Spring Reading Thing Wrap Up

What was the best book you read this spring?
From my list ~ Autumn Blue

What book could you have done without? Nup ~ all good!

Did you try out a new author this spring? If so, which one, and will you be reading that author again?

Annette Smith and definitely 🙂

If there were books you didn’t finish, tell us why. Did you run out of time? Realize those books weren’t worth it?

Ran out of time! See below for reason why!!!!

Did you come across a book or two on other participants’ lists that you’re planning to add to your own to-be-read pile? Which ones?

No, too busy trying to scramble through mine!

What did you learn — about anything — through this challenge? Maybe you learned something about yourself or your reading style, maybe you learned not to pick so many nonfiction books for a challenge, maybe you learned something from a book you read. Whatever it is, share!

Just confirmed how much I love a great book 🙂

What was the best part of the Spring Reading Thing?


Would you be interested in participating in another reading challenge this fall?


Any other thoughts, impressions, or comments.

Next time I will need to revise my list as the reason I didn’t finish all on my list was because I kept reading others that weren’t on it. For example, I read during this time:~

All the Tea in China by Jane Orcutt
Chasing Fireflies by Charles Martin
See No Evil by Gayle Roper
Simple Gifts by Lori Copeland
The Restorer by Sharon Hinck
Diva NashVegas by Rachel Hauck
Veil of Fire by Marlo Schalesky
Sunrise by Karen Kingsbury
Snitch by Rene Gutteridge……….and I could go on – LOL!!!

Thanks Katrina – it was fun! Hope you get a chance to drop by this time 😉

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4 Responses to Spring Reading Thing Wrap Up

  1. Oooh, you’ve read really good books Rel! Yaay books. Okay, Aussie’s do have funny slang: Nup. I may just have to use that one. Hehe. Hugs!

  2. I am adding Autumn Blue to my TBR list. You are a reading queen!

  3. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows

    I am adding Autumn Blue to my TBR list. You are a reading queen!

  4. Looks like you read some great books, and I fully support reading books that weren’t on the original list — sometimes it’s just too hard to pass up a book that calls to you! 🙂 Thanks for being part of the Spring Reading Thing!

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