Nightshade by Ronie Kendig (with giveaway)

The fabulously talented Ronie Kendig has re-released the first book in her Discarded Heroes series, Nightshade. I’m thrilled this book is available once again. I re-read the updated Nightshade two weeks ago and fell in love with Syd, Max, and the team all over again! I’m re-posting my original review and encourage all my readers to get their hands on this stellar novel. The perfect purchase on Memorial Day!


A Rapid-Fire Rewrite!

This combat veteran is fighting a new battle–the homefront!

Former Navy SEAL Max Jacobs is one such hero, and now his war is for his family. Post-traumatic stress disorder, brought on from his times in battle, has ravaged his emotions. Rage explodes out of him with no warning and it’s destroying his marriage.

All his wife Sydney wants is the man she married back. But he’s lost, buried deep beneath his anger. Sydney files for separation and throws herself into her work as a journalist.

But when Sydney hunts down the soldiers behind a string of heroic interventions, she starts getting death threats. Finding the perfect ending for her story might get her perfectly killed. Max realizes what Sydney has entangled herself in and will stop at nothing to save her, but even he might not be able to rescue her from a world of intrigue and danger that she cannot imagine.

My take:~

Make room Dee Henderson, tip your hat Chuck Holton, Ronie Kendig has well and truly arrived and stamped her authority in the suspense genre! There are writers who excell at characterisation, others pace their stories to perfection while some can write a love story that touches the soul yet rarely have I seen those talents combined…until now! Just like the Hayabusa motorbike Max Jacobs rides, Nightshade is a powerful and electrifying read, accelerating through danger at breakneck speed and stirring deep emotion as Max and Sydney watch their marriage disintegrate and danger come to their door. Ronie’s ability to capture the male perspective is mind blowing as Max struggles to assimilate after his tours of duty in Afghanistan, finding safety and acceptance only in returning to high risk black ops missions. Men and women alike will find themselves captivated by Ronie’s exceptional talent and I can confidently say Nightshade is a book you will be unable to put down. The sequel, Digitalis, simply can’t come soon enough for me!

With thanks to the author for my updated copy of Nightshade

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Kendig @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Ronie’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: Nightshade

RR Nightshade

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22 Responses to Nightshade by Ronie Kendig (with giveaway)

  1. Honestly, I own quite a few! Not sure if I’ve read them yet! Shame on me! Must fix that very soon!

  2. Carol Alscheff

    I have read 3 or 4 Ronnie Kendig books and enjoyed them.

  3. I own a LOT of Ronie’s books and love tham all!

  4. I’ve read almost all of Ronie Kendigs books and love them all.Her latest series(including Tox Files) is my favorite to date!!

  5. I first read the Operation Zulu series, and the other series I’ve started is the Tox files with The Warrior’s Seal and Conspiracy of Silence, which is my favorite of hers so far. I can’t wait to read Crown of Souls!

  6. I’ve read a lot of Ronie Kendig’s books and have loved them all. I still have a few to catch up on, though! Hopefully, I can get to them soon.

  7. I have read eight of Ronie’s books, I own five and the rest are on my wishlist. 🙂 As of right now The Tox Files is my favorite.

  8. Rel & Ronie,

    I’m excited to go back to the beginning of Ronie’s authorial journey and can’t wait to grab a copy of Nightshade in paperback. I just love that new cover … it’s one of the best I’ve seen in a while. The blue & black is super.

  9. Excited to see it re-released! What a treat for readers. And love the cover.

  10. I’ve really been enjoying the Tox Files–both Warrior’s Seal and Conspiracy of Silence. But then, I’ve always loved Indiana Jones.

  11. I have read all but 2 of her books. My favorite????? I really can’t choose just one. I love all of her books. But, if I have to choose, it would be either The Breed Apart or operation Zulu series….but again, I love them all!

  12. Janet Estridge

    I have read all of her books because we have them all in the church library. I don’t have a favorite one because they are all good and hard to put down.

  13. I’ve read ten of Ronie’s books and loved them all. My favorite is either Beowulf or Conspiracy of Silence.

  14. Kelli Jo Calvert

    I’ve read two and a half (haven’t finished – been in the hospital). Code of Silence has been my favorite so far.

  15. I’ve only read one so far, but I loved it! Can’t wait to read more.

  16. I have most of Ronie’s books, not all yet (but getting close). I really don’t have a favorite, they are all great.

  17. ihave read and reviewed some of Ronie’s books and they are a joy to read. i am glad she has released this series again as I have not read these. Thanks Rel for posting this review

  18. I’ve read all of Ronie’s books and enjoyed every single one of them! It’s too hard to pick a favorite because they’re all so good!
    Thanks for this giveaway opportunity!

  19. I recently read Operation Zulu and loved it! This new cover is striking. Rel, thank you for the chance.

  20. I haven’t read any of Ronie’s books yet, but I have heard great things. This sounds intrigueing!

  21. I have read almost all of Ronie’s books and Dead Reckoning is my favorite!

  22. Haven’t read any of Ronie’s books yet, but my sister has several.

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