DJ is living at her grandmother’s house, but it isn’t just a normal house it is a boarding house for teenage girls. DJ doesn’t want to be there. When the girls start to arrive, DJ knows things are going to be hard, especially since she seems to be the odd one out.
Taylor seems out to get DJ, Rhiannon is all about religion and Casey, DJ’s old friend is completely different and not in a good way. Add to all of that peer pressure, fashion, boys and just getting along. The Carter House girls have a lot to figure out. To put the icing on the cake DJ’s grandmother was a model in 60’s and is trying to make them all into graceful young ladies.

September 24, 2008 at 10:54 am
What a great review Chloe-Anne!
September 24, 2008 at 11:18 pm
Fantastic review Chloe-Anne. You make this houseful of teenage girls sound intriguing and exhausting and yet like a traffic accident happening in slow motion, you can’t help but keep watching!