Turn to Me by Becky Wade (with giveaway) All That It Takes by Nicole Deese (with giveaway) The Buy-In by Emma St. Clair Sunrise by Susan May Warren with giveaway

The Potluck Club Cookbook by Linda Evans Shepherd & Eva Marie Everson

You may recall my good friend Tracy reviewed this book at Relz Reviewz back in September. When the chance arose for me to review it, I jumped at the opportunity given Tracy’s glowing praise and having now read and tried some of the recipes I have to agree with her 🙂

If you have been reading Christian Fiction long enough, you will have stumbled across novels that include a recipe or two as an added bonus to your reading pleasure, some concoction one of the characters has successfully or unsuccessfully cooked as part of the story! The Potluck Club series

12 Pearls of Christmas: God Provides a Way

A Long Ago Christmas Memory
by Patricia Crisafulli

The old farm on a dirt road in the backwoods of northern New York State was described to me so many times, I can imagine the place, even though I never saw it: the big frame house with the wide porch, the pair of maple trees out front, and the barn in the back where my grandparents kept a cow or two, pigs and chickens, and a team of work horses.

That old house came alive for me in dozens of stories that my mother told, of how she and her sisters

12 Pearls of Christmas: Jesus Comforts

How to Cope with Christmas
by Stacie Ruth Stoelting

Last night, I dreamed that God resurrected my beautiful adopted aunt, Mary Jo Hoffman. But morning renewed my mourning for her: Christmas trees, snow globes, and music greeted my grieving heart. Relate?

In previous years, my maternal grandpa (a.k.a. “Papa Ray”) died near Thanksgiving and my adopted “Grandpa Morley” died near Christmas. Now, people cannot compare grief. But I believe we all know that the holidays challenge the grieving.

Christmas arrives like a pretty package full of grief triggers: Empty chairs, missing faces, and silent voices seem to haunt the holidays.

Character Spotlight ~ Loree Lough’s Bryce Stone & Samantha Sinclair

Today the spotlight shines on Bryce Stone & Sam Sinclaire

Loree Lough brings us a Christmas story in her latest novel in the popular Love Finds You series from Summerside. Combining a Christmas theme with a humourous and tender tale of finding love in the town of North Pole, Alaska! Enjoy this look behind the scenes:~

Brief physical description

Taken straight from the synopsis that ‘sold’ the story to Summerside:

6’1” tall

210 lbs.

brown eyes
brown hair (Marine-short)

blind left eye (wears eye patch)


5’5” tall

115 lbs.


The winner of Whirlwind is………….

Caitlyn….as selected by a random number generator.

Congratulations! Please email me your address within 7 days to claim your signed and personalised copy or another winner will be selected.

Thanks to everyone who entered – it was fun reading about your bad guys!

12 Pearls of Christmas: Just God

A Tangible Reminder
by Mary Byers

Last year I read Me, Myself, & Bob: A True Story About Dreams, God, and Talking Vegetables by Phil Vischer, creator of the Veggie Tales video series. I was interested because my children grew up on Veggie Tales. But I was also interested because somewhere along the way I noticed Phil Vischer was no longer with Big Idea, the company he founded. I knew there must be a story there, so I picked up the book.

Though millions of children can sing the Veggie Tales theme song, Big Idea no longer exists. After expanding