Lynette Eason: The Writer & her Book (with giveaway)

Lynette Eason

The lovely Lynette chats about Ellen, which character took her by surprise, and using baby name lists! Be sure to enter the giveaway below for your chance to win a copy of the final Elite Guardians story, Chasing Secrets.


The Writer

Please describe yourself in three words (ask your best friend or family if you are struggling!)

Work-a-holic, compassionate, fun

What’s your favourite season, and why?

Fall or winter. I love both because they’re not hot and there’s no pollen.

What is the best part of your day?

When it’s time to eat…haha!

What do you miss most about your childhood?

The days of running from one house to the other and simply being free to be a kid.

Which TV talk show host would you like to be interviewed by? Why?

Ellen. Because I just like her.

You are at a fruit market – what do you reach for first?


What was the first Christian Fiction novel you read?

I have no idea. Probably something by Janette Oke.

What is one author and/or book you always recommend?

Anything by Colleen Coble, Dani Pettrey, Dee Henderson (early works), Irene Hannon, Terri Blackstock, or Carrie Stuart Parks if you’re talking suspense.

What book character has stuck in your mind from a book you have read this year?

Alex, from The Chemist, by Stephanie Meyer. She was one tough character, but I REALLY liked her.

The Book


Elite Guardians bodyguard Haley Callaghan may be in South Carolina, but when a photo leads investigators in West Ireland to open a twenty-five-year-old cold case, her life is suddenly in danger. Haley knows how to take care of herself; after all, she’s made a career out of taking care of others. But after an uncomfortably close call, Detective Steven Rothwell takes it upon himself to stay with her–and the young client she has taken under her wing. A protector at heart, he’s not about to let Haley fight this battle alone.

In a sweeping plot that takes them into long-buried memories–and the depths of the heart–Haley and Steven will have to solve the mystery of Haley’s past while dodging bullets, bombs, and bad guys who just won’t quit.

What was the working title?

Revell Book #4

Describe your book in 5 adjectives –

Suspenseful, witty, emotional, plot-driven, page-turner

Which character took you by surprise?

The heroine, Haley, did. I didn’t realize she had such a diverse background or such a love for the homeless. That was really interesting to find out about her.

What was the latest you stayed up working on this story?

10:00PM. But I’ve been known to wake up and not go back to sleep. So I probably worked on it as early as 3:00AM at some point.

Which character’s name was the hardest to choose? Why?

I don’t really have a difficult time choosing character names. I just pull up a list from the internet of baby names and pick one I haven’t used before.

What’s something that didn’t make it into the final copy?

Everything made it. Except for the errors, I hope! Now, ask me this about the next book and I can give you quite a few examples!

Thanks Lynette!

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Eason @ Relz Reviewz
Buy at Amazon: Chasing Secrets or Koorong

RR Giveaways (2)

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39 Responses to Lynette Eason: The Writer & her Book (with giveaway)

  1. Lynette Eason is definitely one of my favorite suspense authors!!

  2. What a fun interview! It’s always fun to learn about authors and little things that make them who they are and then see it in their books. 🙂
    One of my favorite suspense authors is Dan Walsh.

  3. I don’t read a lot of suspense but I am enjoying Lynnette’s books. I also like suspense by Kristen Heitzmann, Sharon Carter Rogers, Sibella Giorello and Dani Pettrey.

  4. Lynette Eason, Daniel Pettrey, Dee Henderson, and Margaret Daley are my favorites!

  5. My favorites are currently Dani Pettrey and Dee Henderson.

  6. One of my favs is Dee Henderson. I have not read any of yours yet but would love to win a copy. Thanks! 😊

  7. Too many to choose from!! Does Ronie Kendig fall into suspense? Dani Pettrey, Irene Hannon, Dee Henderson, Terri Blackstock, Colleen Coble, and Lynette Eason are my go-to suspense authors.

  8. Lynette Eason is one of my favorite suspense writers. The Elite Guardians has been a fantastic series – can’t wait to read this one (even though I am sad it is the last in the series).

  9. You can’t ask avid readers to pick just 1 author!!!!! I have to agree with Lynette–Dee Henderson’s early works are still some of my all-time favorites. I LOVE Sibella Giorello’s Raleigh Harmon!! MK Gilroy’s Kristen Connor mysteries. Lisa Harris. DiAnn Mills. Irene Hannon. Ah–so many books!

  10. I haven’t read any of your books yet. (Key word being yet!) I’ve heard good things about your books, though, so my next stop is Amazon to look them up!

  11. I love the strong, compassionate women in the Elite Guardian series. I can’t wait to read this book.

  12. I enjoy Colleen Coble, Lynette Eason, Kristen Heitzmann, and Irene Hannon.

  13. I haven’t read any Christian fiction books with suspense yet. But this series sounds so intriguing. I can’t wait to get into it.

  14. What a wonderful book! Thank you for the chance to win. I a new to reading this genre.

  15. Lynette is my favorite.

  16. I don’t read a lot of suspense, so I don’t have a favorite author.

  17. danielle hammelef

    I think of Tara Altebrando and Ashley Elston when I look for suspense novels.

  18. Dani Pettrey is definitely one of my go to authors. I LOVED the Alaskan Courage Series!

  19. My absolute favorite suspense author would have to be Dani Pettrey the Alaskan series
    Dani is an amazing author.She just has a way with her writing were you dont want to put her book down!

  20. Oh my, the list is very long since suspense is one of my favorite genres. Dee Henderson was my first introduction to the genre so her O’Malley series holds a special place on my bookshelf. I also love Lynette’s stories. Dani Pettrey, DiAnn Mills, Irene Hannon, Terri Blackstock… Love them all!
    Thanks for the interview and the giveaway!

  21. I have to pick just one??? Oh my…lol!! 😉 Dani Pettrey, Irene Hannon, Lynette Eason, Dee Henderson, Nancy Mehl….and the list goes on. Also, many Love Inspired Suspense authors are on there.

    Thanks for the chance to win Lynette’s latest Elite Guardian series book, Rel!

  22. I don’t read a lot of suspense, but I do like a good Michael Connelly story.

  23. Dee Henderson and Hannah Alexander.

  24. All the authors mentioned thus far! I think we have a lot of great Inspirational authors who write suspense.

  25. Dani pettrey and colleen Coble are my favorite authors. They always keep me on the edge of my seat l.

  26. I haven’t yet had the chance to read a Lynette Eason book, but I hope to soon. My favorite suspense writer would be Lisa Harris. Thanks for the great interview and the opportunity to win a copy of this book!

  27. I wish I could say that Lynnette Eason is a favorite, but I have yet to read one of her books. I’ve been very interested in this series, though. One of my favorite suspense authors is Connie Mann – Most recently her book, Tangled Lies.

  28. Lynette Eason is definitely one of my favorite suspense authors, but a romantic suspense author I also love is Patricia Bradley. I’m happy both are staying busy writing lots of books.

  29. I really enjoy Lynette’s suspense novels. I don’t read many suspense books, but since she is a cousin of my husband, I had started reading her books some years back. I am sure I have missed out on a few, as I read mostly inspirational romance. She is a great writer!

  30. Lynette Eason is one of my favorite suspense authors! I also like Colleen Coble, Dani Pettrey, Patricia Bradley, Dee Henderson, … The list goes on. The Elite Guardian series are one of my favorites!

  31. Hands down, Lynette Eason is at the top of my list. After her, probably Irene Hannon, Dee Henderson, Sandra Robbins, Dani Pettrey, Susan May Warren, DiAnn Mills, Janice Cantore, etc., etc., etc! Romantic suspense is my FAVORITE genre and I grab everything these authors put out!

  32. Paula Hopkins love her

  33. One of my favorite suspense authors is Mary Kubica! 🙂

  34. My favorite suspense author is James Patterson.

  35. Frederick Forsyth was my favorite suspense writer.

  36. One of my favorite suspense authors is Harlen Coben, thanks!

  37. Dani Pettrey would be my next favorite.

  38. My fave is steven king

  39. I can’t pick just one! 😊I would say Lynette Eason, Dani Pettrey, Lisa Harris, Jessica Patch, Irene Hannon, Colleen Coble, Ronie Kendig, Dana Mentink, Christy Barritt, just to name a few…

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