7. Kathleen Newberry

    I really like NCIS but I haven’t watched tv in a long time too busy reading great books.

  8. My favorite TV shows are any of the mysteries on Hallmark and Seal Team.

  9. I have watching and reading Murder She Wrote .

  10. My favorite law enforcement books are by authors Janice Cantore (all of her books), Sibella Giorello (Raleigh Harmon series), & Dee Henderson (Uncommon Heroes & The O’Malley series).

    My favorite law enforcement movie is Courageous (“Snake Kings”–my favorite part of the movie 🙂

    I enjoy watching law enforcement TV shows–started back when I was little watching CHIPS & old Andy Griffith shows. Moved onto the Ms of the 80s–Magnum PI, MacGyver & Miami Vice. And, it continues today with Blue Bloods, SWAT, SEAL Team, and The Brave.

    Looking forward to reading Lynette’s Blue Justice series, especially if it reminds readers of Blue Bloods.

  11. I haven’t watched any law enforcement shows in a long time. It’s been awhile since I’ve read any of Lynette’s books (probably time to do so again) and I can’t think of any other law enforcement themed books I’ve read lately.

  12. I love to watch law enforcement shows, but usually FBI. My favorites are X Files (Yay for new season!!), Alias, and we’re currently watching the Blacklist.

  13. I love your books! Also Terri Blackstock’s books, Thanks for a chance at the Giveaway!

  14. I don’t watch much TV, but I’ve read a lot of books involving law enforcement. I’ve read a couple of Lynette’s and enjoyed them, but I’m woefully behind. I need to catch up on hers. I’ve read several of Ronie Kendig’s and Susan Sleeman’s and loved them all.

  15. Dirty Harry Clint Eastwood.

  16. Danielle Hammelef

    My favorite police type of show is Psych. Watching it now with my daughter.

  17. Charis Zdrojewski

    Love Lynette’s books! I love the old TV show MONK.

  18. It’s not a movie, but I watch Blue Bloods every week. I’ve read all Dee Henderson and Dani Pettrey and started yours after y’all did the novella together. Dani just posted about the next one and I’m looking forward to that.

  19. Courageous ,Chicago PD, I love Dee Henderson, Terri Reed, and Lynette .

  20. I enjoy watching the “Father Brown” series on the PBS channel. Father Brown is a priest who lives in a small English village and solves mysteries with the help of his secretary who is also the village busy-body.

  21. Well, I will have to go with Dee Henderson’s books unless “The Wild Wild West” and “The Man From U.N.C.L.E” count for law enforcement TV shows. 🙂

  22. CSI, Law & Order, NCIS… all police/ crime dramas that I usually enjoy. Probably NCIS is my favorite right now.

  23. I love Castle! The first few seasons were the best. Such creative murders. We also watch all the BBC series – Endeavour, Vera, Shetland, Scott and Bailey, etc. I’m hooked!

  24. I don’t have a favorite, but I enjoy any law enforcement book I have read by Christian authors! We have some really great ones!

  25. I like NCIS: New Orleans

  26. Love books by Dee Henderson, Terri Blackstock, Irene Hannon. Blue Bloods, Castle, 24, Monk, White Collar, Lethal Weapon (new tv series), and Rizzoli & Isles are among some of my favorite tv shows.

  27. I love Lynette Eason and can’t wait to read her new book. I devour her books because of how fast paced they are. I am positive this will be another great one.

  28. NCIS and SWAT are my two favorites.

    Rel, thank you for the fun interview and the giveaway.

  29. About the only one we watch anymore is NCIS. We’ve followed it for a long time and there’s been so many changes over the last two years.

    Thanks for the giveaway for Lynette Eason’s latest book, Rel!

  30. …too many to name! I do love anything by Dani Pettrey, and of course, the Elite Guardian series by Lynette is a favorite!!

    Favorite TV shows include NCIS (ALL TIME FAVORITE!!), and I have seen an episode of S.W.A.T too. Definitely intriguing. 🙂

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