Miss Match by Erynn Mangum and Aussie Giveaway!

Laurie Holbrook is inspired to play matchmaking after successfully introducing her sister to the man she marries. Laurie is now on a mission to marry off her friends all the while maintaining a firm commitment to remaining single herself.

Laurie’s neurotic yet loving Dad is one of only a cast of wonderful off-beat characters which include Laurie’s closest friend Brandon Knox and her new co-worker Hannah aka Beach girl Barbie!

As Laurie discovers she can’t always foolproof her plans, she also learns that friendship can come when you least expect it and that God ways might just be perfect after all!

Erynn Mangum’s delightful debut novel has well-placed quotes from The Princess Bride and Pride and Prejudice which make it a special treat! MissMatch is bursting with humour and engaging characters. Laurie’s heart in “helping” her friends is evident thoroughly investing the reader in the outcome of her marriage plotting! The development of Hannah as perceived through Laurie’s eyes is beautifully done as are the personalities of the guys in the story, Brandon and Ryan. Laurie’s personal revelation towards the end of the book leaves the reader (especially this one!) anxious to know what Erynn has in store for her in Rematch, releasing October, 2007 by Th1nk Books (NavPress).

Post a comment to be included in the draw for a copy of this book, suitable for teens and any woman who enjoys a great story, coffee, chocolate or a giggle! Open until midnight on Saturday 7th July, 2007 to Aussie readers only.

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14 Responses to Miss Match by Erynn Mangum and Aussie Giveaway!

  1. Could you pop my name in that draw?! Thanks Rel.

  2. That sounds really fun and I sure qualify in the list of coffee, chocolate, a good story and laughter. 🙂 Yep, I’m in–puh-leeze! 😀

  3. I agree that this book sounds like fun!Please put me in.

  4. Hip Hooray a book for teens also, please put my name in!!!

  5. add my name to the proverbial hat, thanks.

  6. I LOVE that book. Put my name in, please 🙂 Have a great July 4th. Oh, wait. LOL. Have a great WEEK!!!

  7. whoever wins this book is in for a treat!

  8. Im always up for a good story,chocky and coffee so please add me in.

  9. Hi Rel,Yes, my tbr stack is out of control. It makes me feel anxious which is exactly what reading is NOT supposed to do 🙂 But, if my stack starts to get too low then I also start to feel anxious, so what’s a girl to do?Miss Match is one of the books in my stack –looking forward to it.

  10. Please sign me up!!!I read “The truth Teller” the other day {did I already tell you this?}. Amazing!

  11. I’m back on line! Can you pop me in please Rel. Ta. Love Jen. Will email you all tomorrow.

  12. Dagggg!! Well, congrats to the future winner.

  13. Sounds like my kind of book!

  14. That book sounds great! Please include me in the draw! My email address is itsmyemail (at) bigpond.com

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