Turn to Me by Becky Wade (with giveaway) All That It Takes by Nicole Deese (with giveaway) The Buy-In by Emma St. Clair Sunrise by Susan May Warren with giveaway

Seeds of Summer by Deborah Vogts with Aussie Giveaway


A heart-warming contemporary romance set in the Flint Hills of Kansas where a former rodeo queen abandons her dreams in order to care for her deceased father’s ranch and her two half-siblings, only to realize with the help of a young new pastor that God can turn even the most dire circumstances into seeds of hope.

Spanning the Seasons of the Tallgrass, each story in this series reveals the struggle of the people who live there and the dreams they have for the land until they come full-circle in a never-ending cycle, just as man comes full-circle in his …

Book trailer for Lisa T Bergren’s Claim

I’m looking forward to reading the conclusion of Lisa T Bergren’s Homeward Trilogy, Claim. Nic has been a great character in the first two books and he always does things the hard way. Can’t wait to see how his journey ends.

Enjoy the trailer:~

CFBA Blog Tour of Deceit by Brandilyn Collins

This week, the

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing


Zondervan (June 18, 2010)


Brandilyn Collins


Brandilyn Collins is an award-winning and best-selling novelist known for her trademark Seatbelt Suspense®. These harrowing crime thrillers have earned her the tagline “Don’t forget to b r e a t h e…”® Brandilyn’s first book, A Question of Innocence, was a true crime published by Avon in 1995. Its promotion landed her on local and national TV and radio, including the Phil Donahue and Leeza talk shows. Brandilyn is also known for her distinctive book on fiction-writing techniques,

Getting to know Bob Hamer

Bob Hamer is first and foremost a man of God but the list that follows after that is almost as inspiring ~ husband, dad, grandad, former Marine, retired FBI Agent, law school graduate and author…you get the picture!

Bringing all that experience to his writing, you can expect quite a ride from his first novel, Enemies Among Us.

Have fun spending time with Bob:~

If you could have chosen your own name, what would it be?

I’ve never really liked “Bob” and thought of going by Rob during a life transition…before college, after the Marines, before the FBI.

Book trailer for Linda Windsor’s Healer

I adore Linda Windsor’s books and Healer is going to be no exception, I’m sure 🙂

Really love this trailer ~ how about you?

Character Spotlight ~ Carla Stewart’s Sammie, Tuwana, Cly & Rita from Chasing Lilacs

Rita & Sammie Tucker, Tuwana Johnson & Cly MacLemore

You will find it hard to believe that Chasing Lilacs is Carla Stewart’s first novel. A beautiful story of a young girl coming to terms with all the pain and joy that life throws her way. With vibrant characters and a moving storyline, Chasing Lilacs is a must read. Enjoy this insight into the characters that make this story sing.

Over to you, Carla:~

Brief physical description of your main character/s

Sammie Tucker is tall for her age (12), thin, athletic, with long dark hair she often pulls into a pony