Turn to Me by Becky Wade (with giveaway) All That It Takes by Nicole Deese (with giveaway) The Buy-In by Emma St. Clair Sunrise by Susan May Warren with giveaway

Coming soon to Relz Reviewz

With Christmas over, I start thinking about the new year and what fun things it will hold in terms of my blog and the books I can’t wait to read. I will be taking my blogging hiatus shortly to spend time with my family while they are home from school and on a break from study but wanted to share some of the great things that will be happening at Relz Reviewz over the next few days and into 2011.

I’ll be celebrating the release of Ronie Kendig’s Digitalis, a brilliant military thriller with a love story you

Wishing you…

…a peaceful and joyous Christmas Day

Jim Rubart talks about Book of Days…

Check out Jim Rubart talking about his January release, Book of Days. I have had the privilege of reading it and Jim has again pulled of an intriguing premise which will have you pondering the underlying layers of this story.

Look for my review with giveaways in the New Year!

The winner of Love Finds You in Sun Valley, Idaho is….

Abi B ~ congratulations!

An email is on its way to you 🙂

A Man’s Heart by Lori Copeland


Jules sacrificed marriage to tend to her ailing father. Now Pop is gone, Cruz hates her, she’s caring for her deceased friend’s children, and her sister is furious that she’s been disinherited—all while Jules is struggling to save her father’s drought-stricken potato farm.

How much can one woman bear? Can she ever win back Cruz’s heart?

My take:~

Lori Copeland’s experience and talent carries this book about a woman who has jilted her man not once but twice, in favour of researching potatoes! Lori makes a potentially predictable story interesting by making Jules the one with commitment issues and

Coming soon from Jeanette Windle and Tyndale House

I’ve been anticipating Freedom’s Stand, the sequel to Veiled Freedom, for over a year now so it is fantastic to see it is on its way. My book club members will be very happy I have chosen it as a selection for next year. No doubt it will be an enthralling and challenging read.

Jeanette’s books are must reads!

Freedom’s Stand by Jeanette Windle

Jamil renounced a life of jihad when he encountered the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, but villagers and authorities in the hills of Afghanistan respond with skepticism . . . and even violence.

Relief worker Amy